Hainan Free Trade Port Industry Catalog Solicits Opinions To Add 6G, Aerospace Biomedicine And Other Industries-Financial News


Original Title: Hainan Free Trade Port Industry Catalog Solicits Opinions, Adding 6G, Aerospace Biomedicine and Other Industries

At the Hainan Free Trade Port, which is under construction, what other industries will develop in the future?

The National Development and Reform Commission has just published the “Catalog of Industries Powered by the Free Trade Port of Hainan (2020, Draft for Comments)” (hereinafter the “Draft for Comments”) which gives the answer.

On September 1, the “Draft Comments” posted on the website of the National Development and Reform Commission showed that, in order to implement the requirements of the “Master Plan for the Construction of the Free Trade Port of Hainan”, the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port and this catalog is formulated according to the actual Hainan conditions. The catalog includes two parts: one is the industries encouraged in the existing national catalog of industries; the second is the industries recently encouraged in the Hainan Free Trade Port.

A China Business News reporter noted that the “recently encouraged industries in the Hainan Free Trade Port” are divided into fourteen categories, namely: agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishing, manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail and transportation. , Warehouse and mail industry, accommodation and catering industry, information transmission, software and information technology services industry, financial industry, commercial and leasing services industry, scientific research and technical services industry, water conservation , public and environmental facilities management industry, education, health and social work industry, culture, sports and entertainment.

These fourteen major industries involve hundreds of types of industrial projects.

For example, the manufacturing industry includes research and development of yachts and cruise ships, manufacturing, repair and maintenance and supporting industries, research and development and application of biomass material, teaching materials and development and production of teaching equipment, environmental protection coatings. for marine construction and protection, research and development and manufacture of marine renewable energy equipment, Products related to the aerospace industry, aerospace biomedicine, aerospace medical research and application and manufacturing of new energy vehicles.

Talking about the manufacturing industry, an official from the relevant department of the Hainan provincial government told the CBN reporter that the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port will vigorously develop high-end manufacturing in the future.

The wholesale and retail industry includes trade in bulk products (excluding products subject to quota management by the state), new international trade abroad, international trade in the seed industry, and construction and operation of auction companies. Among them, the CBN reporter learned that among the ten pilot projects identified by the Hainan provincial government, one of them is to test the development of a new offshore international trade.

Information technology, software and information transmission services industries include 5G and 6G technology development and business applications, quantum information technology development and applications, high-end or general-purpose processors, memories and operating systems, databases, biochips, and related data acquisition and processing. Equipment development and manufacturing, development and application of network and data security technology products, network and data security services, etc.

Regarding databases, Dong Xuegeng, director of Hainan Provincial Big Data Management Office, previously stated that it will accelerate the exploration of systems integration and innovation in the field of big data and rapidly improve the computerization of the province and big data construction and service capabilities will become the basic work of the construction of a free trade port. It will be a strategic and forward-looking job.

Han Dong, founder of Houlang Technology, said in an interview with a China Business News reporter that they have already conducted hands-on explorations in Hainan in terms of supply chain finance and blockchain + industry application solutions, and expressed positive optimism. on Hainan’s adoption of block + data technology. Emerging technologies, such as chains, empower entities, improve business efficiency and promote industrial digitization.

The financial industry includes personal credit research, corporate credit research, credit rating, credit enhancement and other financial intermediation services, building a two-way open service system for cross-border investment and financing, international spot trading venues such as international energy , shipping, bulk products, property and capital rights, etc. Construction of spot clearinghouses and international exchanges of intellectual property, spot (including depository receipts), insurance policies, prices (indices) and related OTC derivative transactions, financing, clearing (settlement), settlement (settlement) , risk management, information services and other related businesses.

It is worth noting that in the “Master Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port”, there are relatively many chapters that involve the financial industry, and the content is also very important. A China Business News reporter learned that the financial industry of the Hainan Free Trade Port is currently advancing four major development strategies at full speed: one is a cross-border investment and financing strategy; the other is a comprehensive opening strategy; the third is a high-level internationalization strategy; and the fourth is financial. Scientific and technological innovation strategy.

The “Draft for request for comments” establishes that this catalog is applicable to companies that produce and operate in the Hainan Free Trade Port, among which companies with foreign investment will be implemented in accordance with the Catalog of Industries that Promote the Foreign investment.

Massive information, accurate interpretation, all in the Sina Finance APP

Editor in charge: Zhang Mei
