Delving deeper into the energy sector, joint case management by companies and local governments has become the norm-news


Original title: Delving deeper into the energy sector, joint case management by companies and local governments has become the norm.

Source: Website of the Central Commission for Disciplinary Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

“Hu Zhanjie, former party secretary and chairman of Heilongjiang Geocoal Group Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review by the Provincial Commission for Disciplinary Inspection and the Provincial Disciplinary Supervision and Inspection Group SASAC “,” Deputy General Manager, Sichuan Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., Li Changwei, director of Sichuan Xinli Light Source Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review, oversight and investigation. “… Recently, news was announced from various party leaders in the energy sector.

The reporter found that since this year, at least 22 leading cadres in the energy sector have been notified by the website of the Central Commission for Disciplinary Inspection and the State Oversight Commission to accept the review and investigation or to receive party discipline and government sanctions. The issue of corruption in the energy sector has once again attracted attention.

In the context of doing a good job on the “six stability” and executing the tasks of the “six guarantees”, standardizing and accurately punishing corruption in the energy sector, and moving forward together is not only the work of implementing the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Commission for Disciplinary Inspection Deployment is also a powerful action to monitor and ensure energy security.

On July 10, Qin Linhui, a former party secretary and director of the Energy Bureau of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, was indicted. The “Double Opening” notice noted that it “used the convenience of dominating the management of national mineral resources for the benefit of others.”

The journalist noted that in the prosecution’s accusations against Qin Linhui, two “extraordinarily large” expressions are particularly conspicuous: one is that he illegally accepts or solicits other people’s property, the amount is extremely large; the other is that your property and expenses obviously exceed your legal income, and the difference is extremely large. huge. To some extent, this also reflects the characteristics of corruption in the energy sector.

Energy is related to the national economy and people’s livelihoods, it is a key investment area of ​​the country, and it often brings huge economic benefits. Party members and top cadres of energy authorities have significant powers in policy formulation, project approval, industry supervision, etc., and can easily become the focus of the hunt for illegal entrepreneurs. Since the beginning of this year, party members and senior cadres from the central, provincial, municipal and county energy authorities have been investigated and treated. In addition to Qin Linhui, there are also Wang Tiancai, former party secretary and director of the Northwest Regulatory Office of the National Energy Administration, and the original party group of the Jilin Provincial Energy Administration. Secretary and Director Luo Yifei etc.

In China, energy belongs to the field of in-depth regulation and is mainly operated by state-owned companies. Judging from the cases investigated and dealt with this year, in addition to the energy authorities, corruption in state-owned companies in energy sectors such as coal, oil, and electric power is prone to occur frequently.

Han Xingsan, former party committee member and deputy general manager of China National Offshore Oil Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd., “seeks benefits for others in terms of material supply, equipment procurement, freight transportation, payment of goods, business operations, etc. “; Former Party Secretary and Director of Shaanxi Gas Group Co., Ltd. Chairman Hao Xiaochen “used the resources of the state monopoly to capture huge profits”; former party committee deputy secretary and vice chairman Bai Ying of Yangquan Coal Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. “on fire protection project recruitment, cadre selection and appointment, for the benefit of others and Receive ownership” … It is not difficult to discover that the corruption of SOEs in the energy sector is mainly concentrated in the resource, construction and engineering linkages, manifested in the form of relying on companies to eat companies, rent seeking, related transactions and internal and external collusion.

China’s state-owned energy companies have a large amount of capital, multiple construction links, and a wide range of operations. Its business includes engineering, materials, services, and other fields. Some corporate leaders use business as a pretext to engage in energy and money transactions.

For example, the indictment of Wang Jinhua, former party secretary and chairman of China Coal Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd., showed that the bribery was primarily related to coal mining and sales, including providing assistance to a company to conduct coal mining business, in the form of dividends. Received a total of 30 million yuan; to help a company become a major coal sales agent, received 3 million yuan in cash, etc.

It should be noted that in the investigation and case management of state-owned companies in the energy sector, especially state-owned companies, the way of handling cases by the disciplinary inspection and supervision team and the local disciplinary inspection commission has gradually become the rule.

From the case of Zhu Tianshou, the former PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Branch chief engineer notified in January this year, to Han Xingsan, a former party committee member and deputy general manager of CNOOC Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd., who violated the discipline and laws, and then to the deputy director of Shenhua Baotou Energy Co., Ltd. General manager Zhao Hongyue’s case, the investigation and smooth handling of these cases benefited from the cooperation of companies and local governments in the disciplinary enforcement. According to Xu Jiming, head of the Inspection and Disciplinary Supervision Team of the China National Petroleum Corporation, “the most intuitive change in joint case management between companies and local governments is the improvement of the quality and efficiency of case management.” .

While strengthening punishment, the inspection and disciplinary oversight bodies firmly assumed the basic responsibility for oversight and promoted the reform and construction of the system of key oversight mechanisms, such as the oversight of examinations and approvals, and resource transactions. public.

The third round of the XIX Central Inspection and Improvement Exhibition announced in March this year showed that party organizations from many units, including the National Energy Administration, PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, etc., have perfected the prevention mechanism and integrity risk control and established a strong daily supervision system and mechanism makes arrangements to supervise and promote the legal and standardized operation of corporate power. (Xue Peng)
