
The Hubei Procuratorate’s “Eight Practical Facts” settled difficult scores and helped defrauded people recoup nearly 1.4 billion losses.

[ad_1] Original title: “Eight Practical Facts” from the Hubei Prosecutor’s Office to Help Disappointed People Recover Nearly 1.4 Billion Losses News from Wuhan, China on December 18 (Reporter Zuo Aifu, Correspondent Cai Xin) On December 18, the Hubei Provincial Prosecutor’s Office held a press conference. The party group member of …

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How many places are rumored to be “power outages” affected by Guangdong? There will be no large-scale production reduction as usual! _ Eastern Fortune Network

[ad_1] Summary [¿Serumoreaquela”restriccióndeenergía”enmuchoslugaresafectaráaGuangdong?Ningunaproduccióndefábricadereducciónagranescalacomodecostumbre!】RecientementeHunanZhejiangyotroslugareshanemitidosucesivamenteavisosde”usoordenadodelaelectricidad”yhanreaparecidolos”apagonesencendidos”quenoseveíanenmuchosañosSinembargosegúnlasituaciónqueelperiodistahaaprendidodemuchasfuentesGuangdongcomounaimportanteprovinciaeconómicadeChinayespecialmenteeldeltadelríoPearlqueesunimportantecentroeconómicodelaprovincianohavistomedidasderacionamientodeenergíaagranescalaylaproducciónyelfuncionamientodelasempresasnosehanvistoafectadasporfactoresrelacionados(Reddetiemposdevalores)[¿Serumoreaquela”restriccióndeenergía”enmuchoslugaresafectaráaGuangdong?¡Ningunaproduccióndefábricadereducciónagranescalacomodecostumbre!】RecientementeHunanZhejiangyotroslugareshanemitidosucesivamenteavisosde”usoordenadodelaelectricidad”yhanreaparecidolos”apagonesencendidos”quenoseveíanenmuchosañosSinembargosegúnlasituaciónqueelperiodistahaaprendidodemuchasfuentesGuangdongcomounaimportanteprovinciaeconómicadeChinayespecialmenteeldeltadelríoPearlqueesunimportantecentroeconómicodelaprovincianohavistomedidasderacionamientodeenergíaagranescalaylaproducciónyelfuncionamientodelasempresasnosehanvistoafectadasporfactoresrelacionados(Reddetiemposdevalores)   This winter, not only the new corona pneumonia epidemic, but also the “energy restriction” is frustrating. Recently, Hunan, Zhejiang and elsewhere have successively issued “orderly use of electricity” notices, and “electricity restriction” has reappeared that had not been seen in many years. However, according to the situation …

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China’s First Legalized Business Environment Judicial Protection Assessment Report Released_ 东方

[ad_1] Original Title: China’s First Legalized Business Environment Judicial Protection Assessment Report Released “The rule of law in ChongqingBusiness environmentJudicial evaluationIndex systemThird-party pilot evaluationreport“Launched in Chongqing on the 18th, it is the first legalized judicial guarantee of China’s business environmentEvaluation reportThe results of the evaluation show that the judicial protection …

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“City-to-city high-speed rail link” next year! Four keywords to decode Guangdong’s “14th Five-Year Plan” proposal_ 东方

[ad_1] Original title: “High-speed train from city to city” next year. Four keywords that decode the proposed “XIV Five Year Plan” of Guangdong   trafficAs a high-level design, a powerful country is clearly an important part of the overall strategy for economic and social development. The same goes for the traffic …

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5G + Industrial Internet Shenyang Sino-German Park Builds Characteristic Industrial Cluster for Smart Driving_Development

[ad_1] Original title: 5G + Industrial Internet Shenyang Zhongde Park to build a characteristic industrial cluster for intelligent driving Unveiling.Photo by Zhao Guihua China News Service, Shenyang, Dec 18 (Zhao Guihua) Liaoning Institute of Intelligent Transportation and Intelligent Driving Research Co., Ltd. was established and unveiled, and the north headquarters …

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