
What kind of development logic did Chengdu release from two international conferences on the same day? | Chengdu_Sina

[ad_1] Original title: What development logic did Chengdu release from two international conferences on the same day? Every commentator Yang Qifei Today, Chengdu held two large-scale international conferences at the same time. On hard power, “2020 Chengdu Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair-The First International Blockchain Industry Expo” (hereinafter referred to …

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* ST Letong first three quarters of revenue of 269 million yuan in net profit turned losses into profit

[ad_1] Original title: * ST Letong first three quarters of revenue of 269 million yuan in net profit turned losses into profit On the afternoon of October 28* ST LetongPublish the 2020 quarterly report.reportDuring the period,the companyachieveOperating income269 ​​million yuan,Net profit263,400 yuan,Year with yearAchieve a turnaround for profit. The company …

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Zhou Zhennan’s parents were exposed to the debts of hundreds of millions of draft idols, the brand’s biggest public opinion crisis? | Zhou Zhennan_Sina

[ad_1] Original title: Zhou Zhennan’s parents were exposed to hundreds of millions in debt When did “draft idols” become the brand’s biggest “public opinion crisis”? In recent days, topics related to “Zhou Zhennan’s parents have more than 100 million debts” continue to dominate hot searches on Weibo, with more than …

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Under the epidemic, China’s economy rises against the trend, foreign companies borrow from the Expo to share development dividends | New Crown pneumonia_Sina

[ad_1] Under the epidemic, China’s economy rises against the trend, foreign companies borrow from the CIIE to share development dividends. Author: gold leaf   [ 作为世界上第一个以进口为主题的大型国家级展会,进博会是中国积极扩大进口的重要平台。尤其是在世界经济低迷的大背景下,中国经济逆势上扬的成绩单,让跨国企业纷纷通过进博会分享中国发展红利。 ]   [ “过去两届进博会,我们看到了国内企业在数字化转型领域的巨大需求。过去几个月中,我们见证了中国经济的强大韧性,二、三季度GDP均实现正向增长。我们期待在进博会上与更多国内企业和客户开展深入的交流互动,积极促进国内、国际双循环。”江森自控副总裁朱永焕说。 ] While the global epidemic is still spreading, international exhibitions have been canceled one after another, and global companies are looking forward …

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The National Health Commission answers the questions of all journalists: telemedicine coverage has expanded enormously in the past year and the number of people served exceeded 21.72 million | Health Commission | New Crown Pneumonia_Sina

[ad_1] Original title: The National Health Commission answers the questions of all journalists: Telemedicine coverage has expanded enormously. Last year, the number of people served exceeded 21.72 million Every time reporter Zhou Chengcheng Every time editor Wang Keran On October 28, the Information Office of the State Council held a …

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International gold prices are struggling to stay higher, but the two main negative factors are also very obvious | Trump_Sina

[ad_1] Original title: International gold prices are struggling to top. Although the uncertainty of the US general election continues to ferment, the two main negative factors are also very obvious On Wednesday (October 28), the international price of gold continued to struggle to rise above the 1,900 USD mark. The …

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Online and offline integration develops consumption patterns to accelerate changes

[ad_1]  [Bajo la dirección de Xi Jinping Pensamiento sobre el socialismo con características chinas para una nueva era: la máquina Yuxin abre un nuevo juego]Convergence of online and offline development of consumer mode to accelerate changes   CCTV News(Newscast): Secretary-General Xi Jinping pointed out that looking ahead, we must take the …

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Trump admitted that there is no hope of reaching a stimulus deal before the election. Why can gold prices still hold up in 1900? | United States_Sina

[ad_1] Source: FX168 Original title: Gold bulls is hit! Trump admits there is no hope of reaching a stimulus agreement before the election Gold priceWhy can you still hold on to 1900? These two factors may be the key FX168 Financial News (Hong Kong) reported on Wednesday (Oct 28) in …

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Part of the COVID-19 vaccine must be transported and stored at minus 70 degrees, and the new temperature sensor will help distribution | temperature sensor | new pneumonia crown_Sina Technology

[ad_1] Original title: Some COVID-19 vaccines must be transported and stored at minus 70 degrees. The new temperature sensor will help distribute Source: cnBeta.COM While scientists and pharmaceutical companies are actively promoting the new corona COVID-19 vaccine, some startups are also actively solving problems that arise during the vaccine distribution …

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