Drawing a new blueprint and starting a new journey The spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has generated strong repercussions among the cadres and masses of all departments and offices throughout the district


Draw a new plan and start a new journey The spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has aroused strong repercussions among the cadres and masses of all the departments of the district

Since the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the cadres and masses of various departments and offices in our district have heard and watched the news of the plenary session through television, newspapers, Internet, mobile phone client and other methods. The cadres and the masses said that the plenary has scientifically drawn up a new plan for China’s development in the next 5-15 years, and has clarified the main objectives of economic and social development during the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, which it is exciting and inspiring.

The cadres and the masses of the Department of Ecological Environment of the Autonomous Region affirmed that in the plenary session the “significant improvement of the ecological environment” during the period of the “XIII Five-Year Plan” was highly appreciated, and clearly pointed out that “new advances in the construction of ecological civilizations “and” significant results in the green transformation of production and lifestyle “during the period of the” XIV Five-Year Plan “The main objectives, such as the continuous reduction of the total discharge of the main pollutants, They have set the direction and outlined the plan for China’s economic and social development in the next 5 to 15 years. In the next step, the Department of Ecology and Environment will be combined with the goal of “basically achieve the construction of a beautiful China” in 2035, implement without hesitation Xi Jinping’s thoughts on ecological civilization, and consciously practice the construction of the Secretary General Xi Jinping of Inner Mongolia as a major ecological security barrier in northern China and build it on the northern borders of the motherland. From the fiery commission of the Great Green Wall, we will assume political responsibility for the construction of ecological civilization and the protection of the ecological environment; With steadfast confidence and determination to win the decisive battle, we will resolutely fight against the blue sky, the clear water and the pure defense of the land. Efficiently implement the rectification and reform of ecological and environmental protection supervision problems, promote the construction of an ecological civilization with high quality, continue to improve environmental quality, and strive to make new and greater contributions to the construction of the Great Green Wall in northern Xinjiang of the homeland and the construction of a major ecological security barrier in northern China.

The cadres and the masses of the Department of Natural Resources of the Autonomous Region pointed out that among the main objectives of economic and social development during the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, “new advances in the construction of ecological civilization and optimization of the pattern development and protection of land and space “is an important content. As the main battlefield for the construction of ecological civilization, the natural resource system of the autonomous region should study in depth and understand the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and translate the spirit of the Plenary Session on practical actions and work mechanisms in a timely manner. The strategic positioning of the barriers, the implementation of the spirit of Secretary General Jinping’s speech on July 16, 2019, when the Department of Natural Resources of the Autonomous Region carried out the thematic education of “not forgetting the original heart and taking into mission account, “deepening the Party Central Committee’s understanding of Inner Mongolia’s strategic positioning and deepening its own. Understanding responsibilities, assumes important missions and historical responsibilities, and builds and builds the ecological safety barrier in the north of the homeland.

The person in charge of the Directorate of Territorial and Spatial Planning of the Directorate of Natural Resources of the Autonomous Region stated that based on the natural geographic pattern of the “three mountains and a bend” in our region, the three districts and the three will be planned. lines as a whole, and territorial and spatial plans must be drawn up and implemented at all levels. Based on the urban, agricultural, ecological and ecological space protection red line, the permanent basic protection red line of agricultural land, and the limit of urban development as an impassable red line to adjust the economic structure, plan industrial development and promote urbanization, based on the characteristics of local resource endowment, reflecting local advantages and Features: Adhering to the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, adhere to respect for nature, conform to nature and protect nature, insisting on giving priority to natural conservation, protection and restoration, and safeguarding the limits of natural ecological safety. Focus on protecting forests and grasslands and polishing Inner Mongolia’s ecological background. To optimize the spatial design of the land, it is necessary to promote a coordinated regional development and new urbanization, and build a high-quality development of the land and space design and support system.

Hohhot Customs held a special meeting to study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee. The meeting noted that Hohhot Customs will seriously and swiftly implement the spirit of the plenary meeting, work hard to assume its responsibilities and missions, and make active contributions to open up services and maintain national security. It is necessary to further strengthen the political position, ensure that the spirit of the plenary session takes root on the border and effectively transform it into an inexhaustible driving force for party members and cadres in the customs area to move forward and create a new path of professional development. Further strengthening cooperation with the Russian and Mongolian customs along the “Belt and Road” is necessary to help the autonomous region fully take advantage of its location and port advantages, fully participate in the construction of the economic corridor “China -Mongolia-Russia “and integrate deeply into the development of the” Belt and Road “. Make good use of various policies, form a policy accumulation effect, and promote high-level openness and high-quality development of platforms, as linked comprehensive areas. The deep advance of system innovation, modernization of governance capabilities, adhere to the combination of pilot projects and comprehensive advance, promote the overall work with key advancements, achieve continuous improvement in business quality and efficiency, and guarantees stable and long-term renovations. It is necessary to do everything possible to implement the 56 specific measures of Hohhot Customs to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment, and help foreign trade enterprises in the jurisdiction to resume work and production. Comprehensively implement the “two-step declaration” and “two-step access” customs clearance model, enhance the level of facilitation of cross-border trade, fully release the reform dividend, and consolidate the effectiveness of time reduction total customs clearance for the goods. Accelerate the implementation of measures to support the development of AEO companies to facilitate the implementation of high-quality companies to “go global.” Increase support for new trade formats and border trade, and form a management services system with strict supervision, convenient customs clearance, and efficient services as soon as possible. We must always tighten the chain of strict supervision and insist on strengthening positive supervision. Strengthen national biosafety control, build a strong national quarantine defense line, and firmly adhere to the first rank and first rank of “North Xinjiang Ecological Security Barrier and Security and Stability Barrier”. Do not relax, pay close attention to various standardized epidemic prevention and control measures, resolutely control the “foreign prevention import”, strengthen the analysis and judgment of the epidemic situation abroad in autumn and winter, continue doing a good job in security protection and internal prevention and control, and make sure Victoria, zero infection.

(Full report by Liang Liang, Wang Lianying, Anil, Inner Mongolia Daily, financial media reporter)

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