Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle Employment and Entrepreneurship Week Ends and Labor Cooperation Between the Two Places Enters “Fast Track” of Development _ 东方


Original title: Chengdu-Chongqing Two-City Economic Circle Employment and Entrepreneurship Week Concludes. Cooperation on employment between the two places enters the “fast track” of development

The Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle Employment and Entrepreneurship Week closed on March 26. This week of activities focused on the theme of “Sing Well to Create Two Cities and Build a Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle”, and carefully carried out 10 supporting activities such as lectures, exhibitions, competitions and research.

Twenty-seven member units of the Leader Group for Employment in Sichuan and Chongqing, 45 cities, districts and counties of the two-city economic circle of Chengdu-Chongqing participated in the conference, attracting nearly 100,000 people to participate in this week of employment and the entrepreneurship. Wide Influence and fruitful results have also been achieved.

During the event, the Sichuan and Chongqing human and social resources departments signed the 14th Five-Year Agreement of “Key Employment Cooperation Project” “Sichuan-Chongqing”, which identified 10 key employment cooperation projects, including the ” Sichuan-Chongqing Employment Policy Coordination Plan “. and planned more than 20 key tasks The project marked the entry of the “fast track” of labor cooperation between Sichuan and Chongqing.

In the finals of the Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle Career Guidance Simulation Contest, 10 first, second and third prizes were selected from 416 applicants from Sichuan and Chongqing, setting a benchmark for career guidance in Sichuan and Chongqing. About 50 entrepreneurial trainers exchanged theoretical frontiers, teaching and research cases and training skills through the Sichuan-Chongqing Entrepreneurship Training Teaching and Research Achievement Exhibition, which effectively promoted the improvement of the faculty of the two places.

On the afternoon of March 26, Chongqing ManpowerSocial SecurityThe Bureau and Tencent Cloud Computing Company signed the “Strategic Cooperation Agreement for Training” Intelligence + Skills “High-Tech Talents”. It is planned to train 10,000 highly skilled “dual energy” talents for key groups such as college graduates to help develop the new economy and new Format technologies.

“Economic development has presented new requirements for talent development. Tencent hopes to empower various industries through technology and intelligence,” said Wang Shuai, vice president of Tencent Cloud and vice president of Tencent Education, in an interview with reporters. Intelligence + talents are in short supply, like today’s popular internet marketers, requiring talents of different levels. Wang Shuai said that this time he signed the contract with the Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, hopes that everyone will explore and test together, including certification standards, training system construction, etc., and solve the problem of the current mismatch. between social supply and demand, putting the needs of companies first.

During the week of the event, by focusing on precise docking, ample space was opened up for the combination of elements.

According to the data provided by the organizer, through the launch of business innovation project fairs, 15 venture capital institutions have reached investment and financing intentions with 40 emerging companies, involving an amount of 120 million yuan; more than 200 products of 37 poverty alleviation. Workshops are in Guanyinqiao The business district held simultaneous offline exhibitions and live broadcasts to bring goods, attracting more than 50,000 people to participate in two days, and achieving online and offline sales of more than 3 million;EatonThe real estate company signed a long-term purchase agreement with 12 poverty alleviation workshopscontract, The total order amount is 5 million yuan.

Chongqing’s good policies, a good platform and a good environment for employment and entrepreneurship were showcased in the event week and became a window and a beautiful business card for the city’s labor work.

In “Chongqing Talents · Positions Waiting for You” online and offline job fairs, 30 offline companies obtained more than 2000 high-quality positions for “face-to-face” recruitment, 7 online employers brought 1270 Hosted as live streaming guest rooms and 8135 units provided 57,000 posts made simultaneously “screen-to-screen” interaction, 400,000 people participated online, 217 people signed online and offline, and 20,000 intentions were reached.

The corresponding person in charge of the Municipal Directorate of Human Resources and Social Security stated that the results of various activities will be summarized over time, and the reflections, opinions and suggestions of experts, academics, entrepreneurs, etc. will be transformed into practical working measures Relevant units will be organized to strengthen follow-up, connection, promotion and negotiation, promote the implementation of the project’s cooperation intentions, and strive to promote further cooperation. At the same time, plan ahead and strive to turn the upcoming Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle Employment and Entrepreneurship Week into an important platform for Chongqing-based employment and entrepreneurship exchanges and cooperation, serving the West. and radiating to the whole country. “

(Source: Upstream News)

(Editor-in-charge: DF532)

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