Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian chairs the regular Foreign Ministry press conference on November 20 to respond to hot topics_Meng Wanzhou


Original caption: Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian chaired the regular Foreign Ministry press conference on November 20 to respond to hot topics.

CCB News, Beijing, November 20 (Reporter Feng Yue) According to China Central Radio and Television Voice of China “News Evening Peak”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a regular press conference in the afternoon of November 20. Spokesperson Zhao Lijian introduced and responded to the hot spots. problem.

On the 19th, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau was reportedly asked if he regretted the arrest of Meng Wanzhou by the Canadian border agency while attending the APEC Business Leaders Dialogue. He replied: “Canada has complied with the long-term extradition treaty with our closest ally. Should I regret it? Never.”

In response, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian asked the Canadian side for a torture of the soul: “Can Canada also answer some of my questions? When Canadian leaders make the above statement, they should think about why Canada he is the only one in this matter. “Countries that have an extradition treaty with the United States. Are America’s other allies not meeting their treaty obligations? Obviously no, they are unwilling to get involved in this dirty US conspiracy, reluctant to satisfy America at the expense of their own people. Self-interest. “Zhao Lijian said China’s position on the Meng Wanzhou incident is clear and firm. He hopes Canadian leaders will listen to the voices of justice and reason.

Zhao Lijian: “It must be emphasized that in the face of the disclosed facts and the many doubts, no matter how the Canadian government conceals the truth and misleads the public, the political nature of the Meng Wanzhou incident will never change, nor will the Canadian government’s involvement in it change. Incident. China plays the shameful role of American accomplice and “pawn before the horse.” We have also noticed that more and more intelligent people in Canada are publicly calling on the Canadian government to make independent decisions to free Meng Wanzhou. Among them are politicians. , lawyers, judges and former diplomats, etc. We urge Canadian leaders to listen to their voices of justice and reason. ”

At the press conference, a journalist asked if there have been several confirmed local cases of new coronary pneumonia in Mongolia in recent days. The Mongolian government has announced that it has entered a state of public alert and has taken a series of measures to prevent and control the epidemic. As Mongolia’s close neighbor, will China provide assistance and support to Mongolia? Zhao Lijian said: “China and Mongolia are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers. Since the outbreak, the two sides have joined forces to fight the epidemic and have achieved positive results. Recently, there have been further changes in the epidemic situation in Mongolia. The Mongolian government and people are actively taking appropriate measures against the epidemic. The Chinese side is paying close attention and maintaining close communication with the Mongolian side. The Chinese government has decided to urgently help Mongolia with a batch of test kits. nucleic acid and reagents to help and support Mongolia’s fight against the epidemic. China will continue to actively provide what it can in accordance with Mongolia’s needs. We support, wish and believe that under the leadership of the Mongolian government, Mongolia can overcome the epidemic at an early date. ” Return to Sohu to see more


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