Companies Benefiting From Social Security Premium Reductions-Xinhuanet


At the end of September, three social security premiums were reduced or waived in phases, benefiting more than 11 million businesses:

Companies that benefit from the reduction and exemption of social security premiums (Rui Finance)

  The Big Data Smart Tax Service Department of the Qiaoxi District Tax Office, Shijiazhuang City, State Tax Administration was officially launched earlier this year, covering tax filing, social security payment, the application of invoices and other businesses, providing convenience to taxpayers in the jurisdiction. The image shows taxpayers conducting business in a manual window. Photo by Chen Qibao (issued by Xinhua News Agency)

According to data published by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on October 28, at the end of September, three social security premium policies, including pension insurance, unemployment insurance and occupational accident insurance, benefited 11,299 million companies, with a reduction of 910,700 million yuan and deferred payment. Social security premiums were 61.6 billion yuan. In addition, the social security fee reduction policy reduced corporate contributions by RMB 232.2 billion, reducing total corporate costs by RMB 124.5 billion. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Welfare pointed out that in the next step, we will continue to strengthen the guidance on the implementation of the policy of reduction and exemption of corporate social security premiums, so that companies and individuals benefit more and obtain more Benefits.

  Expected to reduce corporate payments by 1.6 trillion yuan

In response to the impact of the new corona pneumonia epidemic on the production and operation of companies, in February this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, together with the relevant departments, issued a gradual reduction and a exemption from three social security premiums for business endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and occupational accident insurance. In June, in accordance with the situation of prevention and control of national and foreign epidemics, the period of the reduction and exemption policy was extended in stages.

Nie Mingjun, Director of the Department of Pension Insurance at the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, presented at the State Council’s regular policy briefing on October 28: “In summary, the social security premium reduction policy presented this year has three characteristics “.

——Classification and implementation of policies. According to the different anti-risk capacities of large and small companies, there are differences in the intensity and duration of the policy, and the focus is on small, medium and micro companies with relatively weak anti-risk capacities.

——Precise force. As difficulties for businesses are eased, people in need participating in social security will be included in the scope of the policy. For example, current pension insurance premiums are paid primarily by relatively difficult small, medium, and micro-enterprises and their employees, as well as more flexible employees. The new policy stipulates that the lower limit of the payment base will not change this year, which can help these companies and individuals reduce payment pressure. Also, for flexible employees who are struggling, they can voluntarily postpone their pay this year and pay it back next year.

-Unprecedented intensity. Since 2015, the corporate social security premium rate has decreased 6 times and the total premium rate has decreased from 41% to 33.95%. These 6 cuts have reduced and exempted corporate contributions by nearly one trillion yuan. The reduction and exemption policy introduced this year is expected to reduce corporate payments by 1.6 trillion yuan a year.

“In general, the new policy was implemented quickly after the introduction, which has played a positive role in alleviating difficulties for companies and helping companies to resume work and production,” said Nie Mingjun.

  Ensure pensions are paid in full and on time

Will the large-scale reduction and exemption of social security premiums and the timely and full payment of pensions be affected? In this regard, Li Zhong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said: “When we introduced these policies, we had fully predicted and accurately calculated the income and expenses of the social insurance fund to ensure that the pension was paid on time. and in its entirety “.

According to data from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, at the end of September, three social security premiums were reduced or waived to reduce corporate costs by a total of 1204.5 billion yuan, of which pension insurance costs are 1,014 billion yuan, accounting for 84.1%. Judging from the actual operation, the overall operation of the corporate pension insurance fund in the first three quarters was relatively stable and even better than expected. At the end of September, the number of insured employees was 286.35 million, 4.1% more than at the end of last year. 106.59 million retirees, an increase of 2.5% compared to the end of last year. In terms of income and expenses of the fund, the total income is 2.1 trillion yuan, the total expenditure is 2.8 trillion yuan, and the accumulated balance of the fund is 4.5 trillion yuan.

Nie Mingjun introduced that to ensure distribution, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has taken a number of measures, including increasing the implementation of the central adjustment of funds. This year, the central adjustment rate of corporate pension insurance funds has risen to 4%, and the scale of interprovincial adjustment funds for the whole year has reached 176.8 billion yuan; Accelerate the promotion of the fund’s unified income and expenses at the provincial level. At present, 26 provinces and Xinjiang Corps have achieved provincial-level unified income and expenses from the fund; A periodic scheduling mechanism has been established to carry out detailed investigations of the funds issued by the provinces during the year and to issue judgments and releases Risks, while helping to coordinate and send funds.

“In general, most of the provinces have no problems with issuing insurance, and individual provinces with difficulties in issuing insurance can also be guaranteed with the help of the central government,” Nie Mingjun said.

  Accelerate the implementation of the post stabilization and expansion policy

Including the reduction or exemption of social security premiums, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security this year has adopted a series of measures to help market entities stabilize and expand their jobs. Li Zhong pointed out that hundreds of millions of market players are the main means of creating and absorbing jobs. Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has been actively working with relevant parties to help companies rescue jobs and stabilize jobs, stimulate market vitality and expand jobs, and take multiple measures to stabilize and expand the work space.

Li Zhong introduced that in addition to increasing the intensity of the reduction, the scope of the refund was also expanded. Relaxation of the rules of the unemployment insurance policy for small, medium and micro-enterprises. By the end of September, a total of 5.64 million companies had received unemployment insurance and had returned 85 billion yuan to stabilize their jobs, benefiting 140 million employees.

“At the same time, implement the subsidy policy and publish the list of employment subsidy policies in a timely manner. By the end of September, the country has spent 63.8 billion yuan on employment subsidies.” Li Zhong further said the introduction of business license exemption, partial fee exemption, real estate rental reduction and exemption, and The “four exemptions” policy of providing business spaces promotes multi-channel self-employment, employment to Part-time and platform employment Channels for flexible employment of workers are more diversified and fluid. Increase support for the guaranteed entrepreneurship loan policy, increase the personal loan line to 200,000 yuan, and expand the reach of platform professionals.

Li Zhong said: “In the next step, we will continue to work with the relevant departments to accelerate the implementation of various policies for the stabilization and expansion of employment, we will do our best to help market players to rescue stable jobs, and we will do everything possible to help them expand development space, expand employment and enable The foundation for employment growth is more stable and firm. “
