Expose the Shadow of the CCP’s New Crown Vaccine! State-owned Enterprise Employees: Concerned about Becoming Victims | New corona vaccine | Chinese state enterprises | Chinese companies | Coronavirus Vaccine | Vaccine Safety | CCP virus


[Voice of Hope 30 de octubre de 2020](Full report from our reporter Ling Shan)On Thursday (October 29), the US media “Los Angeles Times” announced an anonymous interview with a new injection of the Chinese crown vaccine. According to the interview information provided by this person, the Chinese communist government currently promotes the injection of the new crown vaccine without the first The three-phase clinical trial is directly invested in vaccination, which means that the vaccinated population is has become part of the experiment in disguise. The interviewee was also concerned that vaccinators could become “victims.”

Questioning the vaccine as “politically incorrect” Interviewee: Let the people make sacrifices

In September this year, an employee of a Chinese oil institution who was going to work abroad received a notice of the new vaccine from the crown. At the same time, he was also told to sign a confidentiality agreement, which stated that if he told someone that he had the vaccination he will be subject to disciplinary action by the company.

The anonymous person said that in the state oil company where he works, the injection of the new Chinese-made corona vaccine is a requirement for all employees stationed abroad. Questioning the safety of the vaccine in the company is “politically incorrect.”

He said that many colleagues from the same company believe that this type of vaccine is reliable and can prevent the Chinese communist virus (coronavirus), but found that although there is no written document that requires them to be vaccinated, if they do not accept it, they are not allow you to return to work abroad. This makes vaccination a necessary step to continue working.

Additionally, at the time of vaccination, vaccinators must also sign a confidentiality agreement, requiring that information about the vaccination not be disclosed.

“However, for us, they cannot offer any guarantee (of safety).” The employee had lined up with hundreds of colleagues to receive injections at a Beijing clinic, and the government-provided vaccine appeared unsafe.

“This is for us to sacrifice for the government,” he said worriedly.

All vaccines put into use are incomplete

When the employee and other vaccinators received the vaccine in September, none of the vaccines developed by the Chinese government had completed phase 3 clinical trials. The Los Angeles Times noted that clinical trials generally test products for rare side effects, and these effects Secondary cannot be found in the early stages.

There are currently a variety of vaccines in use in China, and none of them have publicly announced the completion of Phase 3 trials, including two vaccines developed by the China National Pharmaceutical Group and Sinovac’s new corona inactivated vaccine.

On October 21, the official Chinese media Xinhuanet announced that the vaccines from Sinopharm Group and Kexing Zhongwei have entered phase 3 clinical trials. But already a few months ago, these vaccines had been put into “emergency use” in advance and were vaccinated widely among the population.

And these unfinished vaccines obviously carry a high risk. The safety of vaccines made by the CCP has long been criticized. As early as 2007, toxic vaccine chaos had broken out in mainland China. At that time, there were many incidents in Shanxi province where children were injured and killed after being vaccinated. The investigation of the incident was forced to halt under pressure from the Chinese Communist government. . In July 2018, publicly traded companies, Changsheng Biology and the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, were exposed to producing hundreds of thousands of problematic DPT vaccines, causing great concern among Chinese about the safety concerns of the vaccinations

International health experts have strongly questioned the Beijing government’s investment in vaccines that have not been clinically proven.

Lawrence Gostin, director of the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University, believes this move may lead to an unknown dangerous situation for vaccinators. He told the Los Angeles Times: “This is a great gamble because it is vaccinating healthy people,” “This is unethical and dangerous.”

“I do not believe that countries with highly developed regulations and safety systems like the United States, the European Union or Japan allow the widespread use of untested vaccines,” Gostin said.

The vaccination process is chaotic and someone receives two injections together

While the quality of the vaccine cannot be guaranteed, the inoculation part is also rushing into the operational process. An anonymous interviewee said the project manager at his state-owned company urged employees to implement the new corona-inactivated vaccination as soon as possible, and even encouraged two injections at a time instead of the recommended 14 or 28-day interval between injections.

A written document that the employee shared with the media said: “If you need to go abroad urgently and you really cannot complete the two vaccinations, you can consider receiving two injections at the same time, one on each side.”

The document also stated that if vaccinators experience adverse reactions, they should “see immediate treatment.”

Another staff member who assisted in the vaccination said on WeChat: “I saw someone give the two injections together”, “But you have to say that you are leaving the country in a hurry.”

Leung Zhuowei, dean of the Hong Kong University School of Medicine, said that vaccines typically have a certain dose range so that the first “primary” dose can stimulate the body’s immune system to recognize new pathogens, while the Second “enhanced” dose may further stimulate the antibody level.

He said, “The primary immune strengthening method uses the natural effects of the immune system. The high-dose method is more like brute force.”

Huang Yanzhong, a senior global health researcher at the US Council on Foreign Relations, believes that premature use of vaccines will create a false sense of security. He said China claims its emergency vaccines are effective because they can produce antibodies, but this is too low a threshold.

On August 30 this year, China Business News published an article signed “Exclusive verification: Immune response of new coronary vaccine may exacerbate disease,” which was quickly removed by review. The article mentioned that the current level of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) of the new coronavirus vaccine developed by Chinese companies is not low.

The medical community pointed out that if the high degree of AME of the new coronavirus vaccine is true, even if the vaccine can produce antibodies, if the antibodies produced are small or of poor quality, they will not be enough to fight the reinfection of the virus. CCP (coronavirus), existing antibodies will be held hostage to the CCP virus. It has become a convenient tool for viruses to attack the human body, leading to increased toxicity of the virus, causing vaccinators to face extremely serious health threats.

Editor in Charge: Song Yue
