Hello, 2021 丨 Mobile party branch in city village does practical things for villagers → | Shenzhen | Sichuan | Dazhou_Sina Technology_Sina.com


Original title: Hello, 2021 丨 The mobile party branch in the city village does practical things for the villagers → Source: CCTV News Client

Mobile party branch

Help migrant workers and villagers take up legal weapons

Huang Beiling is located at the eastern end of Shennan Avenue in the Luohu District, Shenzhen.

Located in Shenzhen, Huangbeiling is not prosperous, but it is more realistic. Here you can still see row upon row of handshake buildings where cheap necessities can be found and artisans can be seen everywhere … Many migrant workers came to Shenzhen as their first stop, most of them from Dazhou, Sichuan. people.

Huang Beiling has a mobile party branch that mainly caters to other villagers in Dazhou, Sichuan.Founded in 2007 by 22 party members in Dazhou, Sichuan, there are now 102 party members.Qiu Xingtang, the secretary of the mobile party branch, is quite prestigious among Dazhou fellows in Huang Beiling.

Qiu Xingtang:U.SThis mobile branch has migrant workers as its main party members.His vitality is to do more activities, take advantage of vacations and days off to care, help and serve the residents of the town.

△ The mobile party branch held a meeting to summarize last year's workThe mobile party branch held a meeting to summarize last year’s work

December 19, 2020 is your year-end summary meeting.

One third of the newly developed party members were born in the 80s and 90s. Luo Hang is 30 years old, his parents came to work in Shenzhen many years ago, and they live in Huangbeiling for a long time. After graduating from university in 2011, Luo Hang also chose to settle here. Although he bought a house in Huizhou, he still lives in Huang Beiling and hopes to join the mobile party branch to do practical work for migrant workers and villagers far away.

Luo Hang:I like it (helps to buy)Same city ticketwhat,Condolences and assistance from other villagers in distressAh, your payment question. (Mobile Party Branch) They can do it. Being so influential is really good in Shenzhen. So by joining this, we also want to solve some problems of migrant workers through the ideas of our youth.

△ Key party members from the mobile party branch went to visit Luo Liuqiong, an injured villager.△ Key party members from the mobile party branch went to visit Luo Liuqiong, an injured villager.

Luo Liuqiong, 53 this year, is a cleaner at Huangbeiling Shenye Dongling Kindergarten. Not long ago, he slipped and fell on the job and injured his right elbow joint, causing a comminuted fracture, resulting in a labor dispute with his employer. On the 20th of last month, Qiu Xingtang took some representatives of the party members to see her.

At first, no one was responsible for Luo Liuqiong’s work injury. She went to the mobile party branch for help, and after several rounds of negotiations, the employer was willing to sit down and talk to her about compensation.

Qiu Xingtang:She went to kindergarten. The kindergarten said the cleaning business was outsourced to a cleaning company. She signed a contract with the cleaning company, but found the company and the company was unwilling to pay. We happened to have a branch platform, so I found a community work station, a kindergarten, a street court office, and an employment insurance center. I am following up on this matter.

Among the contradictions and disputes handled by the mobile party branches, labor disputes and lease disputes faced by villagers accounted for the majority.From Qiu Xingtang’s point of view, the key to its role as a branch of the group mobile isLet the villagers know how to use legal weapons to protect their legal rights.

Open skills training courses

Let peers learn real skills

The floating population represents more than 90% of the total population of Huangbeiling. At the peak, the floating population of Dazhou, Sichuan in Huangbeiling exceeded 30,000. Today, there are more than 8,000 Dazhou natives who live in Huangbeiling throughout the year. How can interns earn more money in Shenzhen and have more development opportunities? Qiu Xingtang’s first thought was skill training.

Qiu Xingtang:Why bother participating in skills training? See if you can get a little more sophisticated, a little technical, and make more money!Let them learn real skills and have a bigger living space here.

Where does the money for vocational training come from? Where to find the classroom? Is the partner interested? The mobile party branch is jointly managed by Tongchuan District, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province and Luohu District, Shenzhen City. Qiu Xingtang has received strong support from both places. last year,The mobile party branch took the lead in launching 4 training courses for domestic employees, covering 250 people, 10 live training sessions and more than 3000 people watching.

Lulan has lived in Huang Beiling for over ten years and now works as a nurse in a hospital and enrolled in the first training course.

Lulan:Learn about care, storage, and nursing for seniors, all of which are studied and many people sign up. I wanted to learn a long time ago, but I didn’t have enough time. As I work in the hospital, I know this is useful. If someone else has a child with a confinement wife or a nursing worker, the first is to ask if they have a birth certificate or a nursing worker certificate.

Integral reform

The town of the city shines with new vitality

In recent years, the low-rise buildings in Huangbeiling have gradually been turned into a new business district. In 2016, all the entrances and exits of Huangbeiling subway station were opened. As a transfer station, it is connected to various subway lines in Shenzhen. It is convenient to go anywhere.

△ A corner of the Shenye Dongling business district in the Huangbeiling community, where a new small business district is being formed△ A corner of the Shenye Dongling business district in the Huangbeiling community, where a new small business district is being formed

Lulan:Everything is done, including natural gas. I will burn natural gas in the future. All aspects are good. I don’t want to go home when I live here.

In 2017, the Dongling Garden after the transformation of the first phase of Huangbeiling village was moved back to the house and the local villagers benefited. In 2019, the Huangbeiling Conservation Center, funded by the village joint-stock company, was officially opened, opening a new model of “healthcare integration”. .

In my impression, urban towns with cross-flow of sewage, private construction, and hidden fire hazards have become increasingly livable after comprehensive environmental improvement. Foreigners who rented here also benefit a lot, but they are also a little more concerned.

Dazhou Native A:Big changes have been made, clean and sanitary, and public safety is much better. As before, this row was full of low buildings, but now they have all been demolished and the tall buildings have been repaired.

Dazhou B native villager:But our part-time workers don’t want to demolish.

For foreigners who rent in Huangbeiling, rent is always their main concern. Since 2018, Shenzhen has begun planning to slow down the pace of rebuilding urban villages.Miao Chunsheng, a senior engineer at Shenzhen Land Planning and Development Research Center, said:There are no large demolitions and large constructions, leaving a certain degree of flexibility and space for sustainable urban development.

Miao chunshengWithout the replacement of affordable housing on a large scale, urban villages should not be lost so quickly. Why is Shenzhen developing so fast and at the same time having such great innovation? The key point is that our housing security is provided by social funds, including urban towns. If this part of your home security is quickly adjusted and converted to commercial housing, these low- and middle-income groups, including college students who come here, will only be able to live further afield.

△ Huangbeiling Village Street△ Huangbeiling Village Street

Miao Chunsheng said that most of the previous models of towns in cities were completely demolished and replaced by modern urban areas. But when it comes to Shenzhen’s development stage, Shenzhen has chosen its own style.

Miao Chunsheng:We need to reverse the development model that focuses on demolition and reconstruction, and shift to this orientation that focuses on comprehensive renewal and ecological and organic renewal. The Shenzhen Municipal Government has invested a relatively large amount of efforts and funds to carry out the comprehensive renovation or comprehensive treatment of urban villages, their underground pipelines, the improvement of their public facilities, the tightening of roads and safety. fire and gas inside. The security of our country is now our top priority.

It is understood thatShenzhen plans to incorporate some urban villages into the policy-based housing security system through large-scale leasing.In the future, through comprehensive rectification, the environment of urban villages will be better; By deepening the reform of the household registration system, more floating population can also enjoy the dividends of urban development … Qiu Xingtang is also planning in its heart, how can the mobile party branch do more?

Qiu Xingtang:This branch of ours can use party members to participate in community activities and transfer social resources to them. Let them feel the organization of the party and the benefits that Shenzhen brings them, and he will consciously integrate into it. In the socialist pilot demonstration zone, the floating population also has a culture How can we participate in the construction of Shenzhen at this time?

Say goodbye to extraordinary 2020, and the brand new 2021 is here. The Voice of China released a large-scale record New Year’s Day report in 2014.10 Reporters continuously monitor and sample observations at 10 grassroots places and individuals in China each year to record the progress of times, society and the world. country, and show the growing sense of profit of micro-individuals. Feeling of happiness and security.

At the beginning of the new year, we open these 10 livelihoods samples for the eighth time. From Bubing Primary School in Guangxi to Huangbeiling City Village in Shenzhen, from Ashnu Township in Qinghai to Cuncao Chunhui Nursing Home in Beijing, from Liuliu Street in Hangzhou to Shanghai Free Trade Zone. .. Those who have always worried and missed us, How is your year going? What are your new wishes and expectations? Voice of China’s large-scale record report “Hello, 2021”, the seventh episode “Mobile Party Branches in City Villages” airs today.

Reporter 丨 Guan Xin Zheng Zhuzi

Photography 丨 Guan Xin

Editor 丨 Zhao Yuqi
