Consolidate ideological consensus and stimulate advance-Chinanews


  Consolidate Ideological Consensus and Inspire Forward: Beijing, Shanghai, and Zhejiang actively promote the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Party Central Committee

In order to better study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang and other places have carried out various publicity activities based on the current situation and guided the broad masses of cadres and masses to unify their thoughts and actions in the spirit of the plenary meeting.

In recent days, Beijing has done its best to preach the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Through centralized preaching, branch organization, broadcasting and television, online and new media platforms, live broadcasts, and other forms they have endeavored to expand the coverage of preaching.

In mid-November, Beijing meticulously selected party members, leading cadres, experts and academics with good political quality, high theoretical level and strong preaching skills to establish the “Beijing City Study and implement the spirit of the fifth session. plenary session of the XIX Central Committee of the Party “. From the afternoon of November 17 to 18, a mobilization meeting of the Beijing Municipal Study and Implementation of the Spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held, and a day of Collective lesson preparation and in-depth discussion.

Since November 19, the members of the publicity team of the Municipal Party Committee have carried out 32 intensive publicity activities in various districts, systems and capital universities of the city, and have carried out face-to-face and interactive seminars with grassroots and mass cadres, especially youth groups, and promoted the spirit of the plenary to penetrate the grassroots, Deepen the masses and root deeply in the heart of the people. Nearly 43,000 people have listened in the main venue or watched on television at the branch headquarters, and 207,000 cadres and masses from all walks of life have learned and preached through live webcasting on the Internet.

At present, Beijing has launched a citywide push to study and implement the spirit of the plenary session, guiding the broad masses of party members, cadres and masses to unify their thoughts and actions in the spirit of the plenary session. , and condense wisdom and strength to implement the various goals and tasks set by the plenary session, in order to achieve “The fourteenth five-year plan and the long-term goal for 2035 will make Beijing’s contribution to the victory of building a country modern socialist in a comprehensive way.

In accordance with the relevant work requirements of the Central Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee on the study and propagation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai actively organized and carried out propaganda Targeted, segmented and interactive, it reinforced the hierarchical and classified orientation and ensured the orderly organization of propaganda activities. Develop effectively.

In November, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Central Committee, the Central Propaganda Group to study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Party Central Committee held two conferences in Shanghai.

On November 9, Shanghai formally established a mission to study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee. All Shanghai districts and systems established grassroots propaganda groups based on existing propaganda resources and labor bases. Shanghai has initially established a “1 + 16 + X” preaching system. Propaganda groups at all levels have absorbed a group of leading party and government cadres, experts and academics of good political quality, high theoretical level and strong propaganda capacity. From the closing of the plenary session until the beginning of next year, they will travel to various units in Shanghai for propaganda activities.

Shanghai broadly organizes and mobilizes party members, cadres and business backbone, adopts easy-to-understand method, uses online and offline methods to delve into enterprises, rural areas, government agencies, campus, communities and others grassroots units to carry out publicity, and strives to expand publicity coverage and promote the spirit of the plenary meeting. To the brain to the heart. According to incomplete statistics, as of November 26, 80 members of the conference team of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee had completed 177 thematic conferences at the Fifth Plenary Session, involving nearly 20,000 people; each unit in Shanghai organized about 500 grassroots conferences, covering 12 people. More than ten thousand people.

Zhejiang actively organizes special publicity groups such as government officials publicity groups, new age doctoral student publicity groups, and new age private entrepreneurs publicity groups to carry out spiritual exchanges and presentations in plenary sessions. from government agencies, education and businesses. At the same time, a batch of advertising work was created with fresh content and novel ways in the form of micro lessons and micro videos. According to preliminary statistics, Zhejiang has held more than 6,000 lectures of various kinds, directly covering more than 10 million cadres and masses.

The way of preaching of young people is more lively, more alive, more contemporary and attractive. Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, pays attention to the role of more than 6000 members of “8090 New Era Theory Propaganda Group”, invites experts to give lectures and training to Youth Propaganda Group members, lists more than 30 subtopics and takes the form of tutors to carry out centralized lesson preparation and preparation. Use small incisions to explain the fundamental principles of the Fifth Plenary Session, so that grassroots cadres and masses can sit still, understand, learn and use. Hangzhou played the role of the propaganda group “Youth Power” and “Pioneer Youth”, bringing the wide publicity of the spirit of the plenary meeting to the youth as an important preaching task and attracting young people from various fields to participate in the presentation. of theory. The Endeavor Youth Propaganda Group from Linhai City, Taizhou entered the Xiashatu sugarcane field. Together with the rural party members, cadres and masses, they learned the spirit of the plenary meeting, discussed understanding and experience, and brought the spirit of the plenary meeting to the fields through face-to-face conferences and spread theories. innovative to the hearts of the villagers. (Economic Daily reporter Yang Xuecong Li Zhiguo Liu Wen)
