Employment situation in first three quarters is better than expected 8.98 million new jobs in urban areas-Chinanews


The employment situation in the first three quarters was better than expected 8.98 million new jobs in urban areas

At present, the employment situation is generally stable, gradually recovering, better than expected. In the first nine months of this year, the country achieved 8.98 million new jobs in urban areas, which is close to meeting the planned goal of 9 million. The employment situation of key groups such as university students and migrant workers has stabilized. This is mainly due to the basic effect of the economic recovery, the coverage effect of the employment stabilization policy, the stimulating effect of training in services and the joint effect of all aspects of society.

“With the joint efforts of all parties, the employment stabilization policy has been effective, the employment of key groups has been better ensured and the overall employment situation has remained stable.” On October 28, at the State Council policy briefing held by the State Council Information Office, Human Resources and Li Zhong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Social Security, said that from the situation of investigation and monitoring Comprehensive statistical, the current employment situation can be summarized in 12 words, generally stable, gradually improving, better than expected.

Leading indicators “an increase, a decrease, an increase”

Li Zhong said that since the beginning of this year, the employment situation in China has been generally stable, which is mainly reflected in the three aspects of “an increase, a decrease and an increase”:

An increase refers to the constant increase in new urban jobs. In the first nine months of this year, the country achieved 8.98 million new jobs in urban areas, which is close to completing the expected goal of 9 million people for the year. A drop refers to the gradual decrease in the surveyed unemployment rate. In February, the nationally surveyed unemployment rate in urban areas hit an all-time high of 6.2%, and then the fluctuation fell to 5.4% in September, which was less than the expected control target of around 6%. An increase refers to an increase in labor market activity. According to online recruitment data from human resources market institutions, after the outbreak of the new corona pneumonia, the market demand dropped sharply. The number of hiring needs decreased 25.9% year-on-year in the first quarter, and has now gone from negative to positive.

Given the sudden turn of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the tightening of the international economic and trade environment, and the increasing downward pressure on the economy, why can the employment situation remain stable overall?

In Li Zhong’s view, the rationale is that the Party Central Committee coordinates the promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and attaches great importance to employment and strong leadership. Specifically, it is the result of multiple factors.

Benefit from the fundamental effect of the economic recovery. The prevention and control of the epidemic in China has achieved important strategic results, the resumption of work and production has been fully promoted, the economic operation has improved quarter by season, and the main indicators have restored growth. This has provided strong support for overall job stability.

Benefit from the hedging effect of the employment stabilization policy. Unprecedented tax cuts and rate reductions have stabilized businesses and saved jobs. Continue to deepen the reform of “delegation of management and service”, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, support the development of flexible employment and new forms of employment, and expand new spaces for employment growth. Focus on key groups such as university graduates and migrant workers, implement classified and precise policies, and strengthen guarantee.

Benefit from the empowering effect of in-service training. Relevant departments innovated and carried out uninterrupted employment services, and activities such as “Spring Breeze Action” online activities, “One Hundred Days Ten Million” special online recruitment activities and Golden Autumn Recruitment Month were successively carried out. Especially at a time when the epidemic was relatively severe, offline recruiting was blocked and online recruiting played a big role and increased the popularity of the market. In addition, the in-depth promotion of skills enhancement activities and large-scale vocational training have also cushioned the risk of unemployment.

Benefit from the synergy effect of all aspects of society. Faced with difficulties and challenges, all regions and departments have issued a series of policies to vigorously implement them and assume responsibilities. Many companies actively comply with their social responsibilities, and try not to lay off or reduce the number of layoffs, the vast majority of workers do not trust them and find themselves employees and entrepreneurs.

Employment of key groups stabilized

Affected by the epidemic, 2020 college graduates will face many difficulties in obtaining employment, market demand has decreased, hiring has been delayed, and job search has also encountered new resistance.

Zhang Ying, director of the Department of Employment Promotion of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said that the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will implement a series of actions such as promoting employment and entrepreneurship in conjunction with the relevant departments to provide continuing employment services to college graduates and promoting market-oriented and socialized employment. With the joint efforts of all parties, the employment situation of 2020 college graduates is generally stable and the pressure is reduced compared to the previous period.

“The most important job characteristic is ‘unblock one channel and strengthen four services.'” Zhang Ying said that unlocking one channel is unlocking the channels for graduates to seek help, and strengthening the four services is to strengthen the expansion of work, strengthen the recruitment organization and strengthen capacity improvement, Strengthen assistance to difficulties. According to statistics, the public sector currently employs 2.8 million college graduates. A series of special activities, such as the intensive month of offline recruitment for private companies and joint recruitment in large and medium-sized cities, have released a total of 1.5 million recruitment positions. At the same time, by expanding the scale of apprenticeships, this year 340,000 young people have participated in apprenticeships.

According to data from the National Statistics Office, in September this year, the unemployment rate surveyed for people aged 20-24 with a college degree or higher fell by 2.4 percentage points from the previous month. Zhang Ying said that many 2020 college graduates are still looking for work, and 2021 college graduates will also enter the job market. In the next step, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will intensify policy implementation, expand enrollment, launch a series of activities such as entrepreneurship support, internship promotion, and “cloud employment services”, and will do everything made possible by promoting employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates.

Under the influence of the epidemic, some migrant workers face difficulties such as hindering their migrant work and increasing work pressure. Zhang Ying said that with the approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and 15 departments issued special policy documents to promote employment and entrepreneurship of migrant workers, and carried out a series of activities of employment and training services to stabilize and expand the employment of migrant workers. At the end of the third quarter, there were 179 million migrant workers, an increase of 2 million from the end of the second quarter.

In terms of optimizing employment services for migrant workers, the most important thing is to implement equal employment services. Zhang Ying said that migrant workers can register for unemployment in the place of employment and the insured area, and the relevant departments will expand the scope of unemployment insurance accordingly. At the same time, “Spring Breeze Action” and “Ten Thousand Days” continuous online recruitment and other special service activities have actively promoted the development of offline recruitment activities.

In addition, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has implemented the vocational training program for migrant workers to stabilize employment, vigorously carry out trainings on behalf of workers, specific job training, special training for urgently needed occupations, job conversion training and business training to meet the diversified skill enhancement needs of migrant workers. Statistics show that in the first three quarters of this year, 5 million migrant workers were trained throughout the country.

Significant effect of the reduction of social security rates

Market players with hundreds of millions of dollars are an important vehicle for creating and absorbing jobs. When the companies are there, the jobs are there and the jobs are there. At the meeting, Nie Mingjun, director of the Department of Pension Insurance of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said that at the end of September this year, three social security premium policies have benefited 11.299 million companies, with one reduction of 910.7 billion yuan and deferred payment of social security premiums of 61.6 billion yuan. In addition, the social security fee reduction policy reduced corporate contributions by RMB 232.2 billion, reducing total corporate costs by RMB 1204.5 billion.

Especially in the second half of this year, while the difficulties of the companies are easing, the relevant departments have also included the difficult groups involved in social insurance in the scope of the policy. For example, current pension insurance premiums based on the lower limit of the payment base are paid primarily by relatively difficult small, medium and micro enterprises. Companies and their employees, as well as most flexible employees. The new policy stipulates that the lower limit of the payment base this year will not change, which can help these companies and individuals to reduce payment pressure, “said Nie Mingjun.

Nie Mingjun revealed that since 2015, China has cut corporate social security premium rates six times. The total rate of the unit premium has been reduced from 41% to 33.95%. The six cuts have reduced or exempted corporate payments by nearly one trillion yuan. The reduction and exemption policy introduced this year is expected to reduce corporate payments by 1.6 trillion yuan a year. In the next step, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will continue to strengthen the guidance on the implementation of the corporate social security premium reduction policy, so that companies and individuals receive more benefits and add more vitality to economic and social development. . (Reporter for Economic Daily and China Economic Net, Han Bingzhi)
