Ensuring the improvement of people’s livelihoods and stimulating the vitality of the market Basically 1.7 trillion yuan of direct central financing funds have been released


  Ensuring that people’s livelihoods are improved and the market revitalized

Beijing, November 12 (Reporter Wang Guan) At the State Council policy briefing held on the 12th by the State Council Information Office, Vice Finance Minister Xu Hongcai stated that, in general, they are implemented the direct mechanism of the current tax fund and tax cuts. The work related to the tariff reduction policy is progressing steadily, the organization is running solid, orderly and efficient, and the effects of the policy are gradually appearing, playing a key role in reducing the burden on companies. , stimulating the vitality of market players, ensuring the improvement of people’s livelihoods and stabilizing economic growth.

As for the direct fiscal mechanism, by the end of October, the central government direct funds of 1.7 trillion yuan had basically reached its position, and the local real expenditures were 1.198 trillion yuan.

Xu Hongcai said that the specific results are reflected in the following aspects: First, the funds are issued more quickly and the efficiency of the fund’s operation is significantly improved. The Ministry of Finance allocates funds quickly and quickly builds a monitoring system. All regions and departments will use a short period of time to distribute direct funds to city and county bases. Second, the investment direction of the funds has been more precise and the effectiveness of the policy in benefiting businesses and individuals has been significantly improved. The funds have played an active role in supporting tax and fee cuts, securing employment for residents, securing people’s basic livelihoods, and securing market players. Third, the supervision of funds has become stricter and the standardization of the use of funds has been significantly improved.

In terms of tax reduction and rate reduction, Cai Zili, Director of the Accounting and Revenue Planning Department of the State Tax Administration, presented: In the first three quarters of this year, the country’s new tax and rate reductions totaled 2,092.4 billion yuan, of which 737.9 billion yuan was added, and the fee is 1.354.5 billion yuan. Judging from the implementation of tax reduction and rate reduction since this year, the goal of reducing the burden on enterprises by more than 2.5 trillion yuan for the full year set in the “Government work report”. The effects of the policies mainly reflect “one reduction, two increases, three stable”:

“One drop” refers to the continuing decline in the burden of market entities. In the first three quarters, the tax burden of the major companies of tax sources per 100 yuan of operating income fell by 0.63 yuan, a drop of 9.4%.

“Two increases”: First, the vitality of market entities has increased. In the third quarter of this year, the number of new market entities that came to the tax department to attend to tax matters increased 24.5% year-on-year. The second is the improvement of business operational efficiency. In the third quarter of this year, total earnings for the top tax source companies nationwide increased 4.9% year-on-year, an increase of 8.1 percentage points from the second quarter.

“Three Stability”: First, the number of people employed has steadily increased. Since the beginning of this year, policies such as the gradual reduction and exemption of social security premiums and the continued implementation of lower social security rates have continued to be implemented, superimposed on last year’s personal income tax reduction policy. , which has reduced the labor cost of companies and provided strong support to guarantee employment. The second is the constant recovery of business investment. In the first three quarters of this year, the new investment in fixed assets of the main companies of tax origin in the country increased by 1.5% year-on-year, and this year it achieved positive growth for the first time. The 330,000 companies that enjoy the additional deduction policy for R&D expenses nationwide have purchased high-tech equipment and services. An increase of 15.8%. Third, development expectations are constantly improving. A questionnaire on the production and operation of 20,000 companies conducted by the State Tax Administration shows that 68.6% of companies are expected to develop better in the fourth quarter, an increase of 15.9 percentage points from the end of the first quarter. semester of the year.
