Chen Haowu: The fundamental problem of China’s public welfare enterprises is the lack of national public spirit | China_Sina Finance_Sina


Original title: Chen Haowu: China’s fundamental public welfare problem is lack of national public spirit

Our reporter Wen Mei, reporter-in-training Chen Keyu reports from Beijing

“I have always believed that the fundamental problem of China’s public welfare companies is actually a lack of public spirit.” Shenzhen Shimenkan Education Charity Foundation,Changjiang ValuesThe founder of the company, Chen Haowu, said.

On December 23 this year, at the 2020 China Annual Philanthropy Conference held in Beijing, Chen Haowu delivered a keynote address on “Spirit of Charity and Social Responsibility.” He believes that an important form of public welfare activities is to promote the development of social communities, cultivate the public spirit of the people, and encourage people to actively participate in public welfare activities.

Chen Haowu has been engaged in economic work for a long time. He founded Changjiang Securities in the early 1990s and served as chairman of the board. He has long been concerned about the education of ethnic minority children in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. For example, he established the Shimenkan Support Group in 2011 and the Shimenkan Educational Charity Foundation in 2015 to provide educational resources to ethnic minority children and promote and implement the concept of fair education. . Furthermore, he also tried to use the Internet to promote “MO Classes”, hoping to promote educational equity in the remote mountains of Wumeng.

Based on years of experience in the practice of public welfare, Chen Haowu gave his own explanation of the public spirit. He believed that the public spirit is universal altruism, universal public attention, the universal will to do good and the universal practice of the “golden rule”: – “Do to others, do not impose on others.”

  Lack of public spirit is the central problem

China Times: Why did you choose that topic for today’s speech and what thoughts did you have?

Chen Haowu: I have worked in public welfare for more than ten years, I think the central problem in China is the lack of public spirit. China has always been a decentralized peasant economy in history, and one of the most important characteristics of the small-scale peasant economy is the lack of community, which is decentralized and independent. Therefore, the Chinese people traditionally lack a cohesive spirit, so advertising is the most lacking in the entire national spirit.

The core of the spirit of public welfare resides precisely in its advertising, it is the care of public affairs and the care of community members, by a kind of altruism and will for good, because the nature of public welfare is altruism.

“China Times”: Does the quality of the Chinese people have beneficial elements?

Chen Haowu: Of course there is. From the perspective of traditional Chinese culture, the will to be good has been emphasized since the Axial Age. The core of Confucius and Mencius’s “ritual of resolve with benevolence” is to emphasize the will to do good. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, Wang Yangming presented a very important point: consciousness.

What is consciousness? Wang Yangming explained it very clearly: when he saw the neighbor’s boy about to fall into the well, the first reaction was to grab the boy and prevent him from falling into the water. But the person who wants to catch the child may have a dispute with the child’s father, but the first reaction of this person should be to save the child, not to hesitate on the subject of the dispute. Wang Yangming believes that this is the instinctual awareness in people’s hearts. “Knowing without worry is for the sake of conscience.” Therefore, as long as this awareness in everyone’s heart radiates, it is a public spirit.

The source of the public spirit, in addition to the will to goodness that I mentioned, is compassion in human bones. Mencius said that everyone has compassion. The fundamental purpose is to cultivate the public spirit of the people. Only by letting the public spirit of the people be cultivated, their will to be good, their spirit of altruism and their willingness to do what they don’t want to do with others will it be done naturally.

  Build a social community through the development of public welfare organizations.

“China Times”: How do you think people should have a public spirit? How to guide everyone?

Chen Haowu: Very good question. There are three methods: the first is to develop education, which consists of cultivating the altruistic spirit of people from primary school, secondary school and university. In fact, the current social environment is very pessimistic, the elderly fell underground and nobody dared to help, it was very scary. There is still much room for the cultivation of the altruistic spirit in our society.

The second is to build a community to cultivate the public spirit. For example, a non-profit organization is a community. If everyone learns from each other and helps each other in this community, a long-term feeling of love for the community will develop. This is the public spirit.

The third article is to raise awareness of the public spirit of the people, we must set an example in this regard, so that everyone can find a learning model.

China Times: How should we develop our own community?

Chen Haowu: In China, public welfare activities are precisely the most important embryos of social communities. Through the development of public welfare organizations, communities large and small are formed. The core of the development of public welfare organizations is social reconstruction, it is important to note that this type of social reconstruction is social, not administrative, institutional or institutional. It is the rebuilding of civil society and society, it is the charitable organization and it is the most important part of the community.

The development of public welfare organizations is the development of a community, so people must actively participate in the activities of public welfare organizations.

  Entrepreneurs must assume social responsibility

“China Times”: In your opinion, in the process of social reconstruction, what kind of responsibilities and responsibilities should entrepreneurs have?

Chen Haowu: In this era, entrepreneurs are trying to promote social equity through the third distribution of national income. From an economic point of view, the state implements the second distribution of national income through taxes, so the core of the current situation is to solve the problem of the third distribution of wealth. The third distribution is get rich first and then get rich.

Therefore, today’s business class must show more compassion to support and develop public welfare enterprises, and allocate a greater proportion of its annual wealth to supporting poor areas and poor people, and promoting social equity.

I believe that the contribution of entrepreneurs is in several aspects:

First of all, the entrepreneur’s business development can increase social employment, which is its first-rate contribution. Second, you can provide taxes on the products you make. The third level of contribution is charity. Currently, the system can guarantee both the first-level contribution and the second-level contribution of the entrepreneurs, but what is defended now is the third aspect of the entrepreneur contribution, which is not subject to the limitations of the system. It belongs to the entrepreneur. The category of conscience and social care is your responsibility of the times.

“China Times”: From the perspective of entrepreneurs who take on more social responsibilities, what kind of trend do you think the development of the entire public welfare industry will take in the future?

Chen Haowu:

These aspects probably exist, the first is that in social reconstruction, there are more and more social communities, and the proportion of the population included in the community is increasing.

Second, the third distribution represents an increasing proportion of the total national income distribution. At present, our proportion is very small. I have traveled to more than 80 countries in the world, such as Japan, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, which are highly developed capitalist societies. In these countries, schools, hospitals and laboratories have a large number of teaching buildings with private names. Many people spend their entire lives and eventually contribute all their wealth to these public sectors. The public sector that I am referring to here refers to public sectors such as education, health care, social welfare, and pensions. There are three phrases in the Western Puritan spirit: desperately making money; desperately save; donate desperately.

I believe that the Puritan spirit is not the patent of Western businessmen. Chinese entrepreneurs should also have their own public spirit, which requires continuous exploration.

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Editor in Charge: Xue Yongwei
