Duty-Free Stores Expand, Speed ​​Up Appliances, Car Subsidies Increase


Original Title: Duty-Free Stores Expand and Accelerate Appliance and Auto Subsidies

On December 30, Sanya Sea Traveltax freeCity, China Sanya International ServiceDuty free shoppingPark, CDF Sanya Phoenix AirportTax-free storeIt opened at the same time and launched a large-scale distribution of 100 million yuan advanced no-threshold coupons and international fragrances.Brand68% discount on audience, raffles and gifts, etc.PromotionThe concessions have opened the curtain on promoting consumption on New Year’s Day.

The reporter learned that many places are currently launching multiple measures to promote consumption and expand domestic demand, includingcoupon, Consumer coupons and other short-term promotional measures, there are alsocompanyExpanding the scale of operations and supporting long-term agreements such as transformation and upgrading of agglomeration platforms The duration of the policy has successively accelerated the unlocking of consumer market potential, including automobiles, home appliances and other products in bulk.ProductThe market has become the focus of promotion and subsidies and preferential policies have intensified.

China’s consumer market is recovering rapidly,National Statistical OfficeThe data shows that in November 2020,Total retail sales of social consumer goods39,514 billion yuan,I andAn increase of 5.0%, an acceleration of 0.7 percentage points from October; an increase of 1.31% month-on-month, including an improvement in consumptionCommercializationShowing a rapidly growing trend, in November, communication equipment, cosmetics, gold, silver and jewelry products increased by 43.6%, 32.3% and 24.8%, respectively, year-on-year, becoming new growth points for consume.

The analysis noted that the adjustment of the tax-free shopping policy and the introduction of supportive policies such as the exchange of household appliances and the consumption of automobiles in the countryside are further stimulating the demand for improved domestic consumption.

Let’s take Hainan as an example. Since the implementation of the new duty-free policy in the outer islands on July 1 to December 28, the amount of duty-free purchases monitored by customs in the outer islands of Hainan reached 19.567 million yuan, an increase 193.75% year-on-year; there were 2,842,200 buyers, an increase of 72.48% year-on-year. ; SalesTax free23,241,700 pieces, a year-on-year increase of 158.78%.

To further meet consumer demand, duty-free shopping in Hainan’s outer islands has more benefits that are accelerating implementation. On December 28, with the approval of the State Council and the official approval of the Ministry of Finance and four other ministries and commissions, Hainan established 6 new duty-free shops in the outer islands. In addition to the three duty free shops that opened on the 30th, there is also Haikong Global Boutique (Haikou) Duty Free City, Shenzhen There are three duty free shopping malls in Mission Hills, Haikou, and three duty free shops in Terminal T2 from CDF Haikou Meilan Airport.At present, the Meilan airport store will open after the airport commissioning, and the other two are also stepping up the decoration andSupply, Scheduled to open before the Spring Festival, further enriching the format andsupply

Hainan is just a microcosm of New Year’s consumer promotion everywhere. The journalist learned that many places have introduced consumer promotion deals in 2021, such as cars and appliances.CommodityThe field becomes the focus.For example, recently, Guizhou issued a special activity to promote consumption further activating the consumer economy and boosting the consumer market to carry out the “Colorful winter warming the heart of Guizhou” .jobsThe plan issued a total of 94.5 million yuan to expand tourism consumption, car consumption and home appliance consumption, of which 20 million consumer vouchers were used to expand home appliance consumption.

Beijing launched the “New Year’s Consumer Month” and held about 300 activities in six sectors, including the one-month “New Year’s Shopping Items” to promote multi-field consumption linkage, promote integrated development of online and offline services and inspire traditions such as New Year’s Day, Spring Festival and Lantern Festival Festival of consumer vitality.

Jiangsu Nantong published the “About the promotion of circulation expansiondeal“Various Opinions on Consumption”, focused on promoting larger and stronger consumption, and increasingquality, Support the promotion of consumption and introduce 11 specific measures. “Opinions” Provide SupportBusiness companyExpand the scale of the business, support the transformation and improvement of agglomeration platforms of commerce and support the construction of e-commerce parks; clearly support the development of the brand chainConvenience storeAnd the first well-known brand product store; For auto and home appliance retail enterprises above the designated size with annual sales of more than 100 million yuan (inclusive) and an increase of more than 10% (inclusive), 100,000 yuan will be rewarded.

Suzhou recently opened “LejuSuzhou “Renovation” of the series of home furnishings promotion activities, launched a series of preferential activities such as New Year’s fun, 100 million yuan furniture replacement subsidies and old-model clearance prices to benefit the consumers.

In addition, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Xiamen, Xining, Xi’an, Changsha and many other places have successively launched consumer promotion activities and introduced support measures to further stimulate the potential of the consumer market with short-term promotional activities and agreements. long-term policy. The analysis believes that with the implementation of policies in various regions, China’s consumer market will accelerate its recovery and provide strong support for economic growth. (End up)

(Source: Economic Reference Network)

(Editor in charge: DF398)

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