Germany’s quota for women on the board of directors takes a “historic” step towards gender equality | Germany | Merkel_Sina


Original title: Germany stipulates that the quota of women on the board of directors is a “historic” step towards gender equality. Source: Reference News Network

Reference News Network reported on November 24 On November 22, the British website “Guardian” published a report entitled “Germany agreed to introduce a” historic “policy to impose a mandatory proportion of women on the board of directors of publicly traded companies”, stating that the German coalition government will impose the obligation to occupy management positions in the country’s listed companies The German board of directors praises this step as a “historic” step towards gender equality. The agreement stipulates that a management committee with more than three members must include at least one woman. The full text is extracted as follows:

On the afternoon of November 20, the Christian Democratic Union led by Angela Merkel and her ally Social Democratic Party reached this agreement. The agreement stipulates that a management committee with three or more members must include at least one woman, thus overturning the voluntary system that critics believe has failed to achieve gender equality.

German Federal Minister for Women Franziska Giffel said: “This breakthrough is historically significant. We are ending the history of no women on the boards of large companies. We are setting an example for a sustainable modern society. We are developing our All the potential of the country so that the best of the mixed team can be more successful. Because nothing is voluntary, we need guidelines to advance “.

Recent studies have found that the proportion of female executives in German companies lags behind other major economies.

According to a survey conducted by the Swedish-German Albright Foundation in September this year, women represented 12.8% of the boards of directors of the 30 largest companies in the German top-tier DAX index. According to the study, the figure is 28.6% in the United States, 24.5% in the United Kingdom and 22.2% in France.

The study also noted that among DAX companies, women in positions of responsibility are declining and “the number of DAX companies without a female director has increased from 6 in the previous year to 11 today.”

However, forcing large companies to act is likely to anger some in the German business community, who have always viewed the move as unwarranted interference with private companies.

This alliance agreement will also stipulate that in companies controlled by the federal government, the percentage of women on the supervisory board must be at least 30%.

The German government also stated that it will also increase women’s quotas for “public law companies”, such as health insurance companies, pension and accident insurance agencies, and the Federal Employment Agency.

[Lectura ampliada]Foreign media: Almost 90% of Germans said they “did it right” Merkel was highly praised for her 15 years in power

Reference News Network reported on November 23 According to a report by EFE in Berlin on November 21, 2005, Angela Merkel made history by becoming the first woman and former East German citizen to enter the German Chancellery. Fifteen years later, she became the most prominent and highly praised German politician.

The last page of Merkel’s reign is reportedly about to turn. He has made it clear that when this term ends, he will no longer seek reelection. Merkel’s continuity in the crisis of the new corona virus allowed her to regain the recognition of the general public, and the phrase used to refer to the end of her ruling “Merkel’s Twilight” also disappeared.

On that day in 2005, she reportedly obtained 397 votes of support out of a total of 611 votes in the German Bundestag and was successfully elected Chancellor. Experts believe that Merkel’s election has opened a “groundbreaking era in German history.”

The report also said Merkel “liberated” the Christian Democratic League (CDU) from scandal-ravaged former party leader Helmut Cole. Compared to veterans Conrad Adenauer and Cole, Merkel’s political stance tends to be more centrist and has even been labeled “social democracy.”

The report noted that a study by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation compared Merkel’s expectations of CDU members and voters. The results of the research show that the expectations of voters and members of the CDU party are quite different.

The report believes that Merkel’s shortcomings in the eyes of party members are the reason why voters voted for her. If Merkel, as party president, establishes a political position for herself, as many party members hope, the CDU may not be able to win the elections.

Overall, 86% of Germans now believe that they have “done well” in their 15 years in power, according to the report.

Some experts noted that the closer to the end of the term, the more voters recognize the leader’s political leadership. This is a common phenomenon, and some people may even hope that the leader will continue to be re-elected. But Merkel has undoubtedly marked a milestone in German history and is worthy of the nostalgia of all Germans.

On October 16, at the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, German Chancellor Merkel attended a press conference after the EU Autumn Summit. (Xinhua News Agency)

(2020-11-23 11:38:18)

[Lectura ampliada]German brewery will “block Merkel” to resist government blockade measures

Reference News Network reported on November 2 Foreign media said that a well-known brewery in Berlin, Germany, included German Chancellor Merkel and other politicians on the service’s “blacklist” to resist the authorities’ decision to implement blockade measures across the country since 2 executive manager of the brewery called “Permanent Representation Office” Jon Brinkman and his partner Jan Bubinger posted the news on Facebook.

According to a report by RIA Novosti Berlin on November 1, Brinkmann wrote: “The German government did not make good use of its time and did not prepare the people and the economy for the second wave of winter (the new corona epidemic). April. The burden on medical institutions has reached its limit, the chain of infection cannot be traced, and hospitals are understaffed – these conditions had been predicted before, but the government has done nothing. According to Institute statistics Robert Koch, infections in food establishments represent only (Of all infectious cases) less than 3%. But now the government wants us to suspend business nationwide. “

He said: “This is performance art, not a serious measure. Do you really think blocking the catering industry can save the economy? Isn’t our industry that provides 2.5 million jobs not part of the economy? You know, a lot of politicians. They are our clients. We put these politicians who announced that the restaurant industry would once again be ‘blacklisted’. “

According to the report, in addition to Prime Minister Angela Merkel, Finance Minister Olaf Schultz, Bavarian Governor Marcus Zeder and Berlin Mayor Michael Müller are on the “black list”. You.

To control the new coronavirus pandemic, Germany decided to implement “limited isolation” measures from November 2 until the end of the month.

On October 24, in the German capital Berlin, masked pedestrians crossed a street. Xinhua News Agency

(2020-11-02 12:00:31)

[Lectura ampliada]Berlin, Germany decided not to dismantle the bronze statue of the “comforting woman”

This is a bronze statue of a “comforting woman” taken in Berlin, the capital of Germany, on October 15. According to a recent report in the German media, a court in Berlin, the German capital, ruled not to demolish a bronze statue of a “comfort woman” in the center of the city after protests by South Korean civil organizations and the population. local. The Japanese Foreign Ministry and the Japanese Embassy in Germany have reportedly been pressuring the German Foreign Ministry and the Berlin City Government to remove the bronze statue. To avoid “getting entangled in diplomatic disputes”, the city of Berlin was originally scheduled to dismantle it on the 14th of this month. However, as many South Korean civil organizations and local citizens protested near the bronze statue in recent days, the Berlin city court subsequently decided not to temporarily dismantle it, Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shan Yuqi.

On October 15, in Berlin, the capital of Germany, a pedestrian stopped to gaze at the bronze statue of the “woman of comfort.” According to a recent report in the German media, a court in Berlin, the German capital, ruled not to demolish a bronze statue of a “comfort woman” in the center of the city after protests by South Korean civil organizations and the population. local. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japanese Embassy in Germany have reportedly been pressuring the German Foreign Ministry and the Berlin City Government to remove the bronze statue. To avoid “getting entangled in diplomatic disputes,” the city of Berlin was originally scheduled to demolish it on 14 this month. However, as many private South Korean groups and local citizens protested near the statue in recent days, the Berlin City Court subsequently decided not to demolish it temporarily, Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shan Yuqi.

On October 15, two pedestrians saw the bronze statue of the “comfort women” in Berlin, the capital of Germany. According to a recent report in the German media, a court in Berlin, the German capital, ruled not to demolish a bronze statue of a “comfort woman” in the center of the city after protests by South Korean civil organizations and the population. local. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japanese Embassy in Germany have reportedly been pressuring the German Foreign Ministry and the Berlin City Government to remove the bronze statue. To avoid “getting entangled in diplomatic disputes,” the city of Berlin was originally scheduled to demolish it on the 14th of this month. However, because many private South Korean groups and local citizens protested near the statue in recent days, the Berlin City Court subsequently decided not to demolish it temporarily, Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shan Yuqi.

(2020-10-16 11:58:38)
