China will further open its doors to openness, sharing development opportunities with other countries in the world.


“Under the new development pattern, China’s door to openness will be further opened, sharing development opportunities with all countries in the world.” President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote address at the APEC Business Leaders Dialogue, emphasizing that “opening to the outside world is China’s basic national policy. It will not waver,” reiterating that “China’s determination to open up to the outside world is unshakable, and the door to the outside world will open wider and wider, “and solemnly announced China’s policies and measures to expand openness, fully demonstrating the practical actions to promote common development and realization The role of a country important for mutual benefit and win-win outcomes has elicited enthusiastic responses from the international community.

During the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, China has persisted in opening its doors to construction and opening up to the outside world. Not only has it developed, it has also benefited the world. Since the beginning of this year, faced with the marked increase in the uncertainty of global economic instability and the expansion of unilateralism and protectionism, China has not only continued to open up to the outside world, but has also introduced a series of policy measures to expand the opening, including the full implementation of the Foreign Investment Law and its Implement regulations, further reduce the negative list of access to foreign investment, constantly promote access to the financial market, present the general plan for the construction of the Port of Hainan Free Trade, strengthen reform and opening-up measures in Shenzhen and Pudong, and deepen the development of pilot service business innovation. Practice has fully demonstrated that China’s economic development in the past 40 years has been achieved under open conditions, and the high-quality development of the Chinese economy in the future should also be carried out under more open conditions. The more we face challenges, the more we must follow the logic of historical advance, conform to the development trend of the time, echo the expectations of the people, and achieve higher quality development under more open conditions.

Today’s China has long been deeply integrated with the world economy and the international system. We do not seek to be alone, we do not try to win or lose, and we will not close the door to operate in a closed manner. We will gradually form a new development pattern with national and international cycles as the main axis and the mutual promotion of national and international cycles, opening space for China’s economic development. Boost the recovery and growth of the world economy. As President Xi Jinping emphasized: “We will never go back in history and we will not seek to ‘disengage’ or participate in closed and exclusive ‘small circles’. We will continue to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and negotiate with more countries. Sign high-level free trade agreements, actively participate in multilateral and bilateral regional trade and investment cooperation mechanisms, and create a higher level of open economy; improve the management system of national treatment and negative lists before access to foreign investment, protect the legitimate rights and interests of companies financed with foreign funds in accordance with the law and expand in an orderly manner The service industry will open up to the world and we will continue to create an international, rule-of-law and market-oriented business environment; give the pilot free trade zone greater autonomy for reform and build a new mountainous zone for opening. At the same time, we will continue to strongly support the multilateral trading system, participate more actively in the reform of the global economic governance system, and promote the establishment of a fairer and more reasonable international economic governance system. China’s development is an opportunity for the world. Accelerating the construction of a new development pattern and steadily opening up comprehensively can provide countries with more market opportunities, investment opportunities and growth opportunities, and better benefit the people of all countries.

Openness is a prerequisite for national progress, and closure will inevitably lead to backwardness. In today’s world, the trend of economic globalization is irreversible and no country can engage in construction behind closed doors. Economic globalization has faced some waves of setbacks, but the world will never return to a state of mutual closure and separation. Open cooperation is still a historical trend, and mutual benefit and win-win results are still what people want. In today’s age, any idea of ​​building construction behind closed doors, any approach that rejects others from thousands of miles away, any attempt to participate in solitaire and the attempts of the winner take it all, they go against the history trend! China’s economy is a sea and the world economy is also a sea. The seas and oceans of the world are interconnected. Anyone trying to artificially impede communication between the world’s oceans can only be an illusion of overwhelming power! Headwinds and receding waves should not get in the way. We must stand on the right side of history, unwaveringly expand openness holistically, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity. All countries should help each other and help each other in the same boat, promote the spirit of partnership, close communication and policy coordination, comprehensively deepen international cooperation in the fight against the epidemic, persist in building a world economy open, strive to overcome the epidemic as soon as possible, and strive for strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth of the global economy.

Human beings are in a special historical period and we are all in the same boat. When the wind is strong and the waves rush in, we must keep the right direction, master the pace, unite and cooperate, ride the wind and waves, travel steadily and far, and sail towards a better tomorrow.
