
China Electronic Commerce Research Institute published the economic list of private domains Wei Ya and Li Jiaqi were selected_ 东方

[ad_1] Original title: China Electronic Commerce Research Institute published private domain economic list Wei Ya and Li Jiaqi were selected The “private economy” is becoming a new channel for China’s e-commerce development. On the afternoon of March 27, at the “Individual Future and Private Domain Entrepreneurship Summit” held in Hangzhou …

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Chinese companies are excluded, international brands are unwilling to publish the survey results

[ad_1] Original title: Chinese companies are excluded, international brands are unwilling to announce the survey results   [环球时报-环球网报道 记者 范凌志 刘欣 杨若愚]Borrowing the concept of “forced labor” as a “panacea” to suppress the industries of other countries is a fruitless method in the United States. Recently, it is the Xinjiang cotton …

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China Eastern Airlines enters the summer and fall flight season on March 28 to operate the average daily volume of domestic flights exceeds 2,800 flights_TOM News

[ad_1] Starting on March 28, China Civil Aviation will implement the flight plan for the 2021 summer and fall seasons, which will last until October 30. After this change in season, the total average daily number of Eastern Airlines will reach more than 2,830 flights, of which the daily average …

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Jiangxi Provincial Health Commission Notice Announcement on March 26, 2021 New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Situation in Jiangxi Province

[ad_1] Jiangxi Provincial Health Commission Notice Announcement on March 26, 2021 New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Situation in Jiangxi Province 221News/col/col38014/index.htmladvertisement/col/col38018/index.html Announcement on the epidemic situation of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Jiangxi Province on March 26, 2021 Release date: 2021-03-27 00: 42 Information sources: Commission Emergency Office Source:[ 大 中 小 …

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There are 129 A-share listed companies in the jurisdiction of Anhui to promote high-quality development of listed companies.

[ad_1] Original title: 129 A-share listed companies in the jurisdiction promote high-quality development of Anhui listed companies March 26, included in Anhuithe companyThe fourth session of the fifth session of the AssociationmemberThe conference was held in Hefei. At the meeting, Ye Jinwei, secretary of the Party Committee and director of …

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Large container ship stranded in Suez Canal, focus is now on whether it needs to unload to reduce weight | Suez Canal | Helicopter_Sina Technology

[ad_1] Original title: Container ship stranded in the Suez Canal. Currently, the focus is on whether unloading is necessary to reduce the load. Source: Sina Finance The 400-meter-long container ship “Longci”, carrying nearly $ 1 billion in cargo, ran aground in the Suez Canal on Tuesday. The rescue time is …

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New Medical Device Regulations Will Implement Registrant System June 1 to Release Dividends and Implement Liability-Finance News

[ad_1] Original title: New medical device regulations to be implemented on June 1, registrant system releases dividends and implements liability The medical device industry has always had the problem of “scattered small-scale industries and mixed industries”. Repeated and fierce competition has become the norm. The new device registration system is …

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