Chengdu Introduced “15 New Real Estate Policies” to End the Publicity Hype


Original Caption: Chengdu Introduced “15 New Real Estate Policies” to End the Hype

On the 14th, Chengdu officially issued the “About Chengdu Maintenancereal estatemarket“Notice on stable and healthy development” (hereinafter “Notice”) to strengthenreal estateDevelopmentbusiness, Intermediary agencies, etc.Market playersRestricted control and standardization of the information disclosedreal estateThe field is the media to end all kinds of advertising.

The reporter noted that the “Notice” posted this time is getting strongerEarthRegarding market regulation, it is proposed to increase the supply of residential land and optimize the structure of the supply. Residential land represents no less than 60% of the operative land, and areas with scarce supply and demand are no less than 70%, and priority is given to guaranteeing the supply of affordable housing land;house priceLand price linkmotivationSystem, effectively regulate the land.price, To guide the market entities to take the land rationally. At the same time, comprehensively clear undeveloped land and providesocietyIt was announced to increase the promotion of undeveloped land, strictly implement the regulations on the disposal of idle land, and crack down on land cover and ground cover.

The “Notice” proposes in the implementation of prudential financial management, continue to implement the differentiationCreditPolicy, please strictly review the source of funds for the down payment for the purchase of a house and take precautionsconsumptionLoans, personal business loans, etc., were embezzled to buy houses in violation of regulations.

In support of reasonable self-occupancy needs, vigorously implementleaseSubsidies have been expanded to raise offers, public transport, sanitation, education, health, etc.Public serviceIndustrial workers are included in the scope of protection to secure housing and housing, and to achieve all necessary insurance. Cultivate and further standardize the development of the housing rental market, through new construction, reconstruction and revitalization.ValuesIncrease the supply of rental housing and address the housing problem of new residents while simultaneously addressing the housing problem of new residents; accelerate the promotion of urban organic renewal, intensify the transformation of old communities and improve housingquality

In terms of improving the housing control policies, strictly implementing the housing purchase restriction policy, strengthening the rating review of the housing purchase and taking severe measures against fraudulent behavior; Increase the priority rate of shed reforms and homes without houses in the notarization lottery, and increase the minimum priority rate of shed reform from 10% to 20%, The lowest priority ratio of homes without houses of the 50% of the houses remaining after the shed reform to 60%; strengthen the review of hot real estate sales plans, reasonably determine the proportion of houses and the number of subscribers, and give priority to ensuring the housing needs of households without houses; The tax adjustment function, the time period for VAT exemption for personal housing transfer is adjusted from 2 years to 5 years.

StrengtheningMarket monitoringIn terms of monitoring, continue to develop real estateMarket orderRectifyjobs, For the alleged existence of cover-ups and reluctance to sell, price increases, falseadvertising, Making and spreading false statements, driving up house prices and misappropriating all kinds ofCreditReal estate development companies, intermediary agencies and other illegal activities such as the entry of capital to the real estate market.Practitioners, All types of credit institutions will be treated strictly in accordance with the laws and regulations; improve the real estate market monitoring and evaluation system, strengthen departmental information exchange and commercial coordination, and further improve the scientificity and accuracy of monitoring and evaluation;

To strengthen public opinion and guidance, establish a standardized information publicationmechanism, Accurately interpret market trends and policies, respond to societal concerns in a timely manner, and stabilize market expectations; strengthen control over information disclosed by market entities, such as real estate development companies and intermediaries, regulate the media in the real estate sector and take strong measures against all types of speculation.

It is reported that the “Notice” will be implemented from the date of issue.

(Source: China News Network)

(Responsible editor: DF537)

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