Forward without fear and without danger – written on the occasion of the second anniversary of the creation of the comprehensive national fire rescue


Advance without fear or danger

The smoke rose and fell into the forest. They used hands and feet to advance and chase the fire up a steep 70 degree incline;

The flood is increasing and the embankment is desperate. They blocked the leak all night, fighting for 18 hours in the muddy water, soaking their feet until they wrinkled and turned white …

From the prosperous city to the vast forest, from the snow-covered plateau to the Gobi desert, they charge forward when people need them most. They have a common name: the National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Team.

On November 9, 2018, Secretary General Xi Jinping presented the flag and delivered a training speech to the national comprehensive fire rescue team. Over the past two years, this “blue fire” team of nearly 200,000 people has loyally practiced the four-phrase team building policy of “loyal to the party, strict discipline, go through fire and water and serve people of all. heart”. After a series of disasters and accidents, solid steps have been taken in reform, construction and development.

When you call, you must win

Take on the new mission of the main emergency rescue force and the national team.

“There is a vast ocean in front of me. I cannot see where there are flower beds or steps under the water.” In the early morning of July 8 this year, the surrounding flooding inundated Yantian High School in Duchang County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. 471 teachers and students were besieged. At a critical moment, Xiang Weiqiang, deputy director of the Yingbin Avenue Fire Station in Duchang County, and his teammates waded in retrograde more than 40 times in more than 5 hours. It took more than 10 minutes to walk in the flood, “said Xiang Weiqiang.

After reform and transformation, as the main emergency rescue force and national team, the national comprehensive fire rescue team has greatly expanded its responsibilities and assumed heavier responsibilities. Faced with the challenge of the “all disasters and major emergencies” mission, this team has accelerated its transformation and upgrading to train its troops and prepare for war.

——This is two years of chasing the wind and rain, and having more adequate emergency preparedness.

“In the past, we emphasized that the police must be dispatched quickly after disasters. The reform and transformation of the system posed new requirements for us: adhere to the combination of prevention and rescue,” presented the chief comrade in charge of the management department. emergency.

Take this year’s flood prevention and disaster relief for example. Before the flood, the fire rescue team assembled a 26,000-person flood rescue and fighting team and assigned more than 146,000 pieces (sets) of professional rescue equipment. After the flood, the emergency management department communicated with each other on a daily basis. Meteorology, water conservation, natural resources and other departments jointly negotiated and deployed more than 20,000 fire suppression agents in key watersheds, key projects and risk areas to fight for accurate deployment.

—— These are two years of streamlined coordination and more efficient deployment of forces.

Tasks are arduous and manning is limited. The comprehensive national firefighting and rescue team conducts coordinated operations according to plan in different regions. Crews in the incident area perform preliminary setup and surrounding crews are ready for reinforcement to ensure sufficient force is expended the first time.

In this year’s flood season, in response to the severe flooding in Jiangxi, Anhui, Sichuan, Jilin and other places, the fire rescue team organized 4 large-scale trans-regional reinforcement operations, and the restructuring system sent more of 3,800 professional forces to help urgently. In the past two years, the long-distance interregional mobility of the forest fire fighting team has been strengthened, and 10,000 people can be selected to deploy mobile reinforcements. In 2019 alone, there were more than 40 interregional reinforcements.

—— These are two years of hard training and effective enhancement of actual combat ability.

In southwestern China, where earthquakes are frequent, various rescue forces practice rescue skills in small spaces; In high mountains with an altitude of more than 5,500 meters above the snow line, the Lhasa National Mountain Rescue Brigade has worked hard to practice ice and snow climbing and canyon rescue …

In the past two years, the Department of Emergency Management has coordinated the distribution of forces and established professional rescue teams in different regions and types of disasters. Currently, 8 professional mobile teams have been formed across the country, South and North air rescue bases have been built, more than 2,800 professional rescue teams have been established in various places, including earthquakes, waters, mountains and caves.

Constant transformation of the innovation mechanism

Take a new path to build a fire rescue team with Chinese characteristics

Can this team be transformed and formed? After the restructuring, will the sense of honor, unattractiveness and weakened combat effectiveness diminish? At the beginning of the reform, some people expressed such concerns. To ensure the orderly implementation of the reforms, a series of system designs and support guarantees have been introduced during the break-in period.

Policy design is more mature. Qiong Se, a member of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Emergency Management and Director of the Fire and Rescue Bureau, said: At present, 26 supporting policy documents have been issued, including firefighting and rescue ranges, firefighter recruitment and salaries. At the same time, local party committees and governments have also been very supportive. And political preferences.

The rescue mechanism is more efficient. “Now that the green channel has been opened, the interregional emergency rescue can be reported immediately.” Zhang Yinghai, head of the Kunming Aviation Rescue Detachment of the Forest Fire Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management, introduced that a multi-departmental early warning consultation, investigation and response mechanism has been established to communicate with the military and society. Emergency forces and large companies have established joint logistics and joint insurance cooperation.

The logistical support of the team is more adequate. UAV with a flight altitude of up to 5 kilometers and a patrol radius of 10 kilometers, an automatic loader that can load 400 to 600 sandbags and gravel per hour … In the last two years, the national rescue team Comprehensive Firefighting has accelerated the replenishment of urgently needed equipment and improved routines Equipment, R & D & i and high precision equipment. At present, there are 53,000 firefighting vehicles, more than 7,400 firefighting boats, and 11.6 million pieces (sets) of various professional rescue equipment, basically covering all areas of disaster accident management.

Dare to climb the fire

Contribute everything to keep people’s lives and property safe

The firefighting business is “tired.” The fire station in Beiji Village, Mohe City, Heilongjiang Province, conducts fire fighting and rescue operations at a temperature of minus 40 degrees Celsius in winter. As soon as the water touches the clothes, an ice crust forms. Ice can only be removed by breaking the ice with a wooden stick. ;

The fire protection business is “lonely.” The Qigan Squad, Daxinganling Detachment of the Inner Mongolia Forest Fire Fighting Corps is almost isolated from the rest of the world. They quietly protect the undeveloped virgin forest area;

The fire fighting industry is also “dangerous.” Faced with the devastating flood, Chen Lu, the political instructor of the Lujiang County Fire Brigade, Anhui Province, who has been fighting for 96 hours, suffered a sudden death in the rescue process …

However, if you ask what firefighters think of this cause, most will use a common word: “proud.” There are many responses: some are the simple greetings of eight- or nine-year-olds on the road back from the fire; Some 89-year-olds are distressed by foam rubbing on firefighters’ feet and spend a year sewing more than 100 pairs of insoles; some are in airports, stations and other places. The words “firefighters first” …

Right now, more and more young professionals are joining the firefighting business. Zhang Fusheng, Director of the Department of Education and Training of the Ministry of Emergency Management, presented: After reform and transformation, the national comprehensive fire rescue team has recruited 3 firefighters. “This year he plans to recruit 15,000 people and almost 100,000 people are signing up. It’s a hiring plan. 6.6 times more.”

“The exploration and practice of the past two years have fully confirmed the effectiveness of China’s emergency management system and emergency rescue system reform, and have strengthened our confidence in the reform and direction of our efforts. As a new team, the road to rebuilding the system, rebuilding the system and rebuilding images There is still a long way to go, and there are still many challenges in solving risks, preventing fires and maintaining security. ” Qiongse said the national comprehensive firefighting and rescue team will adhere to “people first and life first”, focusing on preventing and deflating major safety risks, and dealing with various The main role of accidents by disasters is to accelerate the improvement of the standardization, specialization and professionalization of equipment, and make unremitting efforts to maintain the safety of people’s lives and property.

Our reporter Ding Yiting
