
Make sure there is no large-scale import and rebound of the epidemic! National Health Work Conference: Prepare for a long-term battle against the new corona virus | Daily Economic News

[ad_1] According to the website of the National Health Commission, the 2021 National Health Work Conference was held in Beijing on February 5. The meeting is guided by Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implements fully the spirit of the XIX National Congress of …

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Cracking down on cybercriminals and protecting clear online space: cybersecurity and computerization operations have achieved positive

[ad_1] Original Title: Fighting Cybercrime Production, Protecting Online Space Clear: Cyber ​​Information System Crime Campaign Achieved Positive Results Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 5 Topic: Fighting Cybercriminals and Protecting Online Space Clear: Computerization and Cybersecurity Operations Have Achieved Positive Results Xinhua News Agency reporters Yu Junjie and Zhou Wenchong Since …

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Declaration of guilt and punishment with indulgence: Experts assure that the interpretation of the new Criminal Procedure Law promotes the constant development of private companies

[ad_1] Original title: Guilty plea and leniency sanction: Experts say that the interpretation of the new criminal procedure law promotes the constant development of private companies The “Interpretation of the New Law on Criminal Procedure” will enter into force on March 1, 2021, in which the “System of clemency for …

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Total investment is about 34 billion yuan, 68 key investment projects in Tianjin Binhai New Area “Cloud Signing” -Science and Technology News

[ad_1] Science and Technology Journal reporter Chen Xi “The new filling line and storage tank project signed by the company this time will bring the Mobil 1 high-end product cans to Tianjin, increase localized production and supply of high-end products to meet the growing demand from China. of high-end lubricant …

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Outlying Islands Tax Exemption Policy Strengthens Hainan to Initiate a “Buy, Buy, Buy” Model for the Chinese New Year Holiday |

[ad_1] Original Title: Outlying Islands Tax Exemption Policy Strengthens Hainan to Initiate a “Buy, Buy, Buy” Model for the New Year Holidays. Source: Securities Daily Our reporter Xiang Yantao As the Spring Festival approaches, Ms. Liu, who lives in Wuhan, has already started a “holiday mode.” On February 3, she …

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The Commerce Ministry released two statistics: Overseas travel has gotten colder, Hainan’s outer islands have become more tax-free | Sanya_Sina

[ad_1] Original caption: The Ministry of Commerce released two statistics: Overseas travel is cold, Hainan’s outlying islands are on fire [Global Times-Global Network Reporter, Ni Hao]On February 4, the Ministry of Commerce revealed two pieces of information. Among them, China’s travel services imports in 2020 fell 47.7% year-on-year, while the …

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Shijiazhuang cancels all low-risk areas within the city limits, self-installed inspection sites, Jilin Tonghua and other places, the epidemic situation stabilizes-Xinhua

[ad_1] Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 4, Shijiazhuang canceled all inspection sites established by the borders of low-risk areas within the city, and the epidemic situation in Jilin, Tonghua and other places has gradually stabilized. At 0-24 o’clock on Day 3, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province added 2 new confirmed cases …

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China Construction indirect holding subsidiary fined 70,000 yuan for environmental violations

[ad_1] Original caption: China Construction’s indirect subsidiary fined 70,000 yuan for environmental violations “A crotchgreenreport“Visualization of project monitoring data,Chinese architecture(601668.SH) Indirect Controller Childthe companyThe Third Construction of the Fifth Construction Office of ChinaLimited liability companyIllegal due to the environmentbehaviorSubject to administrative penalties. According to “Tianjin Air Pollution Prevention and ControlRegulations“Article …

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