During the Spring Festival holiday, 256 million people traveled nationwide and Lala cargo did not get the offline transport permit in Hunan_ 东方 Fortune.com


Original title: Noon News | 256 million domestic trips during the Spring Festival holidays; Huolala did not obtain offline transportation permits in Hunan; small and medium shareholders reported competition from Kweichow Moutai and Xijiu Company in real names


  [El número total de salidas nacionales durante las vacaciones del Festival de Primavera es de 256 millones y los ingresos por turismo son de 301,1 mil millones]According to the website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on February 25, the data center estimates that in the seven days of the Spring Festival holiday, a total of 256 million domestic tourists traveled throughout the country, an increase 15.7% year-on-year. and it recovered to 75.3% from the same period before the epidemic. It had domestic tourism revenue of 301.10 billion yuan, an increase of 8.2% year-on-year, and recovered to 58.6% from the same period before the epidemic.

  [MinisteriodeCienciayTecnología:ApoyelacalidaddeloestedeChinaempresaA través de los tres nuevos tableros,Junta de Innovación de Ciencia y TecnologíaFinanciamiento de OPI】Según el sitio web del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología emitió recientemente las “Opiniones de implementación sobre el fortalecimiento de la innovación científica y tecnológica y la promoción de la formación de un nuevo patrón de desarrollo occidental en la nueva era”. Las “Opiniones” propone intensificar el cultivo de empresas tecnológicas.Centrarse en la región occidental y ampliar el tipo de tecnologíaTamaño de las empresasY promoverCapacidad de innovación empresarialApoyar la implementación del plan de cultivo empresarial de alta tecnología, estudiar el aumento adicional de los incentivos fiscales para las empresas de alta tecnología y orientar el aumento deDesarrollo empresarialapoyo.Implementación de “tecnologíaPYMESEl Growth Roadmap Plan 2.0 “promueve el acoplamiento de empresas con instituciones de inversión e instituciones financieras, y apoya a empresas de alta calidad en el oeste de China para obtener financiamiento a través de la” New Third Board “y la Junta de Innovación de Ciencia y Tecnología.

  [Shanghai: para 2025, la producción anual de vehículos de nueva energía de la ciudad superará los 1,2 millones]On February 25, the General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government issued the “Shanghai Accelerate New Energy VehiclesindustryDevelopment implementation plan (2021-2025): By 2025, the annual production of local new energy vehicles will exceed 1.2 million, and the production value of new energy vehicles will exceed 350 billion yuan, which It representsmanufacturingThe value of industrial production is over 35%.

  National Health Commission: 7 new confirmed cases in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, all imported casesAccording to the official website of the National Health Commission, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly dependent on the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 7 new confirmed cases from 0 to 24 on February 24, all which were imported cases (3 in Shanghai and 3 in Tianjin). 1 case, 1 case in Shandong, 1 case in Guangdong, 1 case in Sichuan); no new deaths; 1 new suspected case, imported from abroad (in Shanghai).

  To share at noon

  Shanghai indexUp more than 1% real estateThe plate raises the daily limit tide】On the morning of February 25, all three major A-share stock indices bottomed out and rallied. At the close of noon, the Shanghai stock index rose 1.07%.Shenzhen Component IndexUp to 0.77%,Growing Business Market IndexIt rose 0.56%. On the diskreal estate, Park development,SureBank, Coal, military industry and other sectors have the highest profits, titanium dioxide, cloud games, aquaculture, rare earth permanent magnets, photoresist, digitalbadgeThe other sectors have fallen among the first. In terms of individual stocks,real estateThe plate raised the daily limit tide,Vanke AWait for the daily limit of more than 10 shares.

  [El sector de desarrollo inmobiliario aumentó considerablemente]Special serviceRongan Homes for SaleSouthland PropertyJiakai CityChina fortuneWait for the daily limit.

  【Increased smelting and processing of non-ferrous】Shenhuo ActionsYunluJixiang StockDaily limit,Xinbo ActionsPlease wait to follow up.

  【national defenseMilitary sectorLift upElectronic TorchDaily limit,Great BearIt rose more than 6%,High-tech AVICJianglong boatPlease wait to follow up.

  Bigthe company

  [LostresdepartamentosdeHunanrespondieronalacalificacióndeoperacióndeLalla:NosereportópermisodetransportetráficoDepartamento, está comprobando las operaciones en línea]According to “Emergency Call,” a current news section under Beijing News’ “We Video,” on February 24, the three Hunan departments discussed the question of qualifications for cargo shelling operations. The person in charge of the Cargo Management Section of the Hunan Province Transportation Management Office stated that Huolala did not obtain an offline transportation permit in Hunan, and the supervision of the cargo market is the responsibility of the office. , but the operation of the intermediary service of the Huolala line must be managed by the market supervision office. In this regard, the Changsha Market Supervision Office stated that it is reviewing the operation of the cargo traction line.

  【Small and mediumshareholderReal name reportKweichow moutaiCompetes with Xijiu company]According to the news, on February 25,WeiboUser “Moutai 900 yuan is not too high,” said on the social platform that he has informed the State Office of Letters and Calls that Moutai Group has used Xijiu company to cooperate withKweichow moutaiCompete in the same industry. The report letter lists detailed reasons, noting that Xijiu and Moutai are in terms of aroma, alcohol content,priceThere is a high degree of overlap in areas such as consumer groups.WeiboThe user has jointly sued 197 minority shareholders for violation of the Maotai donationcompany policy, Moutai subsequently canceled the donation.

  Kuaishou Confirms His Former Vice President Zhao Danyang Was Arrested For Taking BribesOn February 24, according to media reports, Zhao Danyang, former vice president of Kuaishou and director of the Community Content Research Institute, was arrested after resigning for taking bribes for “a large amount.” In response, Kuaishou replied that this matter was true. Zhao Danyang joined Kuaishou in February 2015. Prior to that, he was Vice President of Kuaishou. He once worked for Youku and served as the company’s deputy editor-in-chief and director of content management. (Interface news)

  Ping An from ChinaAnswer toMLMFormal Development Team Report “: Whistleblower was fired last yearAccording to the Economic Information Daily, on February 25,Ping An from ChinaReply to originalPing An from ChinaThe employee’s report indicated that, as verified and understood by Ping An Life, the content of the report was produced in 2020, when the life insurance company attached great importance to the content of the report and had already taken appropriate action. at the disposal of the responsible person, Heilongjiang life insuranceBranch officeFollowingCompany systemAfter expelling the informant Feng, he also punished the internal staff with management responsibilities.


(Source: Economic Observer Network)

(Responsible editor: DF545)

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