Ensuring that market entities stabilize economic fundamentals (supervision in action) | tax and fee cuts_Sina Technology_Sina.com


Original title: Ensuring that market entities stabilize economic fundamentals (supervision in action)

By protecting major market players, we can stabilize economic fundamentals. The market entity with more than 100 million households nationwide is the main force for economic development and the “taker” of job absorption. Since the beginning of this year, a series of policies and measures have been introduced from the central to the local level to help companies alleviate their difficulties. How is the policy implemented? What are the new expectations of market players? Focusing on key and difficult issues, the 14 State Council inspection teams traveled to various locations to conduct on-site inspections, fact-check, take practical steps, and actively promote the implementation of various aid and benefit policies.

Implement tax and penalty fee reductions, allowing businesses to pack lightly

How effective is the tax and fee reduction policy? The sixth inspection team came to Zhejiang Chunfeng Power Co., Ltd. to understand the specific situation.

“At the end of September, we have enjoyed an export tax refund of more than 80 million yuan.” Feng Jun, the company’s deputy chief financial officer, told the inspection team that in addition to export tax refunds, corporate social insurance expenses were also reduced or waived from February to June by 4.89 million yuan. Full of confidence. “

In Zhejiang, the inspection team learned that from the tax service commissioner system for major projects, to network administration coverage and publicity, from the “one company, one policy” working mechanism for key funded enterprises with foreign funds, even the use of “big data” taxes to help resume work and production … … Zhejiang has introduced “eight strict measures” to implement detailed escort reductions in taxes and fees.

Since the beginning of this year, the state has introduced a series of tax and fee reduction policies to reduce the burden on businesses. The fifth inspection team found that Jiangsu has strengthened the coordination and cooperation of finance and tax departments, and based on the implementation of national policies, has introduced local preferential policies such as property tax and use tax. of urban land. In the first eight months of this year, the province’s cumulative fee and tax cuts totaled 181.85 billion yuan.

During the inspection, some companies also reported that they did not know the detailed rules for reducing taxes and fees, and could not enjoy the dividend policy on time, so it is necessary to strengthen advertising and service.

The Eleventh Inspection Team found that in order to improve publicity of tax policy and make tax services more intimate, Guangzhou Zhuhai launched the “Tax Xiaodu” tax advisory smart housekeeper. The “Tax Xiaodu” application is made through artificial intelligence and big data technology. The momentum of the “precise drip irrigation” policy, the “check your face” business consultation, and the “track over time” tax processing progress ensure that all entities in the market can truly enjoy the benefits of the policy.

Take multiple steps to reduce rents and charges to improve business sense of profit.

On Guojin Street, Changsha City, Hunan Province, the 10th inspection team saw crowds at the mall. Deng Fuhong, the founder of “Black and White TV Snacks”, greeted the guests and said, “We have resumed work in February and the mall has reduced rents by 71,000 yuan.”

This year, Hunan Guojin Street Commercial Management Co., Ltd. exempted 159 stores from renting for a month and a half. “We have given up a total of 4.8 million yuan in rent, and now the number of stores in the mall that have resumed operations has reached 90% last year.” The head of the company told the inspection team that to promote the recovery of the mall as soon as possible, the company also subsidized the stores by 1 million. The yuan is used for promotional activities.

It is not just Changsha Guojin Street. During the visit, the inspection team found that in order to reduce the business burden of enterprises, Hunan has issued 30 policies and measures to promote the healthy development of enterprises, reducing and exempting vehicle tolls by 5.898 million yuan, and reducing and exempting small, medium and micro enterprises and individual companies. Family rent exceeds 1.3 billion yuan.

Rents are falling and energy costs are falling. The third inspection team found that Heilongjiang is actively conducting direct power supply transactions for large users. In 2020, it completed direct energy transactions of 16 billion kWh, with an average profit of 3.87 cents / kWh. We will implement the national policy of reducing the terminal sale price of natural gas for non-residents in stages, we will instruct the four natural gas pipeline cities to implement the off-season pricing policy ahead of schedule, we will reduce the sale price of natural gas used by companies for production and we will reduce the cost of gas by 0.1-0.35 yuan per cubic meter.

During the on-site inspection, the inspection team discovered that there are still some power supply entities that have not implemented the general national policy of reducing the price of industrial and commercial electricity and have not increased rates. This has resulted in some industrial and commercial end users not enjoying the electricity price dividend and the cost of electricity has not been significantly reduced. In this sense, the supervision team requested immediate rectification, clarified the obligations and sanctions for the transfer of energy supply entities to implement preferential national electricity price policies, strengthened supervision and control, and ensured that the Energy price reduction dividends are passed on to end users on time and in full.

Strengthen financial support to nurture the real economy.

Affected by the epidemic, many small, medium and micro enterprises face difficulties in capital rotation. How can they improve the ability of financial services to serve the real economy and allow financial “running water” to feed the real economy?

The seventh inspection team in Fujian learned that the “bank-tax interaction” is helping companies “lend” new momentum.

“In just a few minutes, a loan of more than 800,000 yuan was received.” During the epidemic prevention and control period, the business of a branch of Xiamen Feisu Chain Investment Management Co., Ltd. in Zengcuo’an was severely affected. At a time when it can do nothing, the policy of “bank-tax interaction” has solved the urgent need. Through the cooperation of tax departments, finance departments and financial institutions to open the tax credit and credit credit, Xiamen’s “Bank-Tax Interactive” platform provides “credits” with “credits”, allowing companies more creditworthy quickly obtain loans without mortgages. overcome obstacles.

The fifth inspection team found that in Nantong, Jiangsu, the tax department continued to promote the transformation of the results of the “bank-tax interaction”. Nantong included “social security premium payment” in the scope of credit credit and jointly promoted “enterprise social security loan” product of “pure unsecured and unsecured credit” with rural commercial banks, opening a green channel for credit financing for companies that pay social security premiums in good faith.

In Shanghai, a package of financial benefits for companies has greatly increased business confidence. At the forum between the fourth inspection team and Shanghai private companies, Yang Shibin, chairman of Shanghai Jialinjie Textile Co., Ltd., said, “There is no difficulty in financing. The government has introduced many supportive policies in the financing. Now the banks are taking the initiative to go out the door. ” Ask if you need to provide financial services. “

Implement monetary and credit policy tools such as the small loan and microcredit support program, exercise fiscal and financial synergy, and optimize the supervision and evaluation mechanism … This year, Shanghai has taken multiple measures to guide financial institutions to continue to increase credit allocation and reduce corporate financing costs. Currently, Shanghai The interest rate on corporate loans was 4.28%, a year-on-year decrease of 66 basis points.
