Consumer Reports | Wang Hai overturned the bird’s nest bowl that Simba picked up_Sina


Original title: Consumer Reports | Wang Hai overturned the bird’s nest bowl raised by Simba

Image Source: Ming Zhi Tmall Flagship StoreImage Source: Ming Zhi Tmall Flagship Store

Reporter | Zan Huifang

Edit | Xu Yue

The confrontation between internet celebrity Simba and professional counterfeiter Wang Hai has brought people’s attention back to the bird’s nest, whose efficacy has always been controversial.

The incident originated on November 4. Some consumers questioned Simba’s apprentice “Shi Damei” that the instant bird’s nest sold in the live broadcast room was “fresh water and not a bird’s nest” and asked Simba to explain it to them. The specific product involved is the Mingzhi brand “Instant Bird’s Nest with Rock Sugar”, sold in the live broadcast room on October 25.

Image Source: Ming Zhi Tmall Flagship StoreImage Source: Ming Zhi Tmall Flagship Store

Simba then responded in the livestream room, using a strainer to filter a bottle of “dry goods” into the Mingzhi instant bird nests sold on the spot, saying that these were bird nests, and pulled out a report from product inspection to prove innocence. At the same time, they said that some black fanatics were deliberately discrediting them and that they “have bankrupted their family and are suing these people for slander.”

On November 6, Xinxuan’s official Weibo also released a statement from a lawyer stating that “Shida Beautiful” promoted and sold the Mingzhi brand “Small Golden Bowl Bird’s Nest Instant Bird’s Nest with Rock Sugar” in the live broadcast room. The company and “Shida Beautiful” will entrust lawyers to investigate and collect evidence, take legal action and pursue the legal responsibilities of the relevant personnel for the infringement of the editing and modification of the original video by some Internet users and the posting of comments. defamatory.

But the matter did not end there.

On November 19, Wang Haiqi, a well-known anti-counterfeiting company, published a test report issued by Zhongguang Test on Weibo, noting that the instant bird’s nest product sold by Simba is “fresh water” and “sugar water is not it contains no protein or amino acids. Test results are saliva. ” The acid content is as high as 1.4% “, while the price of sialic acid per 100g content in the market is 500 yuan, and the value of 0.014g is only 7 cents, plus the materials of packaging, content, processing fees and industrial costs More than 1 yuan.

The appearance of Wang Hai changed things.

Simba immediately issued a “Bird’s Nest Incident Response” statement via Xinxuan’s official Weibo, stating that the products sold contained sialic acid, a bird’s nest ingredient, in addition to the sugar that bird’s nest products must contain. rock sugar bird. The company conducts a live broadcast promotion according to the product information provided by Rongyu. After the incident, the product will be sent for inspection as soon as possible, and the result will be reported and announced after the result is returned. If consumers are not satisfied with this product, they can go to “Ming Zhi” Tmall flagship store to request a refund and return, and our team will do its best to help consumers defend their rights.

According to Tianyancha App, the associated company of Mingzhi Tmall flagship store is Guangzhou Rongyu Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Guangzhou Rongyu”), which was established in January 2019, the legal representative is Lin Xiaofang and the registered capital is 1 million yuan. The business scope includes wholesale diamond jewelry, wholesale gem jewelry, prepackaged food retail, prepackaged food wholesale, etc. It is worth noting that the “retail of prepackaged food; wholesale of prepackaged food” within its business scope was recently added after the change in August 2019. The company has applied for a number of trademarks called “Ming Zhi “. The international classification includes food, beer and beverages.

According to the product details of Mingzhi Tmall’s flagship store, the manufacturer of instant bird nest products sold by Mingzhi Tmall is Dazhou Xinyan (Xiamen) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Dazhou Xinyan”). According to Tianyan Check App, Dazhou Xinyan (Xiamen) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was established in March 2018. The company’s largest shareholder is Hainan Dazhou Jinsiyan Industry Group Co., Ltd., with a 70% stake.

It is not difficult to infer from this that Guangzhou Rongyu probably does not have the ability to produce ready-to-eat bird nests, so it commissioned Dazhou Xinyan to produce it. Dazhou Xinyan’s official website stated that its products were originally imported from Indonesia and that it has its own aviary, which can be traced back to the source.

The bird’s nest is actually a nest made by swifts of the Swift family and swifts of the same genus with a mixture of saliva and down. In traditional Chinese concepts, the bird’s nest has nutritional and health-preserving effects, and protein and sialic acid are its two most important nutrients. Instant Bird Nest (Rock Sugar Ice Can Bird Nest) refers to the processing and production of bird nests that meet the requirements by processing, mixing, filling, sealing, cooking, sterilizing, cooling, inspection , packaging and delivery to meet commercial aseptic requirements. Long-term, bird’s nest food that can be stored at room temperature, easy to transport and ready to eat when opened

While China is a large consumer of bird’s nests, it has not yet issued mandatory national standards or industry standards. As a standard reference, the China Pharmaceutical Culture Research Association announced the establishment of the Bird’s Nest Expert Committee, and on March 26, 2018, the “Instantaneous Bird’s Nest Group Standard of the China Research Association of Pharmaceutical Culture “(hereinafter referred to as” Instant Bird Nest Group Standard “).

The standard clearly states that if 100 grams of bird’s nest liquid contains more than 1 gram of dry bird’s nest, it is called instant bird’s nest. There are clear requirements for the content of the dry bird’s nest; the content of the dry bird’s nest is required to be marked on the food packaging, so that consumers can shop clearly and eat at ease; the sialic acid content of the instant bird’s nest should be ≥0.5 mg / g.

If you follow the above standards, the Rock Sugar Mingzhi Instant Bird Nest sold at Simba’s Live Studio is obviously not rated. The product packaging does not indicate the dry bird’s nest content and the sialic acid content 0.014 g / 100 g (equivalent to 0.14 mg / g) is well below the standard of 0.5 mg / g.

As for the Mingzhi Bingtang Instant Bird’s Nest gift box, the protein content is clearly marked as “0” in the nutrient composition table. In fact, it doesn’t matter too much.

Although protein is an important nutrient in the bird’s nest, the dry bird’s nest contains about 50% protein, but it is much cheaper to get protein from everyday foods like eggs and milk than the bird’s nest. The industry does not use it as a standard for evaluating the nutrition of bird nests.

The Professional Committee of the Bird Nest Market of the National Federation of Urban Farmers Centers (hereinafter referred to as the “National Bird Nest Committee”) has clearly established that the standard for evaluating bird nest nutrition is not protein. , but sialic acid. Li Hongwei, associate professor at Xiamen University School of Public Health, also supports this statement. He once said that sialic acid plays a very important role in neurodevelopment, epithelial tissue, and immunity, especially in the development of fetal brain nerves. “Among all known foods, the content of sialic acid in the bird’s nest is the highest of all foods.” This refutes the view that “the nutritional value of the bird’s nest is not as good as that of the eggs.”

However, sialic acid exists in many foods that people eat every day, and even the human body secretes sialic acid. Some scholars have questioned the importance of supplementing sialic acid through the bird’s nest. Dr. Ding Xiang also pointed out that the effect of sialic acid in the bird’s nest only keeps up to the level of animal research and does not explain the effects on human health.

In addition, Wang Hai also suggested that Mingzhi Bingtang’s instant bird’s nest packaging shows that its product category is “flavored drinks.” The main ingredients include sodium alginate and calcium lactate, plus common purified water, rock sugar, and bird’s nest, which are illegal additions. .

Food grade sodium alginate can be made into a variety of gel foods, keeping a good colloidal shape, no leakage and no shrinkage. Some manufacturers of sodium alginate have explained that the sodium ions in the sodium alginate are replaced by calcium ions in the calcium chloride to form calcium alginate. Calcium alginate is insoluble in water and can form a cross-linked gel system. .

Obviously, by adding these two ingredients to the instant bird’s nest, the resulting clear jelly-like substance can make the product appear higher in solid matter content, making it easy for consumers to mistake it for a bird’s nest.

The “Food Safety Law” clearly stipulates that the production and operation of foods that exceed the scope and limit of food additives are prohibited. According to the “National Food Safety Standard for the Use of Food Additives” (GB 2760-2014), the scope of calcium lactate includes processed fruits, canned vegetables (only pickled cucumber products), sweets and condiments compounds (potato chip seasonings only) Ingredients), solid beverages, jellies and puffed foods; Sodium alginate’s scope includes cream, butter and concentrated butter, wet raw noodles, raw and dry noodles, other sugars and syrups, spices, fruit and vegetable juices (pulp). The instant bird’s nest is not included.

Jiemian News will continue to follow the results of Simba’s product inspection and the progress of the incident.

According to the “Guiding Opinions on the Strengthening of the Supervision of Marketing Activities by Webcast” (hereinafter, the “Opinions”) issued on the website of the State Administration of Market Supervision, e-commerce anchors are reviewing the performance, function, quality, sales status, user evaluation, advertising that has obtained honors, etc., must be truthful and legal, and comply with the relevant provisions of the Unfair Competition Law; and if the content attributable to commercial advertisements is produced in the live broadcast, the e-commerce presenter will assume the advertising spokesperson in accordance with the provisions of the Advertising Law. Responsibilities and obligations.
