Chongqing establishes an early warning mechanism to deal with trouble clues to distinguish situations and monitor the situation | Chongqing | Chongqing_Sina News


Original title: Chongqing establishes an early warning mechanism to address the clues to the problem

Source: Website of the Central Commission for Disciplinary Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Not long ago, a Chongqing municipal administrative cadre was under review and investigation for alleged serious violations of discipline and law. In the process of handling the case, the examination and investigation office that processed it advanced the project in an efficient and orderly manner, and also set up a “squad” to classify and handle other leads, actively plan the next case and ensure that the work review and research continue to advance. . This is the change after the city’s Commission for Inspection and Disciplinary Oversight implemented “enlightened” monitoring of problem clues.

In April this year, the Chongqing Municipal Disciplinary Inspection Commission, relying on the ledger for clues, developed a clue monitoring and supervision system, and at the same time formulated relevant measures to establish an early warning mechanism for Commission agency clues and clues handling to deal with clues, especially key clues. Different situations are distinguished for handling, and the “yellow light” and “red light” are lit to supervise the handling according to the processing time limit, and work responsibilities are compacted.

“The tracks of the” enlightened “supervision of the issue are the specific measures to promote the application of the” Rules for the supervision and application of discipline by the disciplinary inspection bodies of the Communist Party of China “and the” Regulations on the supervision and enforcement of supervisory bodies. “An important understanding.” According to the person in charge of the Office of Supervision and Case Management of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, “yellow light” means early warning and “red light” means expired. If clues about problems are received, they must submit their disposition opinions within 1 month from the date of receipt. The “yellow light” that has not been submitted 10 days before the expiration date will come on and the “red light” that has not been sent on the expiration date will come on; if it is determined to adopt the initial verification method to address problem clues, it has not been resolved or formed in 3 months The “yellow light” for sexual progress reports and the “red light” for those who have not completed all 6 months.

To implement the “lighting” supervision work, the Office of Supervision and Case Management of the Chongqing Municipal Commission for Inspection and Disciplinary Supervision summarizes and periodically checks the tracks of each office, highlighting the keys assigned by superiors, inspections and transfers, and key people in charge of important positions, and performs simultaneous updates, Dynamically capture progress and dynamically track the handling of problem leads in real time.

It is worth noting that the Chongqing Municipal Commission for Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision has also established special regulations on supervision methods. Let’s take “yellow light” supervision as an example, verbal supervision is mainly adopted for single “yellow light” tracks. The case management and supervision office contacts the relevant business department as soon as possible to report and verify the specific “yellow light” situation. , Understand the reasons for the “lights” and present suggestions; for large areas of “yellow lights” or similar problems with repeated “yellow lights”, the case management and supervision office will provide written comments to the relevant business department and report to the department in charge, Coordinating Leadership. So far, the city has “yellow light” monitored 127 cases.

“The lighting has accelerated the digestion of clues about the accumulation of problems, and the effect of reducing inventory and slowing increases is gradually showing.” The relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Municipal Disciplinary Inspection Commission said that in the first half of this year, the city will deal with the tracks and daily supervision and purify the political ecology and troubles. Combining rectification and improvement of one’s capabilities, a number of clues to existing problems have been properly handled.

In addition to “enlighten” supervision, the Chongqing Municipal Commission for Disciplinary Inspection has also established a dynamic supervision and inspection mechanism of “monthly verification, quarterly notification, semi-annual analysis and year-end examination”, monthly verification of numbers, reminders quarterly reporting, semester analysis and monitoring, and year-end exams Achievement. “If problem leads are dealt with in a timely manner or on the spot, they will be ‘taken the exam’ regularly. This urges us to continue to work hard to handle problem leads and better promote the development of high-quality inspection and disciplinary supervision, “said the competent person in charge of the municipal disciplinary inspection commission.
