General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about things | My 2035 is not a dream! -Test the Struggles and Dreams of the “Dream Builders” of Various Times-Xinhua


(Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era: a new chapter in a new era, a new chapter, Secretary-General Xi Jinping’s concern)

My 2035 is not a dream! ——Test the struggles and dreams of the “dream builders” several times

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 10 Question: My 2035 is not a dream! ——Test the struggles and dreams of the “dream builders” several times

Xinhua News Agency reporters Niu Jiwei and Sun Renbin

The Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed the long-term goal of basically realizing socialist modernization by 2035. What kind of future are you and I building together on the giant ship “China” to pursue dreams? Reporters from the Xinhua News Agency reached out to “dream builders” of different ages and industries, and listened to everyone’s struggles and visions for the future.

  [Personaje uno]9-year-old basketball player Ma Mingyang: As a basketball player, you should also be a national pillar.

[Historia de lucha]Ma Mingyang is a student in the third grade class 13 of Hongqiao No.1 Elementary School in Harbin. In second grade, because of his agility and height, he was selected by the physical education teacher to train on the basketball team, every day he used morning exercises to practice ball at school. After hard training, a year later, as a member of the Hongqiao Primary School Girls’ Basketball Team, her team won the 2020 Heilongjiang Primary School Basketball Championship.

[Mensaje del futuro]Piano level 8. Good as a host, swimming and skating. Now Ma Mingyang falls in love with basketball again and goes to professional institutions outside of school to train twice a week. She said, “I hope to become a Chinese basketball player in the future. Besides practicing basketball, I also want to study hard and get admitted to a good university. My life will be more exciting 15 years later.”

[Imagine 2035]”In 2035, I will be 24 years old and in graduate school. I will study and do experiments in the morning, and participate in college basketball league practice in the afternoon. After graduation, I can choose to start a professional career at the overseas or with the best Competition in the Chinese arena. “

  [Personaje 2]33-year-old “second generation shed” Cao Youzhong: new farmers have new vitality

[Historia de lucha]In 2018, Cao Youzhong returned to his hometown in Gengdian Village, Jiazhai Township, Chiping County, Shandong Province to start his own business. He became the first new farmer in the village to be an e-commerce business and open an online store, and he was also the largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the village. , He founded his own vegetable brand “Duoyuan”. In June this year, Cao Youzhong opened an online store in Pinduoduo and sold 35,000 tomatoes in 15 days, opening a new channel for the town to connect production and sales. At present, Cao Youzhong’s new career is still in its infancy, but as fruit trees gradually enter the fruit-bearing period, the spring of the career is not far off.

[Mensaje del futuro]Cao Youzhong said that the country will basically carry out agricultural modernization in 2035, and the new farmers should hurry. “In recent years, more than 80 young people from our village have returned to the countryside from the cities to start businesses. The villages with young people are full of vigor and vitality. The new generation of young farmers is completely different from their parents, and also We will build a new rural revitalization framework. “

[Imagine 2035]”The organic melons and fruits from the orchard are fragrant. At 48 years old, I will sit under the pear tree and have tea with the tourists who come to sightsee and talk about the changes in the village. In the orchard, the drones are planting organic fruits and vegetables. Fruit tree robots are controlling the growth of fruits. Orders are coming in. As soon as the big data center issues instructions, the sorting robots in the warehouse will start to sort and pack fruits according to the orders. At that time, delivery vehicles must be unmanned delivery vehicles. Got it! “

 [Personaje 3]Wang Yuxiong, 44-year-old Tibet aid chief: Rural children need a quality education too

[Historia de lucha]Wang Yuxiong is the deputy principal of the Hubei University-affiliated high school. In May 2017, he was selected by the Hubei Province Department of Education to become the first group of “group style” educational aid cadres in Tibet, and served as the principal of Shannan No.1 High School. in the city of Shannan. After the expiration of his service, he voluntarily applied to stay in Tibet and is currently the principal of Donghui Middle School. In aid to Tibet, he raised funds to build new teaching buildings for the school, changing the backwardness of the “tent school”. Today, Wang Yuxiong not only does a good job of managing daily teaching, but also organizes Tibetan teachers and students in exchanges across the country to increase talents and broaden their horizons.

[Mensaje futuro]”When I first arrived in Tibet, many children were taught in simple school buildings made of tents, which made people feel distressed. So I decided to stay.” Wang Yuxiong said: “By 2035, the gap between urban and rural regional development and the lives of residents The level gap has narrowed significantly. At that time, Tibetan children will have better living and educational conditions, and children from rural areas will also have the opportunity to enjoy a high-quality education. “

[Imaginación 2035]”When I was 59 years old, I should have already returned to Wuhan, my hair was gray, but I still had to work on the Sanchi podium. Every now and then, it is better to have students teach during the aid to Tibet and call holograms of everyone. Video call, everyone can talk about new experiences and experiences. At that time, transportation is more convenient, and soon from Wuhan to Tibet, I will often take my family to the place where I used to support education during the holidays and see the rapid changes there. … “

  [Personaje 4]55-Year-Old Special Police Captain Zhang Baoguo: Everyone Can Have “Stable Happiness”

[Historia de lucha]In 1999, Zhang Baoguo moved from the military to the Jinan Public Security Bureau as an EOD talent in short supply, becoming the first and only professional EOD player in the office. The current deputy director of the Jinan Public Security Bureau special police detachment once set rules for team members: “I will go first if I have an EOD mission. If I am no longer an EOD mission, whoever has the longest party will go. “. Since the police, he has done it repeatedly and “” Reaper “passed, successfully disposed of more than 110 times at the scene of the explosion and removed more than 140 explosive devices and suspected explosives, and was rated as a first-class hero in the national public security system.

[Mensaje futuro]Zhang Baoguo was very pleased that his daughter was admitted to the China People’s Public Security University in 2019. He said: “In 2035, the construction of Safe China will reach a higher level, and his daughter should have become a people’s policeman. it can carry heavy loads. The rule of law in society is now higher and the crime rate will drop even further. I hope my daughter can have that era. “

[Imagine 2035]”In 2035, I should retire. I usually take my grandson to visit Jinan. At that time, the robot police will be on patrol and on duty. My trainees just need to sit in the intelligent command center. Process all kinds of police information sent by the police. robot cop “.

  [Personaje 5]79-year-old artist Tian Lianyuan: Today’s “Old Quyi” is a great market in the future

【Fighting history】 Tian Lianyuan was born into a folk arts family. At the age of nine, he learned art from a master and learned to sing the Xihe drum and practice sanxian. Because of his magnificent performing arts, some people call him “with one mouth, speaking of the world’s most important events. A person travels through ancient and modern time and space. With a fan movement, the lighthouse smoke reappears. ” In recent years, the performing art of storytelling has been affected by popular entertainment programs, but Tian Lianyuan, as a representative heir to the national intangible cultural heritage, has always insisted on teaching apprentices and inheriting the performing skills of the narration. Tian Lianyuan, 79 this year, is currently filming the storytelling program “The Centennial of the Founding of the Party” at his home in Beijing.

[Mensaje futuro]”Pingshu is an ancient art, but it has an irreplaceable role and value in shaping the national character and heritage of traditional culture.” Tian Lianyuan said: “I believe that by 2035, when our country becomes a cultural powerhouse, storytelling This traditional form of folk art will continue to introduce the old and produce the new, and the ‘old folk art’ will also have a great stage and a big market. “

[Imagine 2035]”In 2035, I will be 94 years old. If my body allows it, I will also go on stage with my disciples and open a live broadcast to tell the world about a book. Or I will upload a video of my performance to the cloud, in a house of tea or a storytelling fan’s home, can be screened at any time, everyone is still a cup of tea, a paragraph of books, taste the charm of storytelling. “

Conclusion: The fifth plenary session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China basically proposed to realize the long-term goal of socialist modernization by 2035: “China’s economic strength, scientific and technological strength and comprehensive national strength will be greatly improved.” , “Enter the forefront of an innovative country”, “Build a country with a strong culture and education”, A country with talents, a country with sports and a healthy China “… The new plan for national development is the dream support of hundreds of millions of people, and what kind of wonderful vision China will usher in 2035 will also begin from now on, from the struggle of all Chinese Begins, really shine. (Participating reporters: Chen Hao, Wang Jian , Zhao Yufei, Wang Peng)
