Deployment of the State Council to deepen “delegation, management and service” requires a “policy of finding people” to serve those in need | Political Solution_ 东方


Original title: Council of State Unfolds to Deepen “Delegation, Control, and Service,” Requiring a “Finding Policy” to Serve People in Need | Political solution

On September 11, the State Council held a nationwide video call to deepen the reform of “decentralization, management and service” to optimize the business environmentmeetingIt requires the establishment of an active discovery mechanism for people in need, and changes the “policy for people seeking people” to “policies seeking people” so that people in distress can be guaranteed on time.

  Reform and improve with “decentralization, management and service”macropoliticalPunctuality and precision

In recent years, governments at all levels have adopted the three-fold “delegation, management and service” approach to mutually support and promotemarketSubject andjobSendSignificant increase, massTo start a businessThe vigorous development of innovations has led to the rapid growth of new business forms and new models, and the continuous improvement of economic resilience and development drive has played an important role in fighting the epidemic this year and promoting economic recovery.

In today’s teleconference, Prime Minister Li Keqiang proposed that deepening the reform of “delegating control and service delivery” and optimizing the business environment are encouraging.Market playersThe key to vitality and development momentum.

Li Keqiang noted that improving the timeliness and accuracy of macro policy implementation with the reform approach of “decentralization, regulation and service” is an important measure to innovate macro control methods this year. It is necessary to implement a direct mechanism of fiscal funds to ensureTax reductionThe real effect of the rate reduction is to provide support to secure employment, protect people’s livelihoods, and protect market players. InnovationCreditService model, letbusinessIn particular, financing for small, medium and micro enterprises is more convenient and preferential. Eliminate unreasonable restrictions affecting employment, especially new forms of employment, and develop flexible employment in accordance with local conditions.

Yesterday (September 10), the “About deepeningTrading systemThe reforms further stimulated relaxation and the reduction of the burden on companiesCorporate vitalityThe “Notice” was published, proposing 12 reform measures in four aspects, including promoting the entire process of online processing of business start-ups, promoting further progress in the reform of the registration system, simplification of production and operation conditions and approval of relevant companies, and strengthening of interim and ex post supervision.

  “Unleash creativity”, “manage quality”, “provide benefits”

Regarding “decentralization, management and service”, videoconferencing and teleconferencing raised the requirements of “releasing vitality and creativity”, “regulating equity, managing quality”, “serving convenience and providing benefits”.

In terms of “release,” the meeting called for barriers to entry to be further lowered, repeated approvals and unnecessary approvals to be eliminated, and the reform of the “separation of licenses and licenses” be deepened.investmentImplementation of the commitment system in areas such as certification.

In terms of “management”, the meeting called for the promotion of a transition from “tight advance and lenient management” to “lenient advance and tight management”. Improve “double random, one open” monitoringInternet ++ Supervision “etc. Implement strict supervision of all subjects, all varieties, and the entire chain of vaccines, drugs and special equipment. Innovation and tolerancePrudential supervisionTo promote emergingindustryFurther development.

In terms of “services”, the meeting called for the full implementation of “faceless” management, promoting more interprovincial handling of issues, and basically achieving full coverage of high-frequency issues before the end of next year, while simultaneously guarantees data security and privacy is protected. Establish an active discovery mechanism for people in distress and change the “find people policy” to “find people policy”, so that people in need can be secured on time. The competitiveness of the business environment isInternational competitiveness. Implement foreign entrepreneursInvestment lawIn addition to supporting regulations and a negative list of access to foreign investment, respond to concerns and create a better open environment, so that China’s determination to open up allows foreign entrepreneurs to be safe and open policies benefit investors. foreign entrepreneurs.

  Emphasize “find people policy” to provide protection to people in need

For the requirements of this teleconference, the national rule of law conditions of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of LawInvestigationThe director of the office, Lu Yanbin, believes that in order to face the economic and social situation at home and abroad after the new corona epidemic, the State Council requires the adoption of various administrative reforms to further stimulate the vitality and creativity. Among them, the separation of licenses and licenses, double random and single disclosure, and other changes in supervision methods are the continuation of the previous measures. The emphasis is now on improving work efficiency and reducing unnecessary approvals to further optimize the business environment. The purpose is to make The government better serve market players, reduce unnecessary market intervention, and reduce the various operations of market players.cost

Lu Yanbin emphasized that in response to the post-epidemic economic and social situation, this meeting specifically noted that it is not about “people seeking policies” but “policies seeking people.” In fact, it is about providing various effective guarantees for people in need. The government is required to be more proactive about the concept of aid. At the same time, on this occasion the three aspects of “decentralization, management and service” are particularly emphasized. “This should not be ignored at this time, but rather manage the level, quality and efficiency.” One aspect of this requirement is that for some important areas, such as drugs and vaccines, they must be prudently supervised and strictly supervised. In other fields, they must pass double random and a disclosure,The Internet+ New methods of supervision to improve the efficiency of supervision.

(Source: Beijing News)

(Editor in charge: DF353)

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