Express delivery arriving in village presses “fast forward button” for rural revitalization_ 东方


Original title: Express delivery to the village, press the “fast forward button” for rural revitalization

In 2020, the volume of national express postal business amounted to 83.36 billion pieces, of which the business volume of the rural area represented 36%. In 2019, this proportion was only 24%.Rural marketIt is becoming the new “Growth pole“, and expedited express delivery in the countryside also presses the” fast forward button “for rural revitalization.

  Express delivery in the field “speed up”

This year’s governmentjobsThe report proposes: “Improve the urban and rural distribution system, accelerate the entry of electronic commerce and express delivery in the field, and expand the consumption of the districts and municipalities.”

According to data from the State Post Office, in 2020, the express postal delivery industry will serve the rural revitalization strategy with remarkable results. A total of 60 express delivery service modern agricultural gold medal projects with a turnover of more than 10 million pieces have cultivated 65.518 billion yuan nationwide.

“By 2025, each county must have a chain of supermarkets and logistics distribution centers, municipalities must have shopping centers, and villages must have express delivery services, and they must be fully covered.” Trade Minister Wang Wentao held a press conference on February 24, the Shang State Council said “my country will work hard to open the ‘last mile’ of rural circulation infrastructure construction.”

In fact, backward logistics infrastructure in rural areas is a key factor affecting express delivery to rural areas.

Recently, the Zhongshan District Post Office of Dalian City, Liaoning Provincethe companyWebmaster Zhao Mingzhi said that the villageRegional logisticsThe incomplete infrastructure has caused a large gap between the municipality’s logistics and express delivery in terms of punctuality, reliability, level of service, and express delivery costs.

“Many rural express outlets were established through locals who joined the express companies. Rural areas are vast, residences are scattered and road conditions are complex, the number of express orders is relatively small and the cost of express shipping services is higher. Some express deliveryBusiness allocationFor points of saleprofitInsufficient space, layer by layer, is not enough to cover the cost of going to the village to deliver the goods to the door. Zhao Mingzhi said.

Heilongjiang Sun Bin Hongyuan Agricultural Development GroupGeneral managerSun Bin suggested that newbies and others with digital capabilitiesbusinessParticipate in the construction of the rural digital logistics system and build an integrated system of “production, transport and sales”supply chain, Promote the effective connection of urban and rural production and consumption.

In Sun Bin’s view, to promote rural revitalization, the construction of rural infrastructure is an important guarantee. First of all, we must implement digital logistics and build aFarm productsThe supply chain system helps in the “first kilometer” from field to table and solves the problem of high quality.Farm productsThe problem of non-salable and non-salable prices.

  How to solve the problem of express delivery in rural areas?

Faced with the continued growth of the express delivery business in rural areas, many companies have charted this “blue ocean.” However, due to scattered life in rural areas, express deliverypriceThe low and high cost, “send an invoice and pay an invoice” is a difficult problem that many companies face.

In response to the above situation, some local governments have promoted express delivery in the village by issuing subsidies or covert end-of-load methods. However, in the opinion of some industry insiders, these are only convenient measures. The meager profits are difficult to attract express companies to actively enter the village, and the quality of service is also unsatisfactory.

How to reduce costs and increase efficiency and improve the level of rural logistics services? Some localities and logistics companies have done many explorations.

According to industry experts, currentlyCo-deliveryThere are two modes: the first mode is spatial concentration, each one expressesMarkIndependent operation in the same sorting place, express delivery information is not connected; The second way is to open information between different brands of express delivery, unified reading and input, greatly improving efficiency.

Cainiao began promoting joint delivery projects in counties and rural areas across the country in May 2019, integrating multiple express delivery companies in the county to establish ajoint projectThe company shares resources such as space, labor and transport capacity, reduces the delivery area for couriers, increases distribution density and intensively distributes multi-brand packages through the delivery of single-brand packages. . One courier can deliver multiple express delivery brands, increasing revenue and efficiency, and villagers can also experience more convenient online shopping.

“Currently, the Cainiao co-matching project has covered more than 1,000 counties.” The competent person in charge of Cainiao said that some county co-distribution online stores have penetrated into towns and cities and have become the rural version of “cainiao post.” Farmers can enjoy delivery as urban residents. For door-to-door service, you can also place an order through Cainiao Wrap and let the courier pick it up.

  The “common distribution” helps farmers increase their income

In addition to helping people send and receive express shipments more conveniently, delivering express shipments to rural areas has also helped farmers increase their income.

According to Bian Zuodong, “The county demonstration project for e-commerce in rural areas has achieved full coverage in poverty-stricken counties nationwide. Express delivery is a network that performs e-commerce distribution. Yes can be integrated with distribution sites, will effectively promote the construction of rural e-commerce. “

“Now the farmersThe InternetThe tools are used to sell produce through online stores, live streams, etc., but how can they be shipped quickly and cheaply once sold? “Sun Bin believes that if agriculture wants to embrace the digital economy, logistics must first be digitized.

Today, some common rural distribution points have become outlet stations for local agricultural products sent to the tables of urban canteens.Farm productsIn production areas, Cainiao and other companies have deployed production warehouses to build an integrated “production, transportation and sales” supply chain. Agricultural products sold by local farmers through the network can be processed directly in production warehouses for on-site processing, sorting and distribution without multiple rotation.

For example, village-level express delivery sites such as Shuangping and Xiakou in Nanzhang County, Hubei, have cooperated with local e-commerce companies to distribute more than 20 kinds of mushrooms, mushrooms, toon, peach, and cherry.productIt was shipped to the city as soon as possible, which opened up sales channels and increased farmers’ income.

In Shanxi, Linyi County is nationalAppleA well-known place of production, it is also a national e-commerce demonstration county, Cainiao Empowerment helped local county express courier companies set up express deliveryCommon distribution centerThere are more than 600 service stations in 60 towns and cities, and 1,200 service stations in villages. Internet platforms are actively used by local people to promote sales.AppleIncrease revenue, express delivery andindustryThe relationship is getting closer.

In the opinion of the experts, “for farmers, it savesStorageCost, waste reduction, higher profits made and urban consumersqualityofFarm products。 “

(Source: China News Network)

(Editor in charge: DF070)

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