Goodbye to the Guide for the evaluation of the quality of compulsory education entering only schools


Original title: Goodbye to the publication of the guidelines for the evaluation of the quality of compulsory education

On March 18, the Ministry of Education held a press conference to interpret the Guidelines for Evaluation of the Quality of Compulsory Education (hereinafter, the “Evaluation Guidelines”) issued jointly by the Ministry of Education and six other departments. Specifically, at the county level, the document requires that all localities establish a correct view of political performance and resolutely overcome the trend of only scores and only entering higher education; at the school level, morality should be the main task of educating people and strengthening moral education, physical education, aesthetic education, labor education, etc. Curriculum construction; At the student level, the “Assessment Guide” establishes 12 key indicators for students of the five aspects of morality, academic work and the body and mind to cultivate five-in-one comprehensive development students.

Overcome the trend of only degrees and only go to higher education

According to the relevant rules of the “Assessment Guidelines”, the assessment of the quality of compulsory education at the county level will focus on five aspects: values ​​orientation, organizational leadership, teaching conditions, teaching staff and balanced development. Among them, in the dimension oriented to values, the “Evaluation Guide” requires that all localities establish a correct vision of political performance, and resolutely overcome the trend of only scores and only enter higher education; all localities do not assign schools to enter higher levels of education indicators, and not only evaluate schools, principals and teachers based on the rate of progress; focus is not maintained. School; don’t advertise, don’t overdo the number one college entrance exam and enrollment fee. At the same time, in terms of the ecology of education, all localities should strictly control various school-oriented approval, inspection and acceptance, creation and evaluation activities, standardize various “campus” activities, and reduce the burden of homework. non-educational teaching for principals. and teachers.

Reducing the burden on primary and secondary schools has always been a focus of social concern. It is not only the needs of parents and students, but also an indispensable part of deepening the educational reform of the school. Lu Yugang, director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, said that in the process of formulating the “Assessment Guidelines” an in-depth study was also carried out on how to reduce the excessive academic load of students. “The effectiveness of promoting burden reduction is also included in the important content of the quality assessment of compulsory education.” In our understanding, the “Assessment Guide” clearly requires that the primary channel role of primary and secondary schools in after-school services Be strengthened from the county level and standardized for primary and secondary students After-school training activities and social competence to reduce excessive extracurricular load on students.

In addition, the publication of the “Assessment Guidelines” also gave clear instructions on building the teaching staff of the relevant units in the county and ensuring the teaching staffing, improving the quality of teaching staff and implementing the status and treatment. of teachers have become the center of attention. The county-level education department should rationally coordinate and deploy the establishment of each school, and incline the establishment of teachers to small-scale rural schools and municipal boarding schools; at the same time, guarantee the salary level of teachers in accordance with the law. , rationally verify the total salary for school performance and improve the distribution of salary for school performance. Measures to implement the subsidy policy for rural teachers.

To ensure equal educational opportunities and promote the balanced and high-quality development of compulsory education, the “Assessment Guidelines” once again clarified the relevant requirements. All localities should seriously promote full coverage of close enrollment without exams, standardize concurrent enrollment of public and private schools, and strictly prohibit illegal interregional enrollment and enrollment for the first exams. Balanced class allocation. It also ensures that the children of migrant workers who migrate to cities receive the same compulsory education.

Don’t post test scores or ratings

With the rise of quality education and the continuous implementation of the five teachings simultaneously, schools at all levels of compulsory education take on the mission of the new era. For this reason, the “Assessment Guide” emphasizes the five aspects of school operation, curriculum teaching, teacher development, school management and student development in assessing the quality of the school, and it requires schools to consider morality as the primary task of educating people. Formulate and effectively apply specific work plans for the implementation of the “Guidelines for Moral Education in Primary and Secondary Education”. At the same time, in terms of curriculum construction, schools should further strengthen curriculum construction, especially curriculum construction in moral education, physical education, aesthetic education, labor education, etc., pay attention to legal education, safety education and mental health education. and effectively develop and implement local courses, school-based courses. In addition, schools should strengthen homework management, sleep, mobile phones, reading materials, and physical fitness.

It is worth mentioning that, in order to reduce the burden of primary and secondary schools and implement the five teachings simultaneously, the “Assessment Guide” also emphasizes that each school should improve the methods of managing school homework, strictly coordinate the control of homework and homework time; control the number of exams and not publish them Exam scores and rankings, to achieve full coverage of extracurricular services, improve the quality of extracurricular services and prevent students from overloading their studies. “The school must coordinate the amount and time of homework, including homework difficulty, which cannot exceed the outline, cannot exceed the standard, there can be no strange questions and even repetitive, mechanical and punitive problems in the task This is not allowed. All of this will serve as important content of our behavior assessment and school management, “said Lu Yugang.

Zhu Dongbin, deputy director of the Basic Education Department of the Ministry of Education, also said in an interview with a reporter for the Beijing Business Daily that, as the main body to improve the quality of education and teaching, the school should organize the majority. of principals and teachers to first study the “Assessment Guidelines” and establish a concept of the correct school and students. The concept of education and education leads schools and teachers to the correct orientation of educating people. At the same time, the school should establish a standardized self-assessment working mechanism and implement the correct education concept in the school operation, school management and the teaching behavior of teachers.

In Zhu Dongbin’s opinion, evaluation is not the end goal. “The ultimate goal is to achieve through evaluation and promote construction through evaluation, and continuously improve the quality of education and teaching of the school.”

Students grow healthy

According to the notification requirements of the Ministry of Education, the results of the evaluation of the quality of the development of the students will serve as an important basis for the evaluation of the quality of the school and compulsory education at the county level. The evaluation of the quality of the student’s development will also focus on five aspects of the student’s moral development, academic development, physical and mental development, aesthetic literacy, work and social practice, with the aim of promoting the integral development of the moral, intellectual, physical and artistic of the students. skills and cultivate adaptability for development throughout life The correct values, necessary qualities, and key skills required for social development.

These five aspects include 12 specific evaluation criteria that include ideals and beliefs, social responsibilities, study habits, physical and mental quality and social experience. When participating in sports activities, students must actively participate in physical exercise for at least 1 hour a day to achieve fitness monitoring standards and master 1-2 sports skills to effectively control myopia, obesity, and poor posture of the column. At the same time, they have the positive psychological quality and the ability to cope with the pressure of study, life difficulties and seek help.

Dong Qi, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and director of Beijing Normal University, said that in the past, the management of education and practical work, we pay more attention to the education curriculum, teaching materials and other links , but we still pay more attention to the development of the students themselves and the quality of their development. It is not enough and not enough attention is paid to the benefits of input-output. “This” Assessment Guide “will take the actual development of students as a basic indicator to test the effect of education. Assessment of the quality of education at all levels should ultimately reflect on whether students can develop fully. This requires the county level, whether at the school or student level, we must focus on the core content of the quality of student development, highlighting whether the core task of Lide Shuren has been implemented and whether it will give our students a sense of Only in this way can we build The development of quality education and the promotion of a comprehensive development-oriented scientific assessment system for students. ”To this end, Dong Qi also specifically suggested that the Ministry of Education, the Department of Organization of the Central Committee and the relevant national departments should supervise and urge the province in the Process of Implementation of the Evaluation Guidelines The provincial governments and the governments of the local and municipal party committees have implemented this requirement in the governments of the district and county party committees.

Beijing Business Daily Reporter Cheng Mingjie Zhao Boyu
