
Research and development of the isothermal box Pfizer to solve the problem of the transport of the new corona vaccine | new crown pneumonia_Sina

[ad_1] Original title: Research and development of the Pfizer isothermal box to solve the new transport problem of the corona vaccine In the last period of time, although good news about the progress of the new corona vaccine has appeared frequently in the newspapers, behind the news there are always …

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Cracking down on “structured bond issuance” Merchants Association suspends Jinggong Group bond issuance for 2 years

[ad_1] Original title: Crack down on “structured bond issuance”, Dealers Association suspends Jinggong Group bond issuance in 2 years Summary [Reprimir estrictamente la “emisión de bonos estructurados” La Asociación de Comerciantes suspende la emisión de bonos del Grupo Jinggong en 2 años]The aftermath of Yongmei’s default is still there, and …

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How to find the most prominent industries in the market landscape? _ Eastern Fortune Network

[ad_1] Summary [Diferenciacióndetendenciasdeacciones¿cómoencontrarlasindustriasmásdestacadasenelpanoramadelmercado?DecaraalfuturoelmercadopuedeexperimentarfluctuacionesacortoplazoperolatendenciadecambiodeestilodesdejulioserácadavezmásobviaLarazónprincipalesquelatendenciaderecuperacióneconómicanocambiaráenelcortoplazoeinclusopuededeberseaqueloscambiosenlademandaexternasuperanlasexpectativasEnestecontextoamedioplazoelmercadoestaráimpulsadobásicamenteporunrendimientoimpulsadoporvaloracionesbajasunaprociclicidadrelativamentedominanteyunamayordiferenciaciónestructural(Reddetiemposdevalores)[Diferenciacióndetendenciasdeacciones¿cómoencontrarlasindustriasmásdestacadasenelpanoramadelmercado?DecaraalfuturoelmercadopuedeexperimentarfluctuacionesacortoplazoperolatendenciadecambiodeestilodesdejulioserácadavezmásobviaLarazónprincipalesquelatendenciaderecuperacióneconómicanocambiaráenelcortoplazoeinclusopuededeberseaqueloscambiosenlademandaexternasuperanlasexpectativasEnestecontextoamedioplazoelmercadoestaráimpulsadobásicamenteporunrendimientoimpulsadoporvaloracionesbajasunaprociclicidadrelativamentedominanteyunamayordiferenciaciónestructural(Reddetiemposdevalores) Today the market as a whole continues to fall, but the cycle and growth sectors differ even more.The Shanghai Composite IndexUp to 0.22%,Shenzhen Component IndexIt fell 0.54%,Market Business Growth IndexIt fell 1.41%. Cyclical stocks supplemented their gains and growth stocks continued to decline.BankThe growth rate of the …

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Suspected of providing assistance for the illegal Yongmei carbon bond issuance, Haitong Securities is under a self-discipline investigation by the Merchants Association.

[ad_1] Original Caption: Suspected of Assisting Yongmei’s Illegal Coal Bond Issuance, Haitong Securities Under Self-Discipline Investigation by the Merchants Association In the event of a default on Yongmei’s coal bonds, Haitong Securities and its related subsidiaries were caught up in the storm. On November 18, the China Association of Institutional …

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The Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a notice to study and implement the spirit of Jiangsu Secretary General Xi Jinping’s important inspection speech_Xinhua News

[ad_1] The Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a notice to study and implement the spirit of Secretary General Xi Jinping’s important speech from the Jiangsu inspection. Meeting Point News A few days ago, the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the …

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Precise Relief to Expand Domestic Demand, Reform and Openness: Prime Minister’s Forum Issues Three Important Signals to Stabilize Economy_Economics

[ad_1] Original Title: Precise Relief to Expand Domestic Demand, Reform, and Openness – Prime Minister’s Forum Releases Three Important Signs to Stabilize Economy Source: Daily economic information On November 16, Li Keqiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Prime Minister …

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