Deepen Decentralization, Management and Service Reform, Release More Dividends (Grand Inspection in Action) _Sina


Original Title: Deepening Decentralization, Management and Service Reform, Unleashing More Dividends

Deepening the reform of “delegation of power, regulation of services and optimization of the business environment” is the key to stimulate the vitality of market entities and develop endogenous power. Since the beginning of this year, all localities have continued to deepen the “delegation, management and service” reform, striving to unleash more dividends and strengthen development momentum. How effective are the reform measures? What are the expectations of companies and people? The 14 inspection teams of the State Council went to various provinces to conduct on-site inspections, adhered to problem guidance, focused on key tasks, established rectification and reform, promoted continuous transformation of government functions, further simplified plus the administration and delegated powers, and injected vitality to high-quality economic and social development.

Combine decentralization, optimize services and stimulate the vitality of market players

Promoting economic and social development in the prevention and normalized epidemic control is a new issue facing the reform of “delegation, management and service”.

At the corporate symposium held by the Eleventh Oversight Team in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, Zhou Peng, Vice President of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group, said: “During the resumption of work and production, the company faces difficulties due to the supply of raw materials. Thanks to the suspension of our company. The company’s cadres coordinated with 58 core support providers to get back to work quickly so that we could run normal production and recoup the loss. “

The inspection team learned that Zhuhai has established a working mechanism for municipal leaders to contact key companies in service since 2015 and select a number of key companies each year to form a “one-to-one matchmaking relationship. “and” one by one “to help the point Companies solve practical difficulties in production and operation. Since last year, Zhuhai City senior cadres have communicated with companies from point to point 187 times, solving 133 problems for companies.

Carry out the spirit of “Small Two” and optimize the business environment. The third inspection team found that Heilongjiang Province fully implemented the “lead assistant” model, created a green channel for the “100 major projects”, strengthened the tolerant approval of “one meeting and three letters” for the construction of the project and established a guarantee mechanism for the follow-up service throughout the process. Currently, the province has established a total of 571 project special classes and 1,225 principal assistants to provide agency services for 1,344 investment promotion projects. 54 major projects such as Feihe Dairy and the Industrial University Aviation Museum began construction ahead of schedule.

The Seventh Oversight Team learned in Fujian that in the process of handling the relevant documents, the applicant and the registration authority had “zero meetings”, the system completed all the data of the submitted application, and the registrants had “zero intervention. “to achieve” autonomy “throughout the process. Declaration, automatic approval, selfie “.

During the inspection, some small and micro enterprises informed the inspection team that the financial industry has recently increased its efforts to prevent risks, and local commercial banks have strengthened the review of newly opened corporate accounts and sometimes even a dozen of banks have not been able to open accounts. The supervision team recommends that reforms be intensified, efforts be made to achieve decentralization and management, optimize services and ensure that the work of opening accounts of small and micro-enterprises is fully opened with the premise of preventing risks.

All-in-one operation, single-network operation, effectively improve work efficiency

At the Stamp Engraving Center of Shangluo Municipal Affairs Service Center, Shaanxi Province, the 12th Oversight Team learned that corporate legal persons can order a stamp engraving set for free if they present licenses business cards, identification cards and other materials online or in a window. The staff member said: “If you do not have time to go to the window to pick it up, we will also provide a free courier service and send the official stamp to the home of the corporate legal person.”

It is reported that the city of Shangluo fully implements the approval model of “single window acceptance, combined review, intensive approval and one-stop settlement”, and explores “one thing once” and 595 municipal-level approval items will be handled online. The continuous optimization of the business environment has driven the growth of the number of market players. Since the beginning of this year, the city has added 11,136 market players, of which 3,000 new ventures have been added, a year-on-year increase of 19.05% .

The 10th inspection team learned in Chenzhou, Hunan, that to enhance grassroots government services, Chenzhou renovated and built 2,506 government service rooms (stations) at the four levels of cities, counties, municipalities and villages to provide services close to the masses. Services such as “Reception and Collection Agency” and “Accounting Agency”. From July to September this year, Chenzhou City explored interprovincial cooperation with Shanghai Xuhui District, Guangdong Shaoguan City and Fuzhou Yongxing Chamber of Commerce, and initially formed a model of “system coupling, external agency, shipping and delivery, and complete online management. ” Launch of the first batch of 30 articles “transprovincial affairs”.

How to request a certificate elsewhere? The inspection team found that Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, actively engaged with neighboring Pujiang County, resolved 240 items of Yiwu-Pujiang City common affairs and handled them in three ways, including receiving and transferring. , the separation of office acceptance and full online office. Furthermore, there are more than 20,000 Huangyan people doing business in Yiwu. In order to provide convenient services, in September this year, Yiwu City, together with Huangyan District, Taizhou launched 142 general affairs. These reforms deal with difficulties and strengthen the sense of profit among the people.

The inspection team learned that the integration of e-government networks in some places is not in place, and some grassroots administrative approval staff report that the approval networks at the provincial and county level remain parallel , with “multiple systems, multiple processes, repeated logins and repeated entries”. The problem persists and affects the effectiveness of the approval. The monitoring team urged local governments to rectify and reform immediately, integrate the e-government network and carry out data exchange.

Unify the rules and standardize supervision to ensure fair development

“The same platform, unified rules, a set of procedures, with the integrated city and county platform, all tenders can be completed without leaving home, which is very convenient!” Introduced Zhang Baoliang, deputy general manager from the Jiangsu Hanjian Group, to the inspection team. To participate in public resource transaction bidding in Suqian, you need to register information in different counties and districts, use different systems, and the transaction rules are different, which is time-consuming and laborious. “Now it is much more efficient,” said Zhang Baoliang.

The fifth inspection team found that Jiangsu has made great efforts to optimize the business environment this year and further clean up the rules of the public resource trading system for market entities. From January to September, the province cleared 678 documents, abolished and revised 347 documents, canceled all county-level documents related to transaction rules and transaction procedures, and achieved unified system rules within the scope of districts and cities. At present, Jiangsu has basically established a public resource trading platform system with unified rules, openness and transparency, efficient services and standardized supervision.

The rule of law is the best business environment. The fourth inspection team learned in Shanghai that in 2019, in order to vigorously promote the healthy development of the private economy, the city issued a series of exemption lists, clarifying that 84 minor infractions of laws and regulations will not be sanctioned from According to the law, covering market supervision, fire protection, cultural markets, ecological environment and other fields. Currently, Shanghai has applied the exemption list to more than 1,700 cases without administrative penalties, benefiting more than 1,000 companies.

The sixth inspection team found that to protect the legitimate rights and interests of companies and to strengthen and standardize supervision of companies during and after the incident, government departments implemented “double random, one open” supervision and joint interdepartmental supervision. , forming a “Yangtze River Delta Integration” Multiple modes of supervision, such as joint supervision. At present, Zhejiang has built a unified law enforcement and supervision data center for the whole province, basically realizing that the three basic functions of the “Internet + supervision” platform system are fully online, and that the three-tier applications of the provinces, cities and counties are fully integrated, and 39 fields of law enforcement are fully covered. The standardization, precision and coordination of provincial law enforcement oversight provide strong support.

The inspection team learned during the inspection that some companies have “difficulties” and “sticking points” in deregistration, and problems of easy start-up, shutdown and difficulty still persist. The oversight team recommends that it is necessary to achieve high-quality services for the “full life cycle” of the company, classify the relevant rules and regulations related to the closure and transfer of the company, and establish a clear system so that practices base have laws and rules to follow.
