Counting the 1019 Outbreak: Qingdao Completes 10.9 Million Nucleic Acid Tests in 5 Days, and America Bursts in Fall and Winter


  1. Counting the 1019 outbreak: Qingdao completes 10.9 million nucleic acid tests in five days
  2. Officials say the source of the local epidemic in Qingdao has found the RFI from foreign imported cod-Radio France International
  3. Focus on epidemic prevention and control | Qingdao fights the “epidemic” for 120 hours Xinhuanet
  4. Detection of tens of millions of people in Qingdao on the 5th draws attention
  5. The Qingdao national test results are astonishing, could there be any major events after the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Committee? Voice of Hope International Radio
  6. See the full report on Google News