COP15 has more than 5 months to take place in Yunnan, are you ready?


  Original title: COP15 has more than 5 months to take place. Yunnan ready? Initially, the function area of ​​the conference venue was determined. Important areas have basically achieved 5G network coverage

From 17 to 30 May next year, the 15th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (hereinafter COP15) will be held in Kunming. Yesterday, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Yunnan Provincial Preparatory Work Leading Group Office of COP15 jointly held a press conference on the preparations for COP15 in Yunnan and the special press conference on protection of the biodiversity in Yunnan to present the relevant situation of our province’s preparations for the COP15 conference.

  Preparations for new developments, the functional area of ​​the conference venue has been initially determined

According to the requirements of the National Executive Committee Office, our province is mainly responsible for the COP15 conference and related conference logistics, building the conference website, doing a good job on foreign affairs protocol and security work, ensuring the organization of high-level meetings, hosting side events and side exhibitions, and making good news. 8 tasks like propaganda.

“In the preparatory process, we followed the principles of general, green and low-carbon planning, diligence and savings, acting within our ability and performance-oriented, and we prioritized ensuring rigid expenses and key tasks in preparing for the conference.” . COP15 Deputy Director, Yunnan Provincial Preparatory Work Leading Group Office Yunnan Gao Wenwen, the first-level inspector of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, introduced that at present, the function area of ​​the conference venue COP15 has been initially determined and the site plan has been drawn.

Regarding the logistical support of the conference, the preparatory group recommended 44 hotels with a total of 15,000 rooms taking into account the high, medium and low grades, and carried out inspections and improvements of the hotels. Carry out a comprehensive investigation and improvement of the hotels, recommended premises and surrounding catering establishments, improve the food traceability system and carry out emergency drills for food safety incidents. In accordance with the requirements of the Green Conference, buses, mid-size buses and small vehicles based on new and clean energy will be prepared as service assurance vehicles for the conference. In terms of security, the COP15 security plan was formulated to fully deploy the security work of the conference. In accordance with the epidemic prevention and control requirements in the distribution of places, hotel accommodation, catering and hygiene, etc., a preliminary COP15 epidemic prevention plan was proposed.

Kunming, where COP15 takes place, has already implemented the “four modernizations” (beautification, purification, greening and lighting), “four governability” (control of chaos, pollution, poverty and governance) in accordance with international, standardized and refined. Comprehensive improvement and improvement of the appearance and environment of the city are the key actions to strengthen the environmental improvement of key areas such as the main traffic roads, conference venues and roads around the hotels to further improve the quality from the city. In terms of smart city construction, the construction of more than 9,000 5G base stations has been completed and the 5G network coverage of convention venues, metro stations, high-speed train stations, airports, hotels has been basically achieved. of conferences and main urban areas.

At the same time, in the 8 parallel activities of COP15, our province will participate in the co-organization of 3 parallel activities of “Ecological Civilization Forum”, “Nature and Culture Summit” and “City Summit”. After many couplings with the National Executive Committee, the business plan was initially drawn up.

  Deliver transcripts to effectively protect and restore 67 wild plant populations in our province

In addition to the preparations for the conference, what kind of response will Yunnan, as “host”, give in terms of biodiversity conservation? Wang Weibin, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Forestry and Grassland Office, presented that since the “XIII Five-Year Plan”, the province has implemented more than 120 rescue and protection projects for extremely small populations of wild plants and has established 30 protection communities (points) and 13 close to the ground and ex situ base (garden) and 5 species return to experimental base to effectively protect and restore 67 species of wild plant populations such as Chinese pine Qiaojia, Huagao, Diantong, Yunnan golden maple. The number of first-class national protected animals, Asian elephants, increased from 150 to about 300 in the 1980s, Yunnan golden monkeys increased from more than 1,400 in 2000 to more than 3,000, and the number of necked cranes black that wintered in our province increased from 1,600 in 1996. It only grew to more than 3,000.

In addition to protecting local biodiversity, in order to maintain national and regional ecological security, since 2006, our province has strengthened cooperation with neighboring countries such as Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam to jointly carry out cross-border protection of biodiversity. Established an area of ​​about 200,000 hectares of the “China Xishuangbanna-Three Northern Provinces Cross-Border Joint Protection Zone”; organized the “China-Myanmar Community Development and Forest Resource Conservation Forum” and “Cooperation for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in the Northern Section of the China-Myanmar Border” “Seminar” “The Group’s First Consultation Sino-Myanmar Forestry Cooperation Agreement “, signed a border forest and wildlife protection cooperation agreement with Vietnam, strengthened cooperation and exchange with Thailand and Cambodia. The protection of transboundary biodiversity has become a new highlight of the “Lanmei Cooperation”.

In order to promote the ecological protection of forests and pastures and industrial development, our province has built a guaranteed nursery system for characteristic native tree species. They examined (recognized) 810 varieties of forest trees, reviewed and granted 581 new varieties of plants for registration; collected nut germplasm resources in 2005 and built the world’s largest gene bank for deep-grain nut germplasm resources; established Zhenyuan Qianjiazhai, Shuangjiang Mengku and 13 other in situ conservation areas and sites of wild tea and ancient tea germplasm resources.

 Promote mainstreaming, plan to implement the “Plan for the Conservation of Biodiversity of the Urban Community”

Plant diversity is the most important component of biodiversity. China has more than 36,000 species of higher plants, ranking third in the world. Due to the loss or degradation of natural habitats, over-harvesting of wild resources, and the impact of global climate change, China’s plant diversity has been seriously threatened and the protection of wild native plants has become a top priority. . As a research institution, the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has led the establishment of the China Botanical Gardens Alliance. , Science education and other means to ensure that native plants are no longer in ecological danger of extinction.

“There have been 14 botanical gardens in 15 provinces and regions, including Beijing, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Guangdong, etc., which carry out full-coverage protection of native plants, covering more than a third of the land area. By cataloging native plants, expert evaluations and field research in various regions, it determined the threat of native plants in various regions in nature and adopted various methods such as ex situ conservation, in situ conservation and popular science education to reduce the risk of extinction, “said Hu Huabin, deputy director of the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. By the end of 2019, 2,620 severely threatened native plants have been effectively protected in the botanical garden, representing 42% of the total threatened plants, of which 62 species have started to return to the wild.

In Hu Huabin’s view, protecting biodiversity is not only the responsibility of botanical gardens and nature reserves, but also a common obligation of all of society. In the next step, the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden plans to promote the mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation and, through the implementation of the “Urban Community Biodiversity Protection Plan”, some rare plants will settle in urban communities. and long-term monitoring of the living conditions of these rare plants will be carried out in the community. , And then carry out the corresponding environmental education and scientific dissemination propaganda. (Reporter Sun Qinxia)
