Comprehensive measures to promote high-quality and integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta


Original title: Comprehensive Measures to Promote High-Quality Development of the Yangtze River Delta Integration

Recently, the first urban railway in the Yangtze River Delta, the entrance and exit gates of the 56 km long Jinshan Railway, were activated with the “travel code” function. The four newly added scan code payment features make it easy for the general public to travel. These are the efforts of the Yangtze River Delta Railways Department to improve transportation servicesquality, One of the new measures to promote the facilitation of transportation services and better serve the high-quality development of regional integration.

Implement the integrated development of the Yangtze River Deltastrategy, Is to lead the country’s high-quality development, improve the spatial design of China’s reform and opening-up, and create a strong and activeGrowth poleImportant strategic move. As a large state-owned company, the railway is implementingNational strategyBear the brunt of the deployment. China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd.the companyAccelerate the construction of large projects and complete them in the first 8 months of this yearInvestment in construction49.29 billion yuan. The new corona pneumonia epidemic since the beginning of the year has had a great impact on the social economy and the railroadBuildinginvestmentContrary to the trend, this movement not only stimulates engineering construction, equipment manufacturing and other related.industryDevelopment and provide a lot ofworkjobSend, Which promoted the resumption of work and production during the “post-epidemic” period in the Yangtze River Delta region, adding a new impetus to the recovery and development of the regional economy.

Traveling in the same city is the most intuitive and personal experience of ordinary people in the development of regional integration. The railway sector focuses on promoting thePublic serviceConvenient to share, combinetrafficTravel takes the lead in realizing the “same city deal” and accelerates the promotion of the “all-in-one card” rail service. China Railway Group strengthens its relationship with ChinaEastern AirlinesGroup Co., Ltd., designed and developed 12306App andEastern AirlinesCombined air-rail transport sold by applicationproduct, Place an order, a payment. The perfect connection between the railway and aviation can improve the ferry service between the station and the airport according to various modes of transport, so that the overall efficiency of city transport will increase linearly and the travel range of people it will expand while people will travel comfortably. Speed ​​has also been vastly improved, making people feel faster and more comfortable when traveling, reducing pain for passengers commuting between buses and railways, saving passengers time and allowing people to share the fruits. of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

The scientific organization of high-speed operations, the provision of powerful logistics services for the region, and the more balanced and reasonable allocation of resources between cities is an important manifestation of integrated regional development. Shanghai Bureau Group Corporation vigorously develops containersMultimodal transport, According to the distribution of “a project, a plan” of the box sources, the bottom of the vehicle fixed into groups and rows of the circular transportation plan, timely meet the Yangtze River DeltabusinessFor ore, coke, etc.Raw MaterialsDemand. The railway sector relies on the “Yangtze River Delta on the track” to adjust the transportation structure and promote the green development of the region, so that investment companies no longer fear insufficient raw material resources and believe a good investment environment for the Yangtze River Delta region to become a Unicom of marketAnd domesticmarketImportant bridge.

The integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is an important part of the national strategy. The railway has always insisted on contributing to economic and social development and serving the national strategy. While improving the comprehensive transportation system in the Yangtze River Delta, it has also supported and promoted the Yangtze River Delta.Regional development, That people have more sense of profit and happiness.

(Article source:China Economic Network

(Responsible editor: DF537)

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