Election Result Has Not Come Out Yet, and Some White House Officials Have Discreetly “Steered Away” from Trump Trump | White House_Sina Military_Sina.com


Original Caption: US Media: Election Result Is Not Out Yet, And Some White House Officials Have Begun To Silently “Walk Away” From Trump

  [文/观察者网 刘程辉]The “overtime” of the US elections still continues. The sixth local time, Georgia and Pennsylvania “turned blue” successively, worsening Trump’s disadvantaged electoral situation. Seeing that Trump, the “great tree”, was about to fall, the people around him had little stones in their hearts.

CNN revealed on the 6th that according to sources close to the White House, under the unfavorable electoral situation, some senior White House and campaign team officials have begun to quietly “walk away” from Tron in order to protect themselves. general.

CNN reported: Sources say some officials have begun to CNN Reported: Sources Say Some Officials Have Silently Started “Backing Off” From Trump

“Everything is over”. A key adviser to the Trump administration said that in addition to whether Trump will acknowledge the election results, people are also concerned about what Trump will do in the future. When asked what Trump would do next, the consultant sighed, “OMG, who knows.”

The official also revealed that after hearing a series of “false statements” made by Trump on Thursday night (5), many campaign officials and the White House were shaking their heads.

On the night of the 5th, after election night, Trump made his first public appearance and delivered a speech. He has repeatedly emphasized the existence of election fraud, reiterated that “sending votes by mail brings fraud, and Biden steals the victory,” and said ownership of electoral votes in some states “must ultimately be determined by a judge”.

Screenshot of Trump's speech live on the afternoon of the 5thScreenshot of Trump’s speech live on the afternoon of the 5th

On the same day, Trump’s two sons also “helped” their parents online and offline, encouraging Republicans to stand up and fight “voter fraud.” Subsequently, several Republicans successively tweeted to join the controversy, focusing their firepower on “electoral fraud.”

Regarding allegations of “voter fraud” made by some members of the team, including Trump’s son, the consultant said that these accusations are “unfounded” but can dilute the impact of Trump’s improper words and deeds. He also believes that Trump has the right to question the election results, but his approach is completely wrong.

According to another campaign adviser, Trump’s declaration of “electoral fraud” has also made him increasingly isolated. “He’s almost alone in this regard.” The source said that, despite this, Trump’s side There are still people who say “good things” to Trump, who say what Trump wants to hear.

CNN also noted that someone in the Trump administration has set their sights on the next presidential election in four years. The “Business Insider” website and the “Newsweek” report from the 5th also confirmed CNN’s statement.

According to some Republicans close to Trump, if Trump loses in this election, Trump will return in 2024 and participate again in the presidential elections. Trump’s former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney (Mick Mulvaney) also predicted “very surely” that if he loses the election, Trump will continue to run in the next presidential election because Trump “does not like to lose.” “.

Some people are far from Trump and others are pinning their hopes on the upcoming election. In the face of unfavorable electoral conditions, the tendency of the Trump team to split is increasing. But it’s worth mentioning that these posters have already started to appear before the ballots on Election Day.

According to a series of US media reports in October, in the face of poor Trump polls, some Republican senators have begun actively “slashing seats” with Trump and criticizing Trump’s series of actions and policies. The “Boston Globe” commented that these senators are fighting for re-election, and they are concerned that Trump will not only lose the election, but will also cause the Republican Party to lose control of the Senate.

According to statistics from the US “Political” News Network, as of press time, Biden still leads Trump with 264 votes with 214 votes. On the 5th, after Georgia and Pennsylvania turned blue, Trump’s campaign team hastily issued a statement saying that any predictions about Biden’s victory were “incorrect” and that the campaign was “far from entering. the final stage “.

That night, Trump personally went into battle and sent a series of tweets to “stabilize the military.” He tweeted: “Biden should not falsely claim that he won the election, and I can do the same. The legal proceedings have just begun!” In another tweet, Trump once again voiced his disapproval of losing the edge. Readily. “Until Election Night, I had a huge advantage in these states, and as time went by, these advantages miraculously disappeared. Perhaps as our legal proceedings progress, these advantages will return to us! “

Election statistics from News Net de News Net Election Statistics of US “Politicians” on the Morning of Beijing Seventh Half

It is worth mentioning that although the blue game of Georgia and Pennsylvania further expanded Biden’s lead, many American media revealed that these two states can recount the votes.

National Public Radio (NPR) reported on November 6 local time that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (Brad Raffensperger) confirmed that the state will count the votes. Later, the Associated Press (AP) reported that Pennsylvania could also recount the votes. In addition, news has also spread from the state of Nevada, which has received a lot of attention. Officials in Clark County, where Las Vegas is located, said that to ensure the accuracy of the vote count results, all statistics will not be completed until November 12.

Obviously, the “overtime” of the United States general election is far from over.
