Financial theme | Financial theme | Expo | New Crown Pneumonia_Sina


Original title: Financial theme

The Ministry of Commerce has taken various measures to ensure that the CIIE is “improving”

□ Reporter Wang Wenbo from Beijing

On the 15th, the journalist learned at the press conference of the Ministry of Commerce that the 3rd China International Import Expo (CIIE) will open in Shanghai in November. To fulfill the promise to “do better, the Ministry of Commerce and related departments Multiple measures have been taken in the matter of exhibiting contracting, investment promotion and service guarantee, at present we are trying our best to pay attention to the various preparatory work to ensure the realization of a safe, exciting and effective CIIE.

Gao Feng, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said that the recruitment for the CIIE has basically been completed and that companies around the world are actively participating. The main features are as follows: First, the display area is larger. The business enterprise exhibition has six main exhibition areas including food and agricultural products, automobiles, technical equipment, consumer goods, medical equipment and medicine and health care, and service trade. The exhibition area exceeds the scale of the previous exhibition; The exhibition area is better configured, combined with the global hotspots and industry development trends, four new special areas have been established: epidemic prevention and public health zone, energy conservation and environmental protection zone, zone smart travel and competition and sporting goods area; Third, the exhibitors are of higher quality, the world’s top 500, and Industry leading companies actively participated in the exhibition, and the number reached the above scale, and a group of companies signed up to participate in the next three CIIE.

Gao Feng said that since the resumption of exhibitions on July 1, the National Exhibition and Convention Center has attended 30 exhibitions, with a total of more than 2 million visitors. So far it has been running smooth and orderly and has achieved zero reports of outbreaks on site. In accordance with the “General Plan for the Prevention and Control of Epidemics of the III CIIE”, the Ministry of Commerce has prepared the “Special Plan for Prevention and Control of Epidemics of the III Pavilion of the CIIE”, and will do everything possible to ensure that the personnel, goods, Hygiene and anti-epidemic security of the site.

September freight index growth rate hit a new record this year

□ Reporter Wang Lu reports from Beijing

The China Transportation Production Index (CTSI) released on the 15th by the Ministry of Transportation Scientific Research Institute showed that the decline in transportation production in September slowed further, the freight index growth rate reached a new record for the year and the recovery of the passenger transport index exceeded 70% for the first time.

In September 2020, the China Transportation Production Index (CTSI) was 168.4 points, a decrease of 4.2% year-on-year, and the rate of decline decreased by 4.7 percentage points from August. In terms of structure, the CTSI load index was 192.7 points, an interannual increase of 6.5% and the growth rate was 1.3 percentage points higher than that of August; the CTSI passenger index was 124.1 points, a year-on-year decrease of 25.4% and the rate of decline decreased by 10.5 percentage points since August.

Zhou Jian, deputy director and laboratory director of the Office of Research and Consulting of the Information Center of the Ministry of Transportation, believes that as the fight against the epidemic has achieved important strategic results, the effectiveness of the standardized prevention and control of the epidemic has further consolidated, the economy continues to rebound, and the main indicators are gradually restored. In September, the decline in the China Transportation Production Index (CTSI) continued to slow, and the rate of decline increased from 2.2 percentage points in August to 4.7 percentage points. Among them, the CTSI load index increased 6.5% in September, achieving positive growth for the fifth consecutive month. The growth rate reached a new record this year and was 1.2 percentage points higher than the same period last year; The CTSI passenger index (which represents commercial passenger transport) continued to recover and the degree of recovery increased by 63.9% in August increased sharply to 74.6% in September, exceeding 70% for the first time, which indicates that confidence in public travel has clearly recovered.

Arowana closed 117.9% higher on the first trading day

□ Information from reporter Luo Yishu from Beijing

On October 15, the oil and grain giant Yihai Kerry Arowana Grain, Oil and Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Arowana”) was listed on the growth companies market and issued more than 542 million new shares. at an issue price of RMB 25.70 per share. Fundraising The total is 13.933 million yuan, which is the largest IPO fundraising in the history of GEM. After experiencing a sharp rise of 90% in the open and subsequent shocks, Arowana rose again in later trades and closed up 117.90% at 56 yuan a share. At press time, Arowana’s market value exceeded 300 billion yuan, ranking third in GEM’s market value.

As one of the largest agricultural and food processing companies in the country, Arowana’s main products include kitchen food, feed ingredients, and oil technology products. Despite the impact of the epidemic, their income and net profit in the first half of the year have increased significantly. According to the prospectus, from January to June 2020, Arowana achieved an operating income of 86.973 million yuan, an increase of 10.53% over the same period of the previous year; Net profit attributable to its parent was 3.008 billion yuan, an increase of 88.35% over the same period last year.

According to Guojin Securities statistics, in the fields of small package edible vegetable oil, rice and flour, the market share of Arowana sales in 2019 was 38.4%, 18.4% and 26.7%, respectively, ranking first.

Expert: smart farming will rebuild the agricultural value chain

□ Reporter Li Zhiyong reports from Beijing

The Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Future Chinese Agricultural Scientists organized by the China Agricultural University and other institutions was held in Kunming on the 15th. Scientists at the conference said that smart agriculture represented by digital innovation will become the direction of future agricultural development and rebuild China’s agricultural value chain with “big countries and small farmers” as the basic national conditions, and further promote the increase of agricultural product income and farmers’ income.

Li Daoliang, a professor at the School of Information and Electrical Engineering of China Agricultural University, said that the new production method will inevitably subvert the traditional mode of operation, capturing the laws of crops through intelligent systems and exploring the realization of the Intelligent recognition, intelligent learning, intelligent decision making and intelligent operation will be the core of the agriculture of the future. .

For example, in July this year, the Pinduoduo company launched the first agricultural research technology contest. 4 teams of AI talents from around the world have explored and trained a set of smarter AI models through clustering algorithms, image recognition algorithms, collision algorithms, and other strategies. It is hoped to find a help kit for the domestic planting of strawberries. The best solution to improve efficiency.

Cheng Biao, chief scientist at Jianzhi Technology, said that taking 100 mu of strawberry planting as an example, artificial planting requires at least 30 people, and the annual labor cost is at least 900,000 yuan, plus at least 1 million yuan for water and fertilizers. However, digital seeding can reach 30 milliliters of irrigation per plant at a time, which is impossible to do manually. Digital farming has great advantages and potential to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Chen Kunsong, Zhejiang University Qiushi Distinguished Professor and Chief Scientist of the National Key R&D Program, said that in the future there is a need to increase the exploration of agricultural digital innovation in system solutions, better promote the combination of technology and experience, and the combination of artificial and artificial intelligence, and continue to move forward. The implementation of digital agriculture has promoted greater agricultural production and efficiency and increased farmers’ incomes.
