Core Document No. 1 is here to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas! Focusing on agriculture, rural areas and farmers for 18 consecutive years


Original title: Core Document No. 1 is here to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas! Focusing on agriculture, rural areas and farmers for 18 consecutive years

1. Depth implementation is importantFarm productsGuarantee the strategy, improve the governor’s responsibility system for food safety and the greater responsibility system of the “vegetable basket” to ensure grains, cotton, oil, sugar, meat, etc.supplySafety. During the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly dependent on the Central Government) must stabilize the area sown with grain and increase the yield per unit area. Strengthen functional areas of food production and importantFarm productsConstruction of production protection zones Building national food securityindustryband. Stable subsidies for grain-growing farmers, so that grain producers make a reasonable profit. Comply with and improve the minimum purchase price policy for rice and wheat, and improve the subsidy policy for corn and soybean producers.

2. Agriculture in 2021Offer sideStructural reforms have been intensified, the area sown to cereals has remained stable, production has reached more than 1.3 billion cats and the pig industry has developed steadily.Farm productsThe quality and level of food security has been further improved, farmers’ incomes have continued to grow faster than those of urban residents, and poverty alleviation results have continued to strengthen.

3. Strive to start the implementation of the agricultural and rural modernization plan in 2021 and effectively link the poverty alleviation policy system and working mechanism with rural revitalization and make a smooth transition. By 2025, important will be achieved progress in modernizing agriculture and rural areas.productSupply guarantees have been strengthened, a modern rural industrial system has basically been formed, and rural construction actions have achieved notable results.

4. Accelerate the construction of a modern farming system, protect the basic production capacity of live pigs, improve the long-term mechanism for the stable and orderly development of the live pig industry, actively develop the cattle and sheep industry , continue to implement the revitalization action of the dairy industry, and promote green and healthy aquatic farming. Promote the reform of the construction and management of fishing ports. Promote the development of the woody cereal and oil and forest economy.

5. Enhance the independent research and development capacity of agricultural machinery and equipment, support the R&D and manufacture of high-end smart, mountainous and mountainous agricultural machinery equipment, increase purchase subsidies and implement subsidies to operation of agricultural machinery.

6. Support the leaders of the seed industrybusinessEstablish and improve the commercial breeding system, accelerate the construction of southern Silicon Valley, strengthen the construction of seed production bases and improved seed improvement systems, study the research and development of major varieties and subsidy policies post-promotion, and promote the integrated development of parenting and promotion.

7. Implement projects for the construction and development of digital villages. Promote the simultaneous planning and construction of rural gigabit optical networks, fifth generation mobile communications (5G), mobile Internet of things and cities. Improve the compensation mechanism for universal telecommunications services and support the construction of information and communication infrastructure in rural and remote areas. Accelerate the construction of space facilities such as remote sensing satellites for agriculture and rural areas.Smart agriculture, Establish a big data system for agriculture and rural areas, and promote a new generationinformation technologyDeeply integrated with agricultural production and operation.

8. Consider the agricultural modernization demonstration zone as an important starting point to promote agricultural modernization, focus on improving the level of modernization of the agricultural industry system, the production system and the management system, establish a system of indices, strengthen resource integration and policy integration, with counties (cities, districts) as a unit. Carry out the creation and create around 500 demonstration areas by 2025, forming a cascading pattern of agricultural modernization.

9. Strengthen property management, advance steadily and prudently in reforming the rural property system, explore property rights, qualification andRight to useEfficient way to divide. Standardize the daily registration and issuance of homes.

10. Use the re-loan to support agriculture and small businesses.rediscountAnd other policy tools to implement the most favorableDeposit reservationIncrease support for financial institutions with institutional legal entities and businesses in county areas, and encourage rural financial institutions to return to their roots.BankIndustrial financial institutions will establish internal institutions in service of rural revitalization Clarify local government oversight and risk management responsibilities, and properly standardize and standardize internal development of farmer cooperatives.creditPilot cooperation. Maintain the overall stability of the legal entity status and number of rural financial institutions at the county level, such as rural credit cooperatives, and do a good job of supervision and management, risk resolution and deepening of reform. Improve the governance structure and internal control mechanisms of agricultural financial institutions and strengthen the oversight responsibilities of financial oversight departments Support cities and counties to build shared agriculture within the domain.Credit informationIt will take three years for the database to basically establish a relatively complete credit system for new agricultural business entities. Develop rural digital financial inclusion Vigorously develop small farmersCredit loans, PoliticsPromiseHome loan business for loans, agricultural machinery and greenhouse facilities Encourage the development of exclusive financial products to support new agricultural business entities and rural areas.New industryNew business model, first loan increase, credit loan Increase investment and medium and long-term financing in agricultural and rural infrastructureCreditsupport.Enhancement of agricultureCreditQuantitative evaluation of the guarantee increase, improveAgricultural creditWarranty scale.

11. Implement a new round of livestock and poultry genetic improvement plans and modern seed industry improvement project. Respect science, strict supervision and promote orderly biological reproduction.Industrializationrequest Strengthen knowledge in the field of breedingpropertyprotection. Support leading companies in the seed industry to establish a strong business improvement system, accelerate the construction of southern Silicon Valley, strengthen the construction of seed production bases and improved seed improvement systems, study research and development of the main varieties and the subsidy after the promotion. policies and promote the integrated development of breeding, rearing and promotion.

12. Comprehensive promotionRural consumptionAccelerate the improvement of the three-tier rural logistics system of counties and villages, transform and improve rural delivery logistics infrastructure, and further promote the introduction of e-commerce in rural areasFarm productsLeaving the town and entering the city to promote the effective connection between urban and rural production and consumption. Promote the substitution of durable consumer goods for rural people Accelerate the implementation of agricultural productsDepositThe fresh food preservation cold chain logistics facility construction project, promote the construction of Tiantou small-scale storage and fresh preservation cold chain facilities, low-temperature direct sales distribution centers in the production areas and cold chain logistics bases of the national backbone.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

(Responsible editor: DF398)

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