From 2021, Henan University Entrance Exam Candidates Will Implement Parallel Volunteering | Henan | candidates for the university entrance exam | parallel volunteering_Sina


Attention Henan Sports Candidates! On October 27, the Henan Provincial Admissions Office issued a notice to implement registration for the main sports entrance exams of 2021 in ordinary colleges and universities. The provincial unified examination of sports careers in our province in 2021 is scheduled to take place from March to May. Starting in 2021, our province will implement parallel voluntary recruitment for sports careers.

Candidates must participate in the 2021 University Entrance Exam Unified Registration

The notice clearly states that candidates applying for physical education, social sports, recreational sports, and other related specialties that use the results of the provincial sports specialties as the basis for admission must participate in the unified registration of the province’s general university enrollment examination. Henan 2021.

The exam is divided into professional exam and cultural exam. From March to May it is planned that the 2021 provincial unified examination of sport in our province will take place from March to May, the specific time, place and organization will be organized according to the situation of prevention and control of the epidemic and a separate notice will be issued. The subjects and scores of the provincial unified exam for sports careers are still implemented according to the 2020 policy. Namely: the physical fitness test is a compulsory subject, a total of 3 items (standing long jump, 100 meters, the original scheduled shooting throw), each item is 40 points, the total score is 120; the special technical complete score is 30; the total score is 150 points. Due to the need to continue to fail the Special Technical Exam for Epidemic Prevention and Control, the score will be counted as the total score. Candidates must participate in the 2021 National Uniform Cultural Exam for University Admissions organized by our province.

The score line is based on a certain proportion of the provincial unified exam professional scores, the cultural scores and the number of enrollment plans for the athletic candidates, and the core and cultural control scores for college students and college students. High schools are divided according to arts and sciences.

Starting next year, the unified recruitment of sports specialists in our province will implement parallel volunteering

The notice is clear that starting in 2021, our province will implement parallel voluntary recruitment for sports careers. There are 6 college volunteers for the undergraduate and junior college lots, and 5 professional volunteers for each college volunteer. Candidates must send their professional sports volunteers in advance, and cannot request other types of volunteers in the same batch, but they can also request other batches of college volunteers.

The file archiving method is:

Bachelor of Physical Education: According to the rules determined by the enrollment colleges and applicants request, the candidate’s ranking results in colleges and universities are calculated, and the computer will retrieve them one by one according to the order natural of the parallel volunteers of the candidates and the corresponding ranking results. Matches, once a volunteer who meets the file conditions is retrieved and the plan is not full, they will enter the candidate file queue; if the plan is full but the candidate’s ranking score is higher than the candidate’s lowest score in the volunteer file queue, then the candidate will enter the file At the same time, the candidate with the lowest score will be removed from the queue of candidates to be chosen, and the next volunteers who have been eliminated will continue to be searched until all candidates have completed the voluntary search. After all candidates who meet the requirements of the submission requirements have been voluntarily registered, electronic files of candidates who have entered the submission queue will be sent to the admissions college at the same time.

Physical education students will make a simulated investment in accordance with 100% and 105% of the enrollment institution’s plan, and will provide the enrollment institution with information on the origin of the students. The enrollment institution will reasonably determine the transfer rate in accordance with the school’s reserved plan. The number of plans or transfer rate determined by the university and the minimum score requirements for a single subject must be submitted to our province through the “interactive platform” of the online admissions system prior to formal submission. After the mock presentation, our office will formally submit the presentations according to the number of plans or transfer rate determined by the admissions colleges and the minimum score requirements of individual subjects, and the school will review the admission.

Specialty in Physical Education: According to the unified submission rules established by our province, the results of the candidate’s classification are calculated and the results of the classification are classified from highest to lowest. According to the priority principle, the computer will be based on the natural order of the candidates’ parallel volunteers. Recovery and pairing. Once the volunteers with less than the planned quota have been recovered, they will be entered in the queue of the proposed file; When all candidates meeting the file requirements have been retrieved, applicants who have entered the proposed file queue will be selected according to 100% enrollment plan. The electronic files of the candidates are sent to each university at the same time.

Casting files: Sports undergraduate cultural specialties must be online, and the notice clarifies the calculation method for the file classification results.

Bachelor of Physical Education: based on the results of both cultural and professional online classification, they are calculated according to the presentation rules selected by the school. Colleges of admission choose one of the following 5 methods:

① [(文化课成绩÷文化课成绩满分)×100×100%]+[专业课成绩×0%]; The calculation formula is: the results of the classification of the archives = the results of the cultural courses × 0.133.

② [(文化课成绩÷文化课成绩满分)×100×30%]+[(专业课成绩÷专业课成绩满分)×100×70%]; The calculation formula is: the results of the file classification = the results of the cultural courses × 0.04 + the professional results × 0.467.

③ [(文化课成绩÷文化课成绩满分)×100×50%]+[(专业课成绩÷专业课成绩满分)×100×50%]; The calculation formula is: the results of the file classification = the results of the cultural courses × 0.067 + the professional results × 0.333.

④ [(文化课成绩÷文化课成绩满分)×100×70%]+[(专业课成绩÷专业课成绩满分)×100×30%]; The calculation formula is: the results of the classification of the files = the results of the cultural courses × 0.093 + the professional results × 0.2.

⑤[文化课成绩×0%]+[(专业课成绩÷专业课成绩满分)×100×100%]; The calculation formula is: File Classification Score = Professional Course Score × 0.667.

All sports specialties are calculated according to the unified set of the province ranking results, namely:[文化课成绩÷文化课成绩满分×100×50%]+[专业课成绩÷专业课成绩满分×100×50%], The calculation formula is: the file classification score = the cultural courses score × 0.067 + the professional score × 0.333.

How to treat candidates with the same score: The overall score calculated according to the formula will be rounded to three decimal places, if they are equal they will be ordered according to the score for language and mathematics.

Note: only one candidate number is allowed for each candidate

According to the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education, each candidate is only allowed to have one candidate number, and candidates applying for sports training, martial arts and traditional national sports (hereinafter referred to as “sports single movement”) or High-level sports teams must participate in the unified registry. The relevant requirements are as follows:

Candidates applying only for the “single sports movement” must register for the general college entrance examination in literature and science and select the option “single sports movement”. Candidates do not need to participate in the unified physical education examination in our province and the cultural examination of the university entrance examination, but must participate in the “sports single movement” national unified cultural class examination, and the specific arrangements shall be will issue separately.

Candidates who are only running for high-level sports teams in colleges and universities must register for the general college entrance examination in literature and science. Candidates do not need to take the unified physical education exam in our province, the types of cultural exams must be determined by the admissions college based on the candidate’s athletic level, and the specific modalities will be issued separately.

Candidates who also report the type. If “sports single draft” candidates or high-level sports team candidates participate in the “sports professional examination”, they must register for the sports college entrance examination (“sports single draft” candidates must still select the option to “also apply for single sports recruitment”) and participate in our province Unified physical education exam and cultural exam of the university entrance exam.

(Source: Henan Province Department of Education)
