
India bans 43 apps again, Ali sellers recruited

[ad_1] Original title: India to ban 43 apps again Source: Beijing Commercial Daily Beijing Business Daily (Reporter Wei Wei) On November 25, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian responded to India’s ban on many Chinese apps: China expressed serious concern over the relevant Indian statement. Since June this year, the Indian …

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Is the National Development and Reform Commission rumored to investigate the new energy vehicles that have been named Evergrande and Baoneng? What is the truth? _ Eastern Fortune Network

[ad_1] Original title: What is the situation? The National Development and Reform Commission is rumored to investigate new energy vehicles, and have Evergrande and Baoneng been named? What is the truth? Summary [¿SequejódequelaComisiónNacionaldeDesarrolloyReformainvestigaelnuevovehículodeenergíaquesenombraEvergrandeyBaoneng?Cuáleslaverdad?】El25denoviembresegúnChinaBusinessNewslaComisiónNacionaldeDesarrolloyReformaemitiórecientementeel”Avisosobrelarealizacióndelainvestigacióndelaproducciónyproyectosdevehículosdenuevaenergía”requiriendolascomisionesdedesarrolloyreformadetodaslasprovinciasregionesautónomasymunicipiosLasituacióndelainversiónregionalenvehículosdenuevaenergíaseinformaalDepartamentodeIndustriadelaComisióndeDesarrolloyReformaEl”Notice”tambiénrequierequetodaslaslocalidadesinformenendetallelosnuevosproyectosdevehículosycomponentesdeenergíaenlosqueEvergrandeBaonengyotrascompañíashaninvertidoyplaneadoinvertirenellocaldesde2017incluidalaocupacióndelterrenoelcontenidodelaconstrucciónelprogresodelproyectoylainversióncompletada(CorredordeChina)[¿SequejódequelaComisiónNacionaldeDesarrolloyReformainvestigaelnuevovehículodeenergíaquesenombraEvergrandeyBaoneng?¿Cuáleslaverdad?】El25denoviembresegúnChinaBusinessNewslaComisiónNacionaldeDesarrolloyReformaemitiórecientementeel”Avisosobrelarealizacióndelainvestigacióndelaproducciónyproyectosdevehículosdenuevaenergía”requiriendolascomisionesdedesarrolloyreformadetodaslasprovinciasregionesautónomasymunicipiosLasituacióndelainversiónregionalenvehículosdenuevaenergíaseinformaalDepartamentodeIndustriadelaComisióndeDesarrolloyReformaEl”Aviso”tambiénrequierequetodaslaslocalidadesinformenendetallelosnuevosproyectosdevehículosycomponentesdeenergíaenlosqueEvergrandeBaonengyotrascompañíashaninvertidoyplaneadoinvertirenellocaldesde2017incluidalaocupacióndelterrenoelcontenidodelaconstrucciónelprogresodelproyectoylainversióncompletada(CorredordeChina) On November 25, according to China Business News, the National Development and Reform Commission recently issued the …

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Construction plans have been published one after another, new free zones will be established to start centrally | Anhui_Sina

[ad_1] Original title: The construction plans are published one after another and the new free zone begins Source: Daily economic information The construction of a new batch of pilot free trade zones in China marked the beginning of a concentrated start. On the 25th, Zhejiang made it clear that in …

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Construction plans have been published one after another, new free zones will be established to start centralized construction | Beijing | Anhui | Hunan_Sina

[ad_1] Original title: The construction plans are published one after another and the new free zone begins The construction of a new batch of pilot free trade zones in China marked the beginning of a concentrated start. On the 25th, Zhejiang made it clear that in order to anchor the …

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Zhejiang Announces Latest Progress in Building Pilot Free Trade Zone; two policies will soon be presented | Free trade | Zhejiang | Hangzhou_Sina

[ad_1] Original Title: Zhejiang Announces Latest Development of Pilot Free Trade Zone, Two Policies Will Be Promulgated The scene of the press conference Photo by China News Agency reporter Huang Hui. China News Service, Hangzhou, Nov 25 (Reporter Huang Hui) The China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone has been established …

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Zhejiang announces the latest progress in the construction of a pilot free trade zone, 2 policies to be introduced soon_Sheng Qiuping

[ad_1] Original Caption: Zhejiang Announces Latest Development Of Pilot Free Trade Zone Construction, 2 Policies Will Be Promulgated The scene of the press conference Photo by China News Agency reporter Huang Hui. China News Service, Hangzhou, Nov 25 (Reporter Huang Hui) The China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone has been …

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Poverty alleviation is not the end, and the future will be effectively connected with rural revitalization_Industry_Property Channel Home_Finance Network-CAIJING.COM.CN

[ad_1] On November 23, Guizhou Province announced that the remaining 9 impoverished counties would withdraw from the impoverished counties sequence. So far, China’s 832 impoverished counties have lifted themselves out of poverty. The millennium dream of the Chinese nation to completely rid itself of absolute poverty and realize a well-off …

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Zhejiang Free Trade Zone version 2.0 implementation plan will be launched soon, 70 measures are the first in Zhejiang | Free Trade_Sina

[ad_1] Original title: Zhejiang Free Trade Zone 2.0 implementation plan to be launched soon, 70 measures are the first in Zhejiang Version 2.0 of the Zhejiang Free Zone implementation plan has made further progress. On November 25, the Zhejiang Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference on the construction …

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