CO2 does not destroy the earth, but the Swedish man who idolizes man! “- The Daily Standard


Michael Moore has made a fascinating movie (The Planet of Humans) about the illusion behind “green energy”. If you’ve ever taken the time to watch the Al Gore movie, feel free to watch it. Michael Moore is not about that: it is not CO2 that destroys the earth, but the man himself, accelerated under the leadership of a Swedish teenager who is being idolized.

It is clear from the film how billionaires, banks, and oil and gas companies have made the “energy transition” political under the guise of “CO2.” They have moved politicians to “invest” billions in taxpayer-paid subsidies, and then break the Earth down at a rapid rate and produce even more CO2.

In the film, the destructive power of biomass is visible, behind withered farm fields, while biomass is now burned and sold as “green energy.” Behind each solar panel is the greatest destruction of the earth through the extraction of quartz (that’s not sand!) And coal to produce the same panels. Panels that have a relatively short lifespan and cost more energy in the production process than they will ever generate. Behind each battery lies the greatest destruction of the earth by the extraction of cobalt and lithium for a device that is very poorly able to store energy efficiently. Biomass, windmills, solar panels, biofuels … everything is discussed.

The common denominator is that all of these power supplies are just an illusion. Biomass and biofuel are deforested or food grown, while windmills and solar panels require a back-up in the form of a coal or gas plant to meet growing energy demand.

All the main promoters of this “renewable energyThey come into view and, when asked about the actual background, they start to stutter. They deny the inescapable reality shown and when asked about their finances, their memory suddenly seems to be malfunctioning.

It is clear that the lobby is also strong in the Netherlands. For twenty years, (foreign) wood has been missing from our coal power plants, biomass plants soared like mushrooms when subsidies were granted for this, and we have heavily subsidized wind farms.

Who is behind this? Companies and energy banks that translate the “energy transition” into large companies without addressing the real problem. VVD Minister Eric Wiebes, the troubled Dutch politician, first subsidized the electric car, then stopped the subsidy because it made no sense, then subsidized it again to jump again … do you learn from him? No way! The heat pump lobby convinced him of his nonsense and his latest workhorse is hydrogen, an energy carrier where a large amount of energy must first be stored before it can function as a carrier. The financiers behind this plan? Well Google this time yourself …

The most ironic thing is that environmental groups and political parties, unwilling or unable to see it, are the promoters of an accelerated collapse of the earth under the illusion “CO2”. All the so-called solutions solve only one thing: the income model of banks and energy companies, where, ironically, more CO2 is produced. Gretta Thunbergs “How dare you“Therefore, it applies precisely to environmental gentlemen who misrepresent themselves as environmental rescuers.

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