Froome feels as good as recovered from the virtual course with INEOS | NOW


Chris Froome feels he has almost made a full recovery from last year’s heavy crash. The four-time Tour de France winner participated with several teammates on Sunday in a virtual INEOS team race.

“It is going very well,” Froome, 34, said of his recovery after the 28-kilometer virtual race. “I would even say that I have almost completely recovered.”

The Briton crashed in June 2019 while exploring the time trial at the Critérium du Dauphiné. He suffered fractures in his thigh, hip, elbow, rib cage and cervical vertebra.

After a long period of rehabilitation, Froome returned to the peloton in February on the Tour of the United Arab Emirates. After a 71st place in the overall standings, he found that he was no longer in pain, but needed more pace of competition.

‘Back to my normal training load’

A few months later he realizes that he has returned to his old training level. “I am still doing some exercises to improve the right side of my body, but I have returned to my normal training load.”

Froome finished sixth in the INEOS virtual race more than two and a half minutes from winner Rohan Dennis. It was the first time that he had led a ‘race’ since his performance in the Emirates. Due to the crown crisis, he is currently training at home in France.

“I am very busy with my children every day, I pedal my bike as much as possible and I also do a lot of strength training. We all stimulate each other, but we get through it,” he said.

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