“Dividends” from Tax Cuts and Tariff Cuts Continue to Add Momentum and Confidence to Economic Development-Chinanews.com


  [Comentarios sobre la nueva economía de la gran potencia]Tax cuts and “dividend” rate cuts continue to boost economic development

Hundreds of millions of market entities are the “pillar” of stable employment and the “engine” of stable growth. During the period of the “Thirteenth Five Year Plan”, a series of tax and fee reduction policies were introduced one after another, which not only reduced the burden on tens of thousands of companies, but also improved their profit sense and increased the confidence and confidence in economic development.

Tax reduction and fee reduction have “precision”

Currently, China’s economy is in a critical period to transform its mode of development, optimize the economic structure and transform the growth momentum. The challenge factors in the development of the external environment have increased significantly. For companies, the more risks and challenges increase, the more they must improve quality and efficiency, relying on independent innovation to increase profits and resist risks. It is necessary to move forward, but also to transform, and reducing taxes and lowering fees can effectively help companies to fight with light equipment and promote business transformation and upgrade.

In order to encourage enterprises to increase investment in R&D for independent innovation, China has continuously increased the percentage of deductions for R&D expenses. During the period of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, the state has optimized and repeatedly adjusted R&D expenses plus deductions and other incentives for innovation policies. In 2017, the proportion of pre-tax deductions for R&D expenses of technology-based SMEs increased, and the ratio of R&D expenses plus deductions increased in 2018 Up to 75% of the Politics enjoyment topics spread to all companies. For most companies, the increasingly detailed and precise “additional deduction” has set a direction to foster innovation.

In addition to specifically encouraging innovation, the “precision” of the tax and fee reduction policy is also reflected in timeliness. Recently, Sichuan Ailian Technology Co., Ltd. successfully launched its ultra-small home 5G communication module. The weight of the module is reduced by almost half, and it is only 5 mm wider than a 1 yuan coin. It can be widely used in drones, industrial robots and other fields. The company’s finance chief Lu Yujun said the company was underfunded at the beginning of the year and that tax cuts and fees helped a lot at critical times. Reducing tax costs has strengthened the confidence of companies to launch new products, stimulated the vitality of business innovation and entrepreneurship, and is more conducive to promoting transformation and improvement.

Tax Cuts and Rate Cuts Have “Speed”

Since the beginning of this year, under the complex situation of international trade, the risk of market uncertainty faced by export-oriented companies has continued to increase. However, the large-scale tax and fee reduction policies implemented this year have been accelerated into effect, and the “real money” dividends from tax and fee cuts have continued to inject confidence and vitality into targeted companies. export and, in general, have improved their ability to cope with the risks of international trade.

For example, in March this year, the State Tax Administration and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued an announcement to increase the rate of export tax relief for 1,464 products. Local tax departments compare the list of products one by one and push them directionally, to ease financial pressure on businesses in a timely manner. Policies such as the same day export tax refund declaration that it hits the account the same day have robbed the company of more time and reduced costs. The evident acceleration of a series of preferential tax and tariff policies has helped foreign trade companies to revitalize funds and accumulate development momentum.

According to the data, in the first three quarters, the amount of goods and services purchased by exporting companies across the country increased by 4.8% year-on-year, 1.1 percentage points more than the growth rate of purchases of all companies. Business. Among them, the third quarter increased 16.8% year-on-year, an increase of 3.3 percentage points from the second quarter, and the growth trend continued to improve. The dividends from reduced taxes and reduced fees make businesses feel more comforting, and continuous optimization of tax services makes businesses more worry-free. Many export-oriented companies use the burden reduction bonus to improve their management level and introduce talent, and their confidence and vitality in development continue to be improved.

Tax Cuts and Rate Cuts Have “Force”

Favorable policies and high-efficiency services have a double sense of acquisition, which also brings benefits to small taxpayers. Li Shengli, manager of the Baitaqiao Hotel in Linhai City, Zhejiang Province, said the tax department sent small-scale taxpayers a “big red envelope” for exemption from value-added tax and social security premiums. in the most difficult moment. The data show that the restaurant sector, the one most affected by the epidemic, has accelerated its recovery after the control of the national epidemic, with a year-on-year increase of 10.3% in the third quarter.

According to Wang Jun, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the State Administration of Taxation, the cumulative increase in tax and fee reductions from 2016 to 2020 will reach around 7.6 trillion yuan, especially with the implementation of further reductions of taxes and fees in 2019. Tax and fee cuts reached 2.36 trillion yuan, representing more than 2% of GDP and boosting annual GDP growth by about 0.8 percentage points. In order to make businesses have a real sense of profit, the tax and tax departments have resolutely implemented the policy of fine-grained tax and fee reductions this year to ensure that businesses make full use of the policies; accelerate the distribution of direct funds, ease pressure on grassroots finances, and support the implementation of tax and fee reductions. Policies; strengthen supervision and inspection to ensure that revenues are organized in accordance with laws and regulations, and that illegal collection of taxes and fees is strictly prohibited.

The policy of tax and tax relief has been implemented in an orderly and forceful manner, which has had a positive impact on the production and operation of companies, effectively alleviating the operational difficulties of companies, especially small, medium and micro companies. and promoting the confidence of market entities. In the context of accelerating the formation of a new development pattern with national and international double cycles as the main body and the mutual promotion of national and international double cycles, to create good business opportunities and spaces for business development, it is necessary to continue implementing various reduction and exemption policies and further optimize the business environment. Reduce costs effectively and reduce your load effectively. Only in this way can companies have more room for maneuver and transition when faced with risks and challenges, and have more energy for transformation and upgrade.

The “subtraction” of taxes and fees in exchange for the “sum” of corporate profits and the “multiplication” of market vitality is not only the meaning of supply-side structural reform, but also an important way to promote the high-quality development of China’s economy. By using the government’s carefully calculated “tight days” in exchange for the “good days” of business transformation and upgrade, we can continue to inject new momentum into high-quality economic development. (Economic Daily-China Economic Network Zang Mengya)
