Hainan focuses on building a free trade port, formulates 18 systems integration and innovation tasks_Region


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Formulate 18 innovation and systems integration tasks

Hainan focuses on building a free trade port

Source: Economic Daily

Haikou, October 26, journalist Pan Shipeng learned of a press conference held by the Hainan Provincial Information Office: Hainan recently issued the “Innovative Action Plan for the Integration of the Hainan Free Trade Port System (2020- 2022) “. The plan focuses on the most prominent, urgent and difficult problems in the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port. It has formulated 18 innovation and systems integration action tasks, focusing on solving the difficulties, blocks and weaknesses that most concern market agents and people.

According to the plan, Hainan will promote comprehensive, vigorous and high-level innovation in system integration around free and convenient trade, free and convenient investment, free and convenient cross-border capital flow, the entry and exit of Free and convenient staff, free and convenient transportation, and safe and orderly data flow. Preliminary establishment of an efficient and complete legal and regulatory system, an internationally competitive fiscal and tax system, an efficient operation of the information flow systems for the flow of logistics capital and people, and a safe and strict system of prevention and control of risks. The business environment and levels of social governance are close to the first-class national level. The main body has grown substantially, industrial competitiveness has been significantly improved, and the quality and efficiency of economic development have been significantly improved.

As for the integration and innovation of the system in the establishment of party and government organs, functional powers and management methods, the large-scale department system reform is carried out according to “one kind of matter is managed by a department “, and an administrative management system with full functions, simple institutions and high efficiency is established. Streamline the party and government institutions step by step, and gradually establish and improve an administrative service structure that meets the development needs of the Hainan Free Trade Port. At the same time, accelerate the digital transformation of government agencies and parties.

In terms of system integration and innovation for investment freedom and convenience, greatly relax market access, strengthen protection of property rights, ensure fair competition, create an open, transparent and predictable investment environment , by compiling a negative list of access to foreign investment and a special list of relaxed access to the market, Pilot the qualified presumption supervision model, and implement reform measures such as the convenience of canceling advertisements and optimizing procedures to further plus the vitality of market entities.

In terms of integration and innovation of systems for the freedom and convenience of trade, promote the facilitation of cross-border trade in goods, trade in services and the new international trade agreement, promote the free and convenient flow of various elements of cross-border trade, and promote gradually building a new regional international trade center.

The person in charge of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee Deep Reform Office (Free Trade Port Working Committee Office) stated that innovation in systems integration is not just repair and patchwork of a single department , a single field and a single system, but a multi-faceted, multi-field and multi-level politics. The “reinvented and integrated reinvention” of systems and mechanisms is a systematic, integrated and pervasive reform and innovation in all departments, fields and industries. Based on the 18 action tasks proposed in the plan, Hainan has formulated 60 specific tasks for each department and has established corresponding time limits for their completion to promote efficient and robust progress of various tasks.

(Edit: Wen Jing)
