Details of 2 Newly Imported Confirmed Cases and 1 Asymptomatic Infection Announced in Beijing | Beijing | Beijing | New Coronary Pneumonia_ Sina News


Original Title: Details of 2 Newly Imported Confirmed Cases and 1 Asymptomatic Infection Announced in Beijing

Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recalled that the current epidemic situation abroad remains high. People who work and study abroad should pay attention to local information on epidemic prevention and control, take personal protection at work and life, maintain a safe social distance and do not meet, Reduce departures. Seek medical attention if you feel unwell. International travel is not recommended.

Beijing News News On November 3, Beijing held the 174th press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reported that from 0:00 to 24:00 on November 2, 2 newly imported confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 1 case of asymptomatic infection in Beijing, including 1 case on October 27 The reported asymptomatic infection became a confirmed case.

The details are as follows:

Confirmed case 1, a 30-year-old man, Jiangxi nationality, working in Pakistan, arrived in Beijing on October 29 on flight CA946 from Pakistan. After Customs carried out a health examination and samples were taken, they were transferred to the hotel for isolation and closed-circuit observation. Customs reported that the results of the nucleic acid tests were negative the same day.

On November 1, the nucleic acid test was performed again and the result was positive, and on November 2, he was transferred to the Ditan Hospital in a negative pressure 120 ambulance. Based on the results of the epidemiological history, the clinical manifestations , laboratory tests and imaging tests, the diagnosis is a confirmed case, and the clinical classification is ordinary.

Confirmed case 2, male, 27 years old, Gansu nationality, Pakistani student, the relevant situation has been notified as asymptomatic infection on October 27.

On October 31, the result of the nucleic acid test was positive. On November 2, chest CT revealed new inflammatory lesions in the lower right lung. Based on the results of the epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging tests, the diagnosis was Confirmed cases are clinically classified as ordinary.

Centralized isolation medical observation measures have been implemented for the close contacts of the two confirmed cases on the same flight and in the same vehicle, and there is no abnormal report; the centralized isolation hotel where they live is disinfected.

Asymptomatic infection, a 36-year-old man, a Beijing national, living in Hungary, took flight CA842 from Austria on October 31 and arrived in Beijing on November 1. After an examination and health sampling at customs, he was transferred to a place of isolation under closed-circuit management. Observing the hotel, customs reported that the test result was positive that day.

Transferred to Ditan Hospital by 120 negative pressure ambulances on November 2. The patient has no abnormal symptoms. Based on the results of the epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and imaging tests, the patient was diagnosed as an asymptomatic infection. Centralized isolation medical observation measures have been implemented for your close contacts on the same flight and in the same vehicle, and there is no abnormal report; the centralized isolation hotel where the aforementioned asymptomatic infected people live is disinfected.

The 174th press conference on the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Beijing.

Xu Hejian, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, director of the Municipal Government Information Office and spokesman for the municipal government, said that it is necessary to continue to manage and control direct flights to Beijing and to strictly implement various measures of prevention and remote control. Strengthen the supervision of imported cold chain food, play the role of cold chain food traceability platform, supervise and guide the relevant business and production units to strictly implement the main responsibilities and ensure that the channels for imported foods from the cold chain are clear and fully traceable. Further improve customs clearance measures for cold chain food in ports across the country to enter Beijing. Continue to do a good job of nucleic acid testing for staff and the environment in key locations such as vegetable farms and cold storage.

Sign language translation on site.

Beijing News reporter Wang Jianing and Dai Xuan’s photo report

Edited by Wu Feihu and reviewed by Li Lijun

