Co-government basically eliminates high pollution climate


Original Title: Collaborative Governance, Basically Eliminating Heavy Pollution

Excerpt: Stick to multiple strategies, deepen the action of “a microgram” and increaseindustrytrafficAnd the efforts to adjust the energy structure, promote the coordinated control of fine particles (PM2.5) and ozone pollution, the coordinated control of air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions, local governance and regional coordination and basically eliminate the high pollution climate.

Interpretation: Regarding the control of pollution from mobile sources, during the “XIV Five-Year Plan” period, Beijing will actively promote the “rail transport revolution”, “oil-to-electricity” vehicles, and vigorously improve materials production, such as construction. materialsProductAutomobiles, e-commerce express and other bulk goodsSuppliesThe proportion of rail transport has promoted the replacement of electric vehicles or hydrogen fuel cell by buses (passengers), sanitation, rental, manure and urban mail, express delivery, tourism and other vehicles Strictly implement national emission standards VI (B) and promoteValuesFuel vehicles are upgraded to new energy vehicles. Optimize the design of the charging and interchange infrastructure and accelerate the planning and construction of hydrogen filling stations for hydrogen powered vehicles.

In terms of controlling pollution from production and live sources, Beijing will implement special treatment actions focused on volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and new projects in key industries will implement polluting emissions.Total indexCut substitution Strongly promote the substitution of low (zero) VOC raw and auxiliary material sources, the governmentinvestmentLow VOC coatings and adhesives are used in construction projects. Intensify governance of key industries such as petrochemicals, packaging, and printing, and improve “one factory, one policy” management. At the same time, precisely control dust pollution, gradually increase the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings, and strive to reach 60% by 2025.

Garbage classification

Excerpt: In accordance with the principles of reduction, use of resources and safety, the classification, collection and transportation, treatment of resources and garbage disposal have been basically completed.marketWe will strive to build a benchmark for waste sorting and treatment in megacities.

Interpretation: Beijing will continue to strengthen waste classification and source reduction, and improve household waste management standards andTechnical rulesStandards, strengthen the primary responsibility of household waste generation units and people to sort and place, promote waste sorting to make them widely aware, promote the improvement of the household waste treatment fee system, and explore and promote new on-site treatment technologies for kitchen waste Suitable for households and communities At the same time, comprehensively restrict the use of plastic products, strictly prohibit the production and sale of ultra-thin plastic bags, disposable foamed plastic tableware and other products, and promote plastic reduction in key areas such as catering, take-out platforms, wholesale and retail, express e-commerce, accommodation, exhibitions, etc., and vigorously promote the design andClean manufacturing,limitproductoverpacked.

Improving variousSolid waste recyclingIn terms of disposal capacity, Beijing will build high-level centralized solid waste disposal facilities, improve waste incineration and biochemical disposal capacity, and upgrade the city.Circular economyPark system design, improve the operation capacity of advanced and applicable technology, and improve the level of resource treatment of kitchen waste.

By 2025, the city’s domestic waste incineration and biochemical disposal capacity will reach more than 31,000 tons / day, and 3,000 tons / day of facility reserve construction conditions will be set aside to fully realize zero domestic waste landfill primaries and complete the Yanshan Petrochemical Blue. Kingfisher and other hazardous waste resource disposal facilities.

Central garden area

Excerpt: Efforts to create a central garden-like area, use relief space to increase pocket parks and small green spaces, promote roof greening and vertical greening, and strengthen restoration of water systems historical.

Interpretation: By 2025, the per capita green area of ​​parks and green areas in urbanized areas of the city will reach 16.7 square meters and 500 meters of park green areas.ServiceRadio coverage rate reaches 90% Under the premise of strict protection of arable land, all districts, except the core area, will be created as a national forest city.

Promote the planting of “a tree in the yard” in the core area, strengthen the integration of ecological functions in conjunction with the renovation of old communities, and implement the tree-lined reconstruction of characteristic streets such as Pingan Avenue. At the same time, a central park-like city will be built, a three-tier park system of comprehensive parks, community parks and amusement parks will be built, and the central city will become a “park city” with almost no blind spots for the park’s green spaces. Specifically, build the National Museum of Nature, study the construction of the National Botanical Garden; improve the park’s comprehensive servicesquality, Build growth parks like Wenyu River Park and Nanyuan Forest Wetland Park; build community parks for all ages, focusing onpersonalityDesign and diversify the exhibition, complete the renovation of more than 50 parks and green spaces, and add green parking lots, sports venues and emergency shelters according to local conditions.

Beijing will accelerate the planning and construction of green areas in isolated areas, plans to build 17 new green parks and implement a 10% natural zone conditionally to form a ring of urban green parks and two rings of rural green parks. Further improve the spatial layout of the municipal greenway system and build more than 350 kilometers of greenways.

Ecological conservation

Excerpt: Strictly implement ecological protection and green development in ecological conservation areas.Regulations, To build the ecological conservation area in the capitalstrategyGolden business card for interior and ecological civilization.

Interpretation: Beijing will strengthen ecological conservation in deep mountainous areas, adhere to natural restoration as a pillar, moderate artificial restoration, implement 600,000 acres of mountain closure for afforestation, 150,000 acres of mountain afforestation, 3.5 million acres of health management forestry, comprehensive protection of 4.36 million acres of natural secondary forests and the full implementation of mining ecology The restoration project further improves the quality of mountain forests. Protect the water source with the Miyun reservoir as the core, strengthen the shoreline protection of several reservoirs, and focus on the area upstream from the reservoir to build a small, ecologically clean basin of 600 square kilometers.

Coordinate the development of ecological conservation and environmental improvement in shallow mountainous areas, optimize the urban style of ecological conservation areas, build a green isolation system that integrates urban and suburban areas, plains and mountainous areas, and create field units green with ecological conservation and leisure services.

Improve the level of planning and construction of ecological conservation areas Strictly implementDividePlanning (spatial and spatial planning), it is strictly forbidden not to fulfill the main functionPositioningVarious development and construction activities to ensure that the ecological space of the ecological conservation area only increases,landThe intensity of development only decreases but does not increase. Adhere to the principle of who develops and protect, strengthen the supervision of the whole process and strictly control the intensity of development around rivers and lakes and above the foot of the mountain.


The reduction of PM2.5 is a very important indicator for the development of Beijing. As PM2.5 decreases, the difficulty of further reduction will “increase.” The continuous advance of the action “one microgram” emphasizes that the first is the long-term contribution to the ecological environment, the spirit and facts of dripping water and stone, and the second is a comprehensive action, starting little by little , of everyone and everything, every process, every action is captured.

During the “XIV Five-Year Plan” period, Beijing’s green environment governance has been “changed” and “unchanged” from before: “unchanged” is determination and action to reduce carbon and pollution, especially the reduction of PM2.5; “It is based on carbon reduction to promote carbon reduction and pollution reduction, and more attention is paid to achieving a peak in total carbon dioxide emissions and then a steady decline, laying a solid foundation to achieve carbon neutrality.

(Source: Beijing News)

(Responsible editor: DF387)

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