Hangzhou City Grassroots Party Building Empowers Community Governance Building “Residents Can’t Live Without” Community Organizations-Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net


Grassroots Party Building in Hangzhou City Empowers Community Governance and Building “Residents Can’t Live Without” Community Organizations

Zhejiang DailyNews “Since 2020, under the leadership of party members and cadres, 3 residential elevators have been installed, 63 needy people have been cared for, and more than 250 elderly people living alone have been cared for, and the participation rate in the Community waste classification has exceeded 98% … “After the” report card “of the Yanzinong District Party Branch, Yu Hong, Wangma Community Party Secretary, Changqing Street, Xiacheng District , Hangzhou, have more confidence to do New Year’s work.

Like the Wangma community and its Hengyanzi Nong community, changes in governance are taking place in more communities in Hangzhou. This stems mainly from the “Party Building Leading Community Governance” reform project implemented by the Hangzhou Municipal Committee Organization Department since 2020, which includes the comprehensive building of a strong community party organization, the fabric of a matrix dense mass party service, deepening the government structure of “tripartite coordination” and advancing the construction of digital intelligence communities On this basis, formed 20 measures for the construction of urban-based parties to empower community governance , strengthen the five community governance mechanisms, including organization and operation, service delivery, grassroots democracy, multi-party participation and support for smart governance, to create “residents cannot live without them.” Community organization.

“With the ‘nine pitch system’, the community has more ways to serve the masses,” said Lu Xueping, deputy secretary of the Limeqiao Community Party Committee, Xixi Street, Xihu District. “Nine pitch system” refers to network chiefs, sheriffs, urban management team leaders, self-management team leaders, safety team leaders, runner leaders, community leaders, cultural and sports team leaders, and leaders of films from the surrounding agencies, businesses and institutions included in the community governance system Since its implementation, it has solved many livelihood issues such as rebuilding the sidewalk at the community gate and optimizing traffic. Hangzhou also began building a multi-party participatory governance structure under the leadership of the community party organization, launching the Linking Heart Bridge Action group organization, community social organizations “double force the first”, the cultivation of community red volunteer team and other measures, expanding the “circle of friends” that serves residents.

The “three extensions” of community services allow residents to enjoy the benefits of optimized community governance. Hours of service extend to employees, methods extend to computerization, and modes extend to active door-to-door services. Zhou Hao, a recent college student from Changmuyuan Community, Dinglan Street, Jianggan District, praised, “There are still people in the community at 7:30 at night. , My residence permit will be liquidated soon. “

Party formation enhances governance and demands more from community workers. In Gongshu District, more than 350 community cadres became “community commissioners”, serving as first secretary and head of the community network. Hangzhou creates a strong “one-stop” team of community workers, implements the system of “one-stop social worker, one-stop service”, implements a negative list system for access to community work, and improves the community work evaluation system and evaluation that takes the satisfaction of community residents as an important measure. Results dissemination mechanism.

The competent person in charge of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee Organization Department said that through the city’s grassroots party building, it is necessary to gradually build a community governance pattern of “party building leadership, multi-party participation , synergy and integration of four governorates “to further consolidate community governance and strive to build satisfied residents Beautiful home.

Source: Zhejiang Daily Author: Correspondent Cheng Jian, full reporters Wenghao Hao Editor: High Tingting
