Coordinate the two general situations and manage your own affairs.


The Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China conducted an in-depth analysis of the profound and complex changes facing China’s development environment at the present and over a period of time in the future. He set out to “coordinate the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes not seen in a century,” and emphasized “maintain strategic determination, do your own business well.” A deep understanding of this important deployment, a precise understanding of the new characteristics and requirements brought about by the changes in the main contradictions of our society and a precise understanding of the new contradictions and challenges brought about by the complex international environment are a solid foundation for comprehensive understanding and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session. He also pointed out a scientific path for the “XIV Five-Year Plan” period to firmly grasp the development initiative, reshape new competitive advantages, and ensure China’s long-term stability and development.

Two general situations are important strategic judgments; Two general situations in mind are the basic starting points for planning work. The overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation was formed and developed in the context of the times and the external environment of unprecedented changes in the world in a century. The great changes in the world that have not been seen in a century are not changes outside of China, nor changes outside of China, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is an important part of this great change and a key variable that drives it. The two general situations intertwine, interact, merge, and converge, giving us plenty of room to do our own business.

To coordinate the two general situations, we must fully understand the development trend and the basic characteristics of these two general situations. During the “XIV Five-Year Plan” period, China will enter a new stage of development, and the development environment will present a dialectical unity of “change” and “no change”. The global pandemic of the new corona pneumonia epidemic has accelerated the evolution of important changes that had not been seen in a century and the world has entered a period of turbulent transformation; The domestic development environment has undergone profound changes, and China has entered a high-quality development stage and is in the process of transforming the development mode, optimizing the economic structure, and transforming growth. The period of power boarding. At the same time, China has significant institutional advantages, a strong material foundation, strong development resilience, and overall social stability. The multifaceted advantages and conditions for continued development have not changed, and the long-term economic recovery has not changed.

To coordinate the two general situations, we must accelerate the formation of a new pattern of development. Searching in the light of the situation, acting in response to the situation and taking advantage of the situation to build a new pattern of development with the great internal cycle as the main body and the national and international double cycles promoting each other is the dialectical unity of “change” and “no change”. Our own business is our proactive action, not a passive response, but our long-term strategy, not an interim measure.

To build a new development pattern, emphasis is placed on the national and international double cycle, which is also a broad cycle based on a unified internal market. This means that in all the specific tasks, the unshakable implementation of the new development concept is the direction. It is inseparable from the drive for innovation to generate a new development drive and achieve connotative growth; face the challenges of reshaping the supply chain of the industrial chain, smooth production, distribution, circulation and consumption, and promote coordinated development in depth; use ecology as an important capital to improve Comprehensive competitiveness, green development is the key; to promote the division of labor and cooperation with other countries, mutual benefit and win-win situation, to better connect domestic and international markets, rely on a higher level of openness to the outside world; to protect and improve people’s livelihoods and harness the potential of domestic demand Work hard on shared development. Ideas are the precursors of action, only by leading new practices with new ideas can we advance in a coordinated and safe development.

Looking back at the “Thirteenth Five Year Plan”, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has taken a great step forward, giving us more confidence, security and ability to meet new challenges. Looking ahead to the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and with the joint efforts of more than 1.4 billion Chinese, we will surely be able to follow our own path, manage well our own affairs and use our own development. Hedges certainty in the face of the uncertainty of the external environment and continually wins new victories in the general planning of the two general situations.
