Carry out the work of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” with two general interests in mind: study and implement the spirit of the Central Rural Labor Conference-China News


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 30

  People’s Daily Commentator Article Dec. 31: Doing a Good Job in “Agriculture, Rural Areas, and Farmers” with Two Broad Interests in Mind

  ——When studying and implementing the spirit of the Central Rural Labor Conference

Agriculture is the outline of the country. If China wants to be strong, agriculture must be strong, China must be beautiful in rural areas, and China must be rich in farmers.

As our country is about to enter the period of the “XIV Five Year Plan” and begin a new journey to build a modern socialist country at an important historic intersection, the Central Conference on Rural Labor that has just been held in Beijing sent a signal clear to the whole party and society: The journey is still extremely important and you should not relax in the moment. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the meeting, comprehensively summarizing the historical achievements and historical changes in China’s agricultural and rural development since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Starting with the general construction of a modern socialist country, he explained in depth the general progress. The great importance, guiding ideology and general requirements of rural revitalization and acceleration of agricultural and rural modernization have scientifically answered a number of important theoretical and practical questions about how to do the work of the “three rural areas” in the new stage of development. This has a very important guiding meaning to further unify thinking, gather forces and do a good job in the work of the “three rural areas” in the new era.

That a wealthy society is not a wealthy society depends on the villagers. The quality of poverty alleviation and the quality of a wealthy society depend to a large extent on the efficiency of the work of the “three rural areas”. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, has insisted on addressing the issue of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” as the top priority of work. of the party, taking the alleviation of poverty as a historical project to build a well-off society in an integral way and giving full play to the party. China’s leadership and the political advantages of China’s socialist system have taken many original and unique initiatives to organize and promote the unprecedented scale, greatest force, and most populous fight against poverty in human history, and initiate the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. After 8 years of continuous struggle, we have completed the task of poverty alleviation in the new era as scheduled, we achieved a great victory that impressed the world, we made an important contribution to the construction of a moderately prosperous society in all aspects. and we lay a solid foundation for the new journey of building a modern socialist country in a comprehensive way. base. Now, the victory of building a well-off society in all respects is in sight, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has taken a new step forward. At the historical juncture of the march towards the goal of the second centenary, in the situation in which the task of alleviating poverty has been completed and in the special moment when the new epidemic of corona pneumonia exacerbates the turmoil and change of the world, it is of great importance and impact to do a good job in the new stage of development. Powerful, the entire party must fully understand the importance and urgency of this work.

Secretary-General Xi Jinping noted: “To build a modern socialist country in a comprehensive way and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the most arduous and arduous tasks are still in the field, and the most extensive and deep foundation is still in the countryside”. Looking at the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the nation To rejuvenate, the village must be revitalized. Both history and reality tell us that agriculture is the foundation of the state and the solid state of the nation. We must persist in looking at the issues of agriculture, rural areas and peasants with a great historical perspective. Only when we have a deep understanding of the “three rural issues” can we better understand our party, this country and this nation. It must be seriously recognized that despite the remarkable achievements in the work of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”, the agricultural base is still not stable, the gap between urban and rural development and the distribution of Income is high, the unbalanced development of urban and rural areas and insufficient rural development remain the concentrated manifestations of the main social contradictions. . From the perspective of major changes that have not been seen in the world in a century, stabilizing the fundamentals of agriculture and maintaining the foundations of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” is the “ballast stone” to respond to the situation and open a new game. For a large country like ours with a population of 1.4 billion, the “three rural areas” are improving and the overall situation is active. Building a new development pattern is our strategic move to deal with the world’s major changes, and it is also our first step in adapting to changes in the national development stage and grasping the development initiative. By putting the strategic starting point on expanding domestic demand, there is plenty of room for rural areas to do a lot. Leading cadres at all levels must have two general interests in mind, strengthen awareness of opportunities and risks, accurately recognize changes, respond scientifically, actively seek change, nurture opportunities in crisis, open new situations in the situation changing and working hard to achieve a new stage of development. The work of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” promotes high quality and high efficiency agriculture, livable and suitable rural areas and prosperous farmers, in order to get off to a good start and begin the all-round construction of a modern socialist country .

Next year is the first year to implement the “XIV Five Year Plan” and begin a new journey of comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. Do a good job in the “three rural” work in the new stage of development, consolidate and expand achievements in poverty alleviation, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. The mission is glorious and the task is arduous. We must unify our thoughts and actions in the spirit of Secretary General Xi Jinping’s important speech and the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee, focus on doing our own business well, doing solid “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” work. , celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party with outstanding achievements and ensure the realization of the “Tenth” The Fourth Five-Year Plan started well.
