China deploys special operations to continue repressing illegal social organizations


Original title: China deploys special operations to continue repressing illegal social organizations

The Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs and relevant departments met jointly on the 20th to continue to suppress thesocietyOrganize video callsmeeting, Fully deploy and carry out further repression against theSocial organizationThe special action requires that while focusing on cracking down on the five types of illegal social organizations, all types of illegal social organizations must be suppressed without leaving dead ends.

The meeting pointed out that the illegal activities of social organizations not only disrupted the registration of social organizations.managementOrganize, pollute the development environment of social organizations and erode relevant companiesBusiness UnitAnd the peopleproperty, Endangering social stability and economic development, and damaging the image of the party and the government. In recent years, illegal social organizations have shown new characteristics. Some use legal warm clothing as shelter, some go from offline to online, and some “hot spots” have a wider range of activities. They must be stricter and more specific. Sexual measures will be addressed and rectified.

This special campaign of repression and rectification is aimed at those who have not been registered in the registration and management agency of social organizations, nor are they registered in the establishment department.marketSupervision and management departments, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other countries and regions of China, register with social organizations, non-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations without authorization.businessUnit,backgroundOrganizations that conduct activities on behalf of the Association, and organizations that continue to operate on behalf of social organizations after their registration is canceled or their registration certificate revoked, focus on cracking down on five types of illegal social organizations. :

One is to useNational strategyNominally, in the economy,cultureIllegal social organizations in the fields of philanthropy and charity;

The second is illegal social organizations that use the words “China”, “Zhonghua”, “State”, etc., or carry out activities such as defrauding money and collecting wealth on behalf of state bodies or subordinate institutions of public institutions;

The third are illegal social organizations that link with legally registered social organizations to carry out activities and become confused;

Four isborrowIllegal social organizations celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and conducting selection and awarding activities;

Fifth, illegal social organizations that carry out pseudo-health activities, pseudo-national studies and mysticism, as well as activities under the guise of religious banners.

In addition, all localities should further clarify the approach to repression and rectification based on local conditions, expand the scope of repression and rectification, enrich the content of repression and rectification, and take strong action against all kinds. of illegal social organizations without leaving dead ends.

The meeting made it clear that all relevant localities and departments must strengthen collaboration and cooperation, and establish solid and detailed, Promote special actions in a vigorous and orderly manner. Do a good job in collecting and investigating information from illegal social organizations, and establish monitoring and early warning discovery of activities of illegal social organizations.mechanism,formOnline and offlineClosed cycle of governance; strengthen the analysis and judgment of illegal social organizations, form a pattern of information exchange between levels, regions, and departments, and improve the timely effectiveness of strong measures.

At the same time, all relevant localities and departments should explore the establishment and improvement of illegal social organizations.responsibilityHumancreditRestriction mechanisms to minimize the living space of illegal social organizations; strengthen law enforcement links against illegal social organizations to jointly form a strong deterrent against illegal social organizations; increase the protection of legally registered social organizationsSupport forEfforts are made to simultaneously “eliminate evil spirits” and “improve righteousness”, and optimize the development environment of social organizations in various ways. (Finalize)

(Source: China News Network)

(Editor in charge: DF537)

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