
Biden Statement on Vaccine Progress from Pfizer US Media: In Stark Contrast to Trump | Trump | Pfizer | Biden_Sina

[ad_1] Original Caption: Biden Voiced His Views On Pfizer Vaccine Progress, US Media: In Stark Contrast To Trump   [文/观察者网 张晨静]The situation of the new corona epidemic in the United States is extremely serious, in the last 10 days 1 million new cases have been confirmed and the cumulative number of …

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Strengthening of political control and revitalization of the city’s control bodies “six stability measures” and “six guarantees” are effective | Popular Prosecutor’s Office | Prosecutor’s Office | Disciplinary Inspection_Sina News

[ad_1] Original title: Strengthening of political supervision to promote the organs of the city prosecutor The “six stability” and “six guarantees” measures are effective Source: Fengzheng Bayu   How to reduce the adverse impact of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, promote the prosecution organs to improve the legal business environment, and …

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Fiscal bodies crack down on crimes of destruction of wildlife resources and prosecute more than 15,000 people in the first three quarters.

[ad_1] The prosecution bodies cracked down on crimes of destruction of natural resources and prosecuted more than 15,000 people in the first three quarters. The reporter learned from the Supreme People’s Prosecutor’s Office: From January to September of this year, the organs of the prosecutor’s office throughout the country processed …

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Thirty and start a new journey | “Four cities” see the high-quality development of Pudong “starry sky” | Heilongjiang News Network

[ad_1] Thirty and start a new journey | “Four cities” see the high-quality development of Pudong “starry sky” CCTV News: This year marks the 30th anniversary of the development and opening of Shanghai Pudong. At first, four national development zones, Lujiazui, Waigaoqiao, Jinqiao and Zhangjiang, were established one after another, …

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“Party Members Get Ahead”? The CCP Launched Its Propaganda Machine to Rewrite the History of the Wuhan Epidemic | CCP virus | Wuhan pneumonia | Rewrite the Wuhan narrative | Propaganda machine | Hide the epidemic | Li Wenliang

[ad_1] [Voice of Hope 9 de noviembre de 2020](Reported by our reporter Yang Zheng)While hiding that the epidemic of the CCP virus (Wuhan pneumonia), which has brought serious disasters to the world, is still spreading, the CCP has begun to use propaganda machines to rewrite this period of history. The …

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Has Biden’s release of goodwill data privacy issues to the EU become the first step in the US and Europe to ease? _Sina

[ad_1] Biden’s good faith disclosure of data privacy to the EU has become the first step in the US and Europe to smooth it out. Author: Kai Kang   [ 作为建制派代表,拜登与欧洲主要国家领导人相识甚久。这也使得欧盟方面相信,如果拜登当选美国总统,将使美欧之间的诸多谈判重启。 ] According to US media estimates, the Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Biden won more than 270 electoral …

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Evergrande and Shenzhen Real Estate complete restructuring and resume operations on the first day of Shenzhen Real Estate A and B share performance

[ad_1] Evergrande and Shenzhen Real Estate Terminate Reorganization and Resume Operations on Day OneDeep room AShares and B shares starred in “two skies of ice and fire” Source: The Voice of Securities Daily Daily Values Evergrande’s long series of restructurings finally came to an end. On the night of November …

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Major adjustments to Biden’s epidemic prevention policy may not necessarily impose an economic lockdown | COVID-19-Finance News

[ad_1] Major adjustments to Biden’s epidemic prevention policy may not necessarily implement the economic lockdown Author: elegant   [ 截至美东时间11月8日,美国连续四天刷新单日新增病例的纪录,5日至7日每天报告的新增确诊病例均超过12万例。 ] According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United States is close to 10 million and the death toll exceeds …

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